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Did Rumsfield and Chums want and allow 9/11 to happen? The Poll!

Did Rumsfield and Chums want and allow 9/11 to happen?

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Flavour said:
ed, bin this fucking rubbish thread
I think you're right.

Seeing as DrJ is now refusing to answer any tricky questions that don't fit in with his conspiracy-obsessed world view, and I've got an idiot like fela fan trying to lecture me about the English language, I'd say it's definitely time for this shit to be binned.

And seeing as this thread has gone exactly the same way as ever single tedious 9/11 thread before it, I'm going to reappraise whether it's worth hosting any more of the same shit coming from the usual suspects.
editor said:
Cos it's shit, I guess and if you've been around here long enough, you'll now that it's downhill all the way from now.

Not necessarily, I think there's something to be gained from letting conspiracy threads run some kind of natural course like most other threads here are allowed to. The threats of bans and binning will just lead to more threads in the long run.

:eek: surely not ;)

I'd still like to read why Flavour wants this thread binned.
editor said:
Seeing as I work as a journalist your comments are bordering on defamatory and most certainly count as personal abuse.

I've been abused to fuck by you over the months.

Anything i've sent back your way is a reaction to the (far greater) abuse you send to me, and most times i manage to avoid replying in kind. Normally it is a one-way flow of abuse.

You will have your way, no need to ban the idiot fela fan. I'm withdrawing myself from your favourite topic for a self-determined period of time.

I to be honest am quite fed up with having myself misrepresented and personally abused so consistently by a tiny handful of posters. I think in effect i feel bullied out of any further contributions until i can regain my energies.

You do not play a level playing field editor.
yozz said:
Not necessarily, I think there's something to be gained from letting conspiracy threads run some kind of natural course like most other threads here are allowed to. The threats of bans and binning will just lead to more threads in the long run. .
A situation that may well be resolved soon.
editor said:
Remind me where and when I've publicly questioned your ability to do your professional job?

Goodbye editor. That's my final word on 911 for a goodly amount of time. For the reasons i've stated.

[many times, by the way.]
fela fan said:
Goodbye editor. That's my final word on 911 for a goodly amount of time.
Ah. So you can't find a single example of me slagging off your professional capabilities as you did to me? And you feel no need to apologise?


Oh, and goodbye. Do you intend to stay away longer than the last time you said you'd stop posting? I believe you managed about five minutes on that thread!
yozz said:
Not necessarily, I think there's something to be gained from letting conspiracy threads run some kind of natural course like most other threads here are allowed to.
They don't run a natural course. Instead of being peacefully allowed to die as God intended, they are repeatedly reanimated by unholy science. Even long-dead corpses, buried deep in the sixth or seventh page where no honest soul would dare go, are brought back to a shambling semblance of life for unspeakable ends. Arguments stumble across the screen once more, hollow-eyed, begging silently for release, longing for the oblivion of the dustbin.

yozz said:
When I feel like it.

What's it got to do with you anyway?

I dont owe you anything and I'm under no obligation to immediately reveal any plans I may have for this site at your behest.
FridgeMagnet said:
They don't run a natural course. Instead of being peacefully allowed to die as God intended, they are repeatedly reanimated by unholy science. Even long-dead corpses, buried deep in the sixth or seventh page where no honest soul would dare go, are brought back to a shambling semblance of life for unspeakable ends. Arguments stumble across the screen once more, hollow-eyed, begging silently for release, longing for the oblivion of the dustbin.


Are you suggesting they should be banned without being allowed to flower and spread naturally mate? Is wholesale banning the order of the day FM?

Cos your the man for the job eh?

Rather than this bickering I'd like to read Flavours reasons for wanting this thread binned. Are you prepared to allow his response...mate?
yozz said:
Are you suggesting they should be banned without being allowed to flower and spread naturally mate? Is wholesale banning the order of the day FM?
Cos your the man for the job eh?
You're full of demands aren't you?
yozz said:
Are you suggesting they should be banned without being allowed to flower and spread naturally mate? Is wholesale banning the order of the day FM?

Cos your the man for the job eh?

Rather than this bickering I'd like to read Flavours reasons for wanting this thread binned. Are you prepared to allow his response...mate?
Fuck's sake, I was just trying to inject a little humour, with a certain point behind it, but if you're going to be like that...

never mind
Calm down everyone.

It should be pretty clear to all, editor included, that the issue of 9-11 is not going to go away from these forums, no matter what. I can appreciate that these discussions are not what editor had in mind when he started Urban75, but the boards have outgrown the preferred topics and attitude of any one person. Micro-managing all the threads is no longer a viable option - and editor shouldn't be upset about this, it's a sign of the boards success.

Let's be nice to each other, eh?

DrJazzz said:
It should be pretty clear to all, editor included, that the issue of 9-11 is not going to go away from these forums, no matter what. I can appreciate that these discussions are not what editor had in mind when he started Urban75, but the boards have outgrown the preferred topics and attitude of any one person.
The issue of endlessly repeated, evidence free, bonkers 9/11 theories would disappear overnight if about three posters were banned.

Then we might be able to have a grown up, intelligent debate, free from idiotic, unsupported fruitloop, topic-derailing claims from ridiculous sources.

Tempting proposition, isn't it?
Actually I think the whole problem of 9-11 threads could be sorted if just one prolific poster was banned.

Unfortunately, that isn't going to happen! :D

I wouldn't want it to anyway. The route of executions and book-burning may appear tempting, but we know where that leads and what its name is, do we not.
A temp ban would be good Mike.

Might give them the opportunity to come up with some FUCKING EVIDENCE!

DrJazzz said:
Actually I think the whole problem of 9-11 threads could be sorted if just one prolific poster was banned.
If you - and the other handful of disruptive posters - don't start backing up the bullshit theories that you keep polluting these boards with, you may find yourself unable to post any more.

I'm fed up seeing you post up wild claims and then refusing to engage in any subsequent debate.
FridgeMagnet said:
No, actually, I do mind. What's all this shit about "your the man for the job"? What's that supposed to mean?

Fuck's sake, I was just trying to inject a little humour, with a certain point behind it, but if you're going to be like that...

never mind
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