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Democracy: crap/not crap

What form of democracy do you want? If one says Brexit was democratic because the popular vote won then our General elections are not democratic because party MPs do not reflect the popular vote. One could argue that our General elections at least produce the government somebody wants whereas PR produces governments nobody wants but equally PR should ensure a centrist government & prevent extremist governments left or right which could be a plan. China, Russia & plenty of other countries do not do democracy because their dictators know that fair elections would not produce the required result.
So the "form of democracy" is limited to electoral systems?

Sorry but this is pretty weak stuff isn't it. What about economic democracy? What about direct democracy?
Some things about the UK parliamentary system which make it fundamentally undemocratic:

-First part the post single-member constituencies.
-Enactment of legislation by simple majority.
-Ministerial appointments by party leaders not by parliament or public poll.
-Outside financial interests of MPs.
-Unelected upper chamber.
-Non-binding manifesto commitments.

...etc etc etc.
Christ, an "anarchist" is coming out with this gash. FFS
What form of democracy do you want? If one says Brexit was democratic because the popular vote won then our General elections are not democratic because party MPs do not reflect the popular vote. One could argue that our General elections at least produce the government somebody wants whereas PR produces governments nobody wants but equally PR should ensure a centrist government & prevent extremist governments left or right which could be a plan. China, Russia & plenty of other countries do not do democracy because their dictators know that fair elections would not produce the required result.
Not sure the referendum was democratic
Back it up please, otherwise it's just guff.
I think it was undemocratic as the votes outside England immaterial since it was counted on a per capita basis. As the UK no longer a wholly unitary state, the Celtic nations' votes to.remain should arguably have been recognised. The campaign was characterised by lies and half-truths and many people voted on the basis of those mendacious statements, not necessarily on the basis of fact. Tho 16 and 17 year aulds voted in the Scottish ref they were denied a vote in this more important exercise. Expats denied votes. Etc etc
I think it was undemocratic as the votes outside England immaterial since it was counted on a per capita basis. As the UK no longer a wholly unitary state, the Celtic nations' votes to.remain should arguably have been recognised. The campaign was characterised by lies and half-truths and many people voted on the basis of those mendacious statements, not necessarily on the basis of fact. Tho 16 and 17 year aulds voted in the Scottish ref they were denied a vote in this more important exercise. Expats denied votes. Etc etc

Not sure any of that == undemocratic
I think it was undemocratic as the votes outside England immaterial since it was counted on a per capita basis. As the UK no longer a wholly unitary state, the Celtic nations' votes to.remain should arguably have been recognised. The campaign was characterised by lies and half-truths and many people voted on the basis of those mendacious statements, not necessarily on the basis of fact. Tho 16 and 17 year aulds voted in the Scottish ref they were denied a vote in this more important exercise. Expats denied votes. Etc etc
Not forgetting the obvious one that neither option changes the fundamentals regarding the actually existing sovereignty of financialised capital and the 'markets'.
Fake choice.
Might makes right. There is no democracy unless powerful people allow it to exist - and we know what happens if powerful people decide not to allow it to exist. I'm not even sure humanity as a whole has even evolved past this point yet. We've certainly been stuck here for a while.
Because we all got to vote.

Ex pats -- fuck em. They chose to leave the U.K. so don't deserve a voice.

16-17 year "aulds" in Scotland -- 16-17 year olds aren't adults and aren't entitled to join in yet.

No, only 33 million did.
I'd quote Pratchett on democracy but I'm feeling lazy.

It's definitely feeling lately (more than usual) as:
Government for the elite, by the elite supported by idiots believing dumb rhetoric.

By the people for the people is a distant memory.
I know.

You might want to tell Pickman's Model. He thinks you abdicate your right to vote whenever you dip your toe in the channel.
Yes, you know now that I've corrected what you said.

It would seem that some of the ex pat 'leave' voters in Spain etc. are now reflecting on what impact their choice may have upon their access to health-care provided reciprocally free at the point of delivery.
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