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Did Rumsfield and Chums want and allow 9/11 to happen? The Poll!

Did Rumsfield and Chums want and allow 9/11 to happen?

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i have successfully hearded 9 cats to a public park without using tuna.

they were a very docile bunch that had acquired a habit of following one cat when it was being carried to the park. once in the actual park they ran amok but when the lead cat was picked up again the rest followed it home.
miss minnie said:
they were a very docile bunch that had acquired a habit of following one cat when it was being carried to the park. once in the actual park they ran amok but when the lead cat was picked up again the rest followed it home.
No cat leaders allowed either. That's cheating.

Only free thinking, independent, authority-questioning cats allowed.
pk said:
Keep it simple.

Do you believe the conspiracy stories as touted by Dr Jizzz and Dickfish?



My fucking point exactly.

This is NOT a thread about lizards

42 pages now, i guess that might be a record.

42 pages with only the occasional foray onto the topic. The latest area of discussion is now cats, and the herding thereof.

Most of these threads most of the time are more to do with the protagonists rather than the topic.

It's funny really.

... i guess that's fair enough, but a pity nonetheless.

Anyone else out there that is not easily identified as being on one side or the other that might care to have a go? Pickman's model comes to mind!

Mind you, and of course i'd say this, but it is genunine, the options bigfish came up seem to fit the bill perfectly. The language is unambiguous, and the three options cover all possibilities.

But let's see if anything else comes up.

Editor, why don't you try putting up a candidate? In the absence of neutrals, surely if we have something from both sides of the dividing line, we can come to an agreement between us? It could sort of be half yours, half bigfish's.

If nothing else turns up in the next day or two, i'll put up my effort. We could almost have a poll to see how the poll should be worded... ;)
Loki said:
That's because I don't like bollocks being spouted unchallenged on my favourite boards so I feel I should challenge it.

Yeah, okay :D

A Loki 'challenge' : Not many people are posting on this thread, why do you think that is?

What are you challenging there Loki? People's posting habits? :rolleyes:
Citizen66 said:
Yeah, okay :D

A Loki 'challenge' : Not many people are posting on this thread, why do you think that is?

What are you challenging there Loki? People's posting habits? :rolleyes:
I'm not challenging anything. But IMO the lack of posters is a pretty good indication that most of the good people of urban75 really aren't interested in debating further on the many, many 9/11 conspiracy threads we've had of late.
editor said:
4. Please! No more 9/11 shit from these fucking tedious 9/11 obsessed nutters whose own boards are a laughable flop because no one gives a fuck.

Ziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip - repeat :D
Loki said:
That's because I don't like bollocks being spouted unchallenged on my favourite boards so I feel I should challenge it.

Followed by;

Loki said:
I'm not challenging anything. But IMO the lack of posters is a pretty good indication that most of the good people of urban75 really aren't interested in debating further on the many, many 9/11 conspiracy threads we've had of late.

Which proves fuck all. And one minute he's challenging and the next he denies that he is. Is there any wonder how decent 9/11 debates never happen when obsessive posters like Loki don't even know which way round their head is screwed on?
Whatever citizen. Yes I do think I feel I should challenge your evidence-lacking opinions on 9/11.

You've got nothing new to say about the topic so are now engaging in pointless bickering.

this is dousafavour

Loki said:
I'm not challenging anything. But IMO the lack of posters is a pretty good indication that most of the good people of urban75 really aren't interested in debating further on the many, many 9/11 conspiracy threads we've had of late.

Or do you think perchance that these very same people are the ones that avoid the brick bats being chucked around here and would prefer to watch from the sidelines and mibbe even vote?

There has been 7,206 views of this relatively young thread is this all down to the handfull of nutters?
Loki said:
Whatever citizen. Yes I do think I feel I should challenge your evidence-lacking opinions on 9/11.

But you don't have any evidence to base your view other than the mainstream media? You just refuse to entertain any other notion and repeat constant drivel.
Smølfine said:
There has been 7,206 views of this relatively young thread is this all down to the handfull of nutters?

It's cos it's been relentlessly spammed by a few conspiracy theorists and then bumped by the few of us who can be bothered to say we're not convinced.

Over 1,000 posts and I'm not convinced the CT's have got anything. I would dearly love to see Bush shafted but there just isn't any evidence.
Loki said:
It's cos it's been relentlessly spammed by a few conspiracy theorists and then bumped by the few of us who can be bothered to say we're not convinced.

Over 1,000 posts and I'm not convinced the CT's have got anything. I would dearly love to see Bush shafted but there just isn't any evidence.

i'm with you on this loki. i would love to see all the evidence of usg failings used to shaft bush and co over 9/11... and i would like to discuss it without remote controlled planes etc being mentioned.
Loki said:
I'm not challenging anything. But IMO the lack of posters is a pretty good indication that most of the good people of urban75 really aren't interested in debating further on the many, many 9/11 conspiracy threads we've had of late.

