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Crappy concrete crisis

So they replaced her with someone called Nick Gibb whos the schools minister for the media rounds this morning. He just got comprehensively pwned on GMB as he didnt know a) how many schools there are in britain and b) how many of those schools are still yet to reply with their surveys (the deadline's Friday). I mean you'd think they'd prepare these idiots a tad better.
Just realized that my second (luxury modern concrete rather than old corrugated iron) privvy likely had this concrete in the roof. I hadn't realized but it had been leaking and a large section fell out - without warning
:mad: leaving rusted rebar.

I've locked the stable door and bitumened the roof then added flashing tape then bitumened it on the top again. It's a bugger to repair inside though - cement keeps falling off.

Are we saying that normal reinforced concrete doesn't fail if leaks get to it by the way?
This is actually a good summary of the issue

“RAAC has been shown to have limited structural reinforcement bar (rebar) integrity in 40 to 50 year-old RAAC roof panels, which began to be observed in the 1990s.[4][8][9][10][11] The material is liable to fail without visible deterioration or warning.[4][11] The material is not the root cause, rather inadequate roof maintenance, which permits water infiltration, and compromised budgets, which affect the cost-benefit judgement on whether to replace roofs”

Is particularly interesting - it’s the lack of maintenance which is the issue.

If its kept dry the rebar doesn’t fail, and there is nothing wrong with RAAC
Well, no. It originally came with a 30-50 year guarantee, depending on the country and the manufacturer. Watertightness is hard to guarantee in anything outdoors, so it was still recommended to replace the stuff after that time, regardless of the state of it. Particularly since you can't tell the state of it without destructive testing.
“Strong and stable!” 😆😆😆
This government are like a shit filled whirlpool gurgling down the toilet of history - shitty rivers & seas, collapsing schools, colleges & courts, terminally ill health services, crumbling transport infrastructure, total lack of preparation (other than reactionary authoritarian legislation) for the unfolding climate catastrophe, massive endemic corruption & cronyism, bankrupt local authorities and only divisive, stochastic terrorist culture war bullshit as an electoral strategy.
Looks today like much of their corporate & media pals preparing to jump ship to the now acceptably thoroughly-neoliberal-authoritarian-corporatist “alternative”
Somebody else is on ze list!.

The discoveryarks™️ combine state of the art learning zones with premium affordable accomodation for keyworkers.

All managed by a top notch private public partnership coming to a riverside spot soon!

Charles stross the new management would be an improvement 😱
The last Labour government had a comprehensive 20 year school refurbishment and rebuilding plan called “Schools For The Future”. Micheal Gove cancelled that in 2010 when the Tories got into power, preferring to piss money up the wall on his ideological Free Schools scheme. Doing that added billions to the repair bill, in the same was as saving money by not changing your car’s oil or getting it serviced regularly will cost you more in the long run.

Edit: Digging a bit more into it, Gove at least had the sense - many years later - to call it his "biggest mistake" in office. Which goes along with my thinking that he's an odious toad, but not quite as aggressively stupid as some of his other cabinet play-mates.
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The last Labour government had a comprehensive 20 year school refurbishment and rebuilding plan called “Schools For The Future”. Micheal Gove cancelled that in 2010 when the Tories got into power, preferring to piss money up the wall on his ideological Free Schools scheme. Doing that added billions to the repair bill, in the same was as saving money by not changing your car’s oil or getting it serviced regularly will cost you more in the long run.

Edit: Digging a bit more into it, Gove at least had the sense - many years later - to call it his "biggest mistake" in office. Which goes along with my thinking that he's an odious toad, but not quite as aggressively stupid as some of his other cabinet play-mates.
1. Gove isn't stupid which is why he is both dangerous and more obnoxious than many if the recent cabinet.

2. 'Building schools for the future' and similar is why wanky reformists like me say hold your nose and vote labour. It doesn't get you a socialist utopia but does get you a few new schools .
1. Gove isn't stupid which is why he is both dangerous and more obnoxious than many if the recent cabinet.

2. 'Building schools for the future' and similar is why wanky reformists like me say hold your nose and vote labour. It doesn't get you a socialist utopia but does get you a few new schools .
Don't say that in the hold your nose and vote labour thread tho. Ends with hassle.
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