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Did Rumsfield and Chums want and allow 9/11 to happen? The Poll!

Did Rumsfield and Chums want and allow 9/11 to happen?

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editor said:
Really? And your clinical proof of this astounding claim is......

Clinical proof these days is it?

I reckon Rumsfeld is insane, just as i do bush and blair and many others that get to high office. It's the job you see...

In fact there's bucket loads of insanity going on all around you editor (and anyone else in britain), have you not seen it?

Of course, it takes one to know one...
editor said:
Are you sure your boards will be able to handle all the traffic?

After all, your arguments are so convincing,

When you pointed out that 9/11 threads usually end up with people endlessly repeating themselves, you were referring to yourself, yes? You sound like my ten year old cousin does, reeling off boastful nonsense when logic and reason eludes him, also.
fela fan said:
Clinical proof these days is it?

I reckon Rumsfeld is insane, just as i do bush and blair and many others that get to high office. It's the job you see...

In fact there's bucket loads of insanity going on all around you editor (and anyone else in britain), have you not seen it?

Of course, it takes one to know one...

So you're claiming insanity too. Out of touch maybe, insane, nah, you don't have the luxury of going insane.
DrJazzz said:
The 'bonkers conspiracy' theorists appear to be outnumbering the dustmen... !


But if you happen to point that out, Jazzz, the Editor claims that the only reason is because the poll has been 'badly worded' :D and then asks how many people are posting on my board, to help him out a little, like :D
Citizen66 said:
But if you happen to point that out, Jazzz, the Editor claims that the only reason is because the poll has been 'badly worded' :D and then asks how many people are posting on my board, to help him out a little, like
Why not put your theory to the test and invite posters to your conspiracy-tastic board?

Oh, you've already done that.

And nobody turned up.

'Nuff said, dreamer.
editor said:
Why not put your theory to the test and invite posters to your conspiracy-tastic board?

Oh, you've already done that.

And nobody turned up.

'Nuff said, dreamer.

(editor: embedded image removed)

And now, on BBC1, we have that old favourite comedy of yours that you should remember from ten years ago, ten minutes ago, or even more recently than that.

(editor: please don't embed ten ton images. The FAQ is quite specific on this.)
editor said:
Yes. You're repeating yourself yet again.

But if you're going to keep trotting out this dull piece of information, you should be aware that I had a damn sight more than three people posting after a week of my first boards being online - and I didn't have the benefit of a handy ultra-busy bulletin board to promote it on!

And, of course, there were far, far fewer people online in 1997.

Why do you think so few people are interested in joining your boards? Could it be a lack of interest in the topic, perhaps?

cheap shot


editor said:
Yes. You're repeating yourself yet again

is fucking laughable
GarfieldLeChat said:
cheap shot

is fucking laughable
Thanks for yet another vital contribution, garf. Right on topic and as invaluable as ever!

Don't you ever tire of jumping into these threads just to stir things up with your off-topic assaults?
editor said:
Thanks for yet another vital contribution, garf. Right on topic and as invaluable as ever!

Don't you ever tire of jumping into these threads just to stir things up with your off-topic assaults?
do you ?
editor said:
Thanks for yet another vital contribution, garf. Right on topic and as invaluable as ever!

Don't you ever tire of jumping into these threads just to stir things up with your off-topic assaults?
Garf would appear to be just on topic as you editor, practically all of your last ten posts have been about C66's boards. From anyone else, it could be described as flooding.
DrJazzz said:
Garf would appear to be just on topic as you editor, practically all of your last ten posts have been about C66's boards. From anyone else, it could be described as flooding.
Oooh! Look! They're all ganging up on me!

And I see Dr! Jazzz is once again giving me tips on how I should run these boards.

When I want tips on how to run a hugely successfully bulletin board from the owner of Tumbleweeds'r'Us forums, I'll ask thanks.
GarfieldLeChat said:
i'd just call it

and quite quite dull...
And once again garf displays his enthusiasm and skill for pointless disruption, unprovoked personal abuse and off topic thread wrecking!

Go play with your new camera, there's a good chap. I'm not in the mood for conspiracy gang japes tonight.
editor said:
Oooh! Look! They're all ganging up on me!

And I see Dr! Jazzz is once again giving me tips on how I should run these boards.

When I want tips on how to run a hugely successfully bulletin board from the owner of Tumbleweeds'r'Us forums, I'll ask thanks.

How on earth is pointing out that you are posting off-topic and repetitively telling you 'how to run the boards'? :confused: :rolleyes:
editor said:
And once again garf displays his enthusiasm and skill for pointless disruption, unprovoked personal abuse and off topic thread wrecking!

Go play with your new camera, there's a good chap. I'm not in the mood for conspiracy gang japes tonight.
but i am calling names right ...

or not in fact what i am doing is yet again point out your unbelievable double standard...

and for the record i'm not a conspiracy gang member at least no more than you are...

either you argue with the same logic you insist on applying to others or you hang yourself time and time again by your own rhetoric which is it?

as for

When I want tips on how to run a hugely successfully bulletin board from the owner of Tumbleweeds'r'Us forums, I'll ask thanks.

cheap and uncalled for...

besides you'd get your little gang together to wreck them, if you thought they was even a chance of them getting successful wouldn't you ...not like it hasn't happened before, or do we forget so easily that you were told everything in pm....callious and duplicitous, must be that nagging conscience of yours if you think it's a gang against you...

not trot along I'm sure your are busy with far more important things than this thread after all....
GarfieldLeChat said:
besides you'd get your little gang together to wreck them
Not this ridiculous fantasy again!

Funny thing was I was talking about DrJ's bonkers forums, but seeing as you've steamed in, allow me to give you some basic directions:

Reality's that away -->

Ludicrous, paranoid fantasies about crack teams of editor-commanded, bulletin board wreckers are, err, in your head.
editor said:
Not this ridiculous fantasy again!

Funny thing was I was talking about DrJ's bonkers forums, but seeing as you've steamed in, allow me to give you some basic directions:

Reality's that away -->

Ludicrous, paranoid fantasies about crack teams of editor-commanded bulletin boards wreckers are in your head.

specious lies about other bulletin boards being set up to have a go at you were equally all in yours....
GarfieldLeChat said:
specious lies about other bulletin boards being set up to have a go at you were equally all in yours....
Yes, that's right. There wasn't a bad word said about me on those other boards, was there?

PS. Who was 'The Ediot'?
editor said:
Yes, that's right. There wasn't a bad word said about me on those other boards, was there?

PS. Who was 'The Ediot'?

can you quote exactly where that's been said please i am having difficulty finding it on this thread...

PS how the fuck should i know any more than you? i didn't create it as a term or use it, not that that stopped you alleging that i did of course ... but hey fabrication seems to be rife on these type of threads fabrication and repetition from the same quarters eh?
You can't argue with trolls, and you can't argue with editor. I wouldn't bother garf. It gives him an excuse to bin the thread, which he will do without concern that he is really binning himself.
DrJazzz said:
You can't argue with trolls, and you can't argue with editor. I wouldn't bother garf. It gives him an excuse to bin the thread, which he will do without concern that he is really binning himself.

a troll will troll a troll no?

:D ;)
Shhhh.... I didn't say editor was a troll ! That could get me in trouble. Of course editor is not a troll,

he just posts like one from time to time, like whenever there's a 9-11 thread.
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