My time of posting: 1037 posts on 42 pages. It's not a wee thread now, is it?

Over a 100 posters have voted on a poll thread: is that a record for a poll?

And nearly half of them recognise what is in effect the madness of rumsfeld in that he would want 911 to happen, regardless of whether due to that desire he would have had it planned himself. That is about 50 posters who recognise the possiblity that it was not down to incompetence that 911 happened. Not a wee amount of posters now, is it loki?

You see loki, despite your increasingly uncredible and desperate claims (all in the good defence of the good posters on your favourite boards), there is quite a bit of interest in the topic of 911. And it's obvious from this poll that many posters are reading these threads, but not necessarily posting on them.

Why don't you start a thread claiming that
the sky is green
and the grass is blue
and i don't have a clue...
Loki said:
Over 1,000 posts and I'm not convinced the CT's have got anything. I would dearly love to see Bush shafted but there just isn't any evidence.

I don't believe Bush Junior was involved, just Rumsfeld Cheney and other related pnac nutters.
Loki said:
I would dearly love to see Bush shafted but there just isn't any evidence.

Not with your eyes and ears clamped shut, no there isn't.

Open them though, and all will seem entirely different. Try looking at that cooperativeresearch web site again. I know you've looked at it six times, you've told me, but really loki, that particular site which is all about links to mainstream media, would take probably 24 hours of constant reading to get through it.

And yet you tell us you've seen nothing of any interest on it in six readings of it.

I just think you're not interested in the slightest about an opinion on the topic that is contrary to your current position.

You are a closed shop.
fela fan said:
That is about 50 posters who recognise the possiblity that it was not down to incompetence that 911 happened.

I also recognise 'the possibility' that 9/11 could have been organised by Rumsfeld and friends. But I don't believe it was.
Smølfine said:
I don't believe Bush Junior was involved, just Rumsfeld Cheney and other related pnac nutters.

This is a more than likely scenario, and one i'm currently subscribing to. It would explain why bush looked like a rabbit in front of headlights when Card whispered in his ear that a second plane had hit the second tower. And why he carried on reading (he thought this the best thing to do, with his extremely limited intelligence, and limited ability at thinking on his feet), and why nobody whisked the president off to safety which is an automated procedure in such times of emergency... cheney's orders.
fela fan said:
Not with your eyes and ears clamped shut, no there isn't.

Open them though, and all will seem entirely different. Try looking at that cooperativeresearch web site again.

My eyes and ears are fully open and I've seen that website at least six times thanks.
Loki said:
I'm not the one making "uncredible" (is that a word?) and desperate claims.

Whether it's a word or not, you've understood the meaning. Not credible.

And oh yes you are mate, and constantly do so. You attempt to hoodwink the forum that not many posters are interested in the topic of 911. But my post pointed out with reams of evidence that the topic is in fact a very popular one. And not just amongst what now seems to be two posters who are 'CTers'. I say two, coz over the last few days, it seems i have finally persuaded everyone to drop my name from the list (except for editor, but he's not a man for turning...).

So all this tizzy over two posters eh? It really is futile, give it up mate.

Try opening your mind up instead of defending an undefensible position. You are going to increasingly look sillier and sillier if you don't adapt to the times...
editor said:
Rarely have I seen such a loaded set of questions.


Then I recommend you take a look at the cuckoo option 4 on this poll. It reads:

All this bonkers 9/11 conspiracy stuff is fucking irritating and further threads repeating the same thing should be binned.

I've highlighted all the loaded, pejorative and subjective elements in the option to make it easier for you grasp.

How did they fake the phone calls, by the way?

How did the alleged hijackers manage to pass through 3 airports and board 4 flights without anyone seeing hide nor hair of them by the way?
Loki said:
My eyes and ears are fully open and I've seen that website at least six times thanks.

But don't you see what i was driving at? If you saw it once and didn't like it, why the hell did you go back to it a further five times?

But then you say 'at least six times'. It gets dodgier, your claims. No one in their right mind keeps going back to a web site that has nothing to add to their knowledge. Can you tell the forum why you keep going back to it?

And furthermore, the web site in question has everything that you've ever requested: ie mainstream media links all over it. Not loopy anonymous unknown web sites. It's all mainstream media.

But no, you tell us it has nothing of interest, and you tell us that despite this you've read it 'at least six times'. Why do you return to a web site that adds nothing to the debate loki?

Contrary to your claim, it seems your eyes and ears are decidedly unopen (probably not a real word, but you'll know what i mean).
fela fan said:
You attempt to hoodwink the forum that not many posters are interested in the topic of 911.

Utter bollocks. I simply come along to point out I'm not convinced by the "evidence" presented and explain why. I've already expressed my opinion about Bush. I would love to see the man shot down in flames. But, despite thousands of posts and dozens of threads on the subject the posters convinced there was some conspiracy about the event simply have not made a case.

It's clear the topic isn't very interesting amongst posters - hence the very few who bother to post on these threads, in a community with hundreds of people actively posting.
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