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Crappy concrete crisis

My old uni is on the list of those with affected buildings. This is entirely unsurprising as most of the original campus was built out of concrete in the 1970s and only the newer buildings use more modern materials. One of the engineering buildings survived an explosion about 20 years ago, so that hopefully would be fine as it was extensively repaired.

God knows how they will fix it though, or how much is will cost to fix.
I get that you used the word in a way indicating you might not really have coped, but Coping is an important life skill that I feel has been left to wither in the tidal wave of excuses that modern parents use for not doing shit that requires actually coping ....unless supplied with a mental health support package and neat label to excuse their child's behaviour which of course has nothing to do with them being a crap parent.

The crap priorities that have allowed this concrete crisis are indeed crap, but I expect Large portions of the feckless parent cadre so prevalent in this country now have another excuse to not get their keep kids to school

School attendance is already a crisis much larger than the concrete debacle and its time people stopped making excuses like "we both work" when its obvious that if you both work then having your kids in school for much of the time is actually more practical than keeping them home as well as right for the child.

Children with mild anxiety better off in school, says Chris Whitty
This kind of attitude fucks me right off, and is why I don't engage with your posts.
I live on council estate built in the 50,s. A lot of thought clearly went into it. A lot of green spaces, couple of decent schools, Indoor sports area including swimming school, good transport infrastructure. We’ve been here a while so didn’t pay attention to it but last couple of years stories have been circulating about people having a lot of trouble selling Turns out the houses were built by a company called Reema.
They were assembled using 15’ x 15’ concrete blocks. The blocks were reinforced by internal metal rods. Turns out the rods start deteriorating around now.
you can after a lot of hard work still get a mortgage. The prices have stayed high a lot of the new buyers like this area because of the proximity to the large hospital and university.
A few of the earlier community have tried to do equity release. It is impossible to do so.
Anyone heard of this elsewhere? Any thoughts ?
I get that you used the word in a way indicating you might not really have coped, but Coping is an important life skill that I feel has been left to wither in the tidal wave of excuses that modern parents use for not doing shit that requires actually coping ....unless supplied with a mental health support package and neat label to excuse their child's behaviour which of course has nothing to do with them being a crap parent.

The crap priorities that have allowed this concrete crisis are indeed crap, but I expect Large portions of the feckless parent cadre so prevalent in this country now have another excuse to not get their keep kids to school

School attendance is already a crisis much larger than the concrete debacle and its time people stopped making excuses like "we both work" when its obvious that if you both work then having your kids in school for much of the time is actually more practical than keeping them home as well as right for the child.

Children with mild anxiety better off in school, says Chris Whitty
SOoooo......just how many schools/puppy farms/homes for feckless have actually collapsed fatally inconveniencing the occupants then?

Just when I started thinking that some of your more recent posts were relatively considered and sensible, you come out with this shite. Have a word with yourself eh?
I worked on a new build school for Galliford Try, Weston Favell school. Site cleaning. How can I find out if it has the concrete of fucking damocles in it?
Not a chance. Double down antisemitic arse needs more than a word.

Come on, _Russ_ do your best
My best what? ...insult?, put down?, arsey correction?, attempt at wordy pseudo-intellectual analysis?. Please tell me what area of Urban tit for tat I should be engaging to do my best with.

Tbh I usually find your posts deserving of little more involved than a 'fuck off'
I live on council estate built in the 50,s. A lot of thought clearly went into it. A lot of green spaces, couple of decent schools, Indoor sports area including swimming school, good transport infrastructure. We’ve been here a while so didn’t pay attention to it but last couple of years stories have been circulating about people having a lot of trouble selling Turns out the houses were built by a company called Reema.
They were assembled using 15’ x 15’ concrete blocks. The blocks were reinforced by internal metal rods. Turns out the rods start deteriorating around now.
you can after a lot of hard work still get a mortgage. The prices have stayed high a lot of the new buyers like this area because of the proximity to the large hospital and university.
A few of the earlier community have tried to do equity release. It is impossible to do so.
Anyone heard of this elsewhere? Any thoughts ?
It was a post-war construction method, to address the issues of building houses quickly after the loss of housing stock during the war. My grandmother's house was made of a similar 'jigsaw' method, although her house had a lot of remedial work in the 1990s.
My best what? ...insult?, put down?, arsey correction?, attempt at wordy pseudo-intellectual analysis?. Please tell me what area of Urban tit for tat I should be engaging to do my best with.

Tbh I usually find your posts deserving of little more involved than a 'fuck off'

You've taken a shitty stance here. Back it up, or back the fuck off.
My best what? ...insult?, put down?, arsey correction?, attempt at wordy pseudo-intellectual analysis?. Please tell me what area of Urban tit for tat I should be engaging to do my best with.

Tbh I usually find your posts deserving of little more involved than a 'fuck off'
Since you seem completely incapable of providing much in the way of "tit", far less "tat", I suggest you play to your strengths and just don't bother. The end result will be the same in any case.
It was a post-war construction method, to address the issues of building houses quickly after the loss of housing stock during the war. My grandmother's house was made of a similar 'jigsaw' method, although her house had a lot of remedial work in the 1990s.
Yeh ours is a mundic type construction, looks likely it was the good grade of it however due to area based sourcing most likely class A. Also no report of any failures in the area after 70 years is a good sign too.
We've still got two classrooms out of action because there's raac in the floors. There is apparently zero prospect of sorting them out, possibly ever. Latest word is we might get a couple of 'temporary classrooms' or portakabins.
We've still got two classrooms out of action because there's raac in the floors. There is apparently zero prospect of sorting them out, possibly ever. Latest word is we might get a couple of 'temporary classrooms' or portakabins.

And “temporary” is applied rather loosely to classrooms. I was taught in freezing portable huts called terrapins that were put up in the 1950s and finally replaced, I heard, at the turn of the century.
And “temporary” is applied rather loosely to classrooms. I was taught in freezing portable huts called terrapins that were put up in the 1950s and finally replaced, I heard, at the turn of the century.
I spent about 1/3 of high school in Toronto winters in portacabins that had already been there for decades. And this was considered a pretty good school. Since converted to a private academy and ditched the portacabins. And allows girls. So weird when I went back to visit.
Did half my secondary education in them, the sixth form one was quite large and reportedly a former temporary midland bank. I guess the vaults would have been pretty easy to crack open.

All gone now, today’s kids are pampered. Who can forget that smell when they turned on the electric storage heaters in the autumn after accumulating several months of dust and shite, that’s if the bloody things actually worked, did more than a few lessons with our coats on.
I spent about 1/3 of high school in Toronto winters in portacabins that had already been there for decades. And this was considered a pretty good school. Since converted to a private academy and ditched the portacabins. And allows girls. So weird when I went back to visit.

My school was state, but had a rifle range and squash courts alongside the battered Terrapins. Odd place. It has never gone so far as to admit girls.
Did half my secondary education in them, the sixth form one was quite large and reportedly a former temporary midland bank. I guess the vaults would have been pretty easy to crack open.

All gone now, today’s kids are pampered. Who can forget that smell when they turned on the electric storage heaters in the autumn after accumulating several months of dust and shite, that’s if the bloody things actually worked, did more than a few lessons with our coats on.

Electric? Luxury. Gas heaters attached to canisters, in ours. Abominable smell and almost no warmth.
And “temporary” is applied rather loosely to classrooms. I was taught in freezing portable huts called terrapins that were put up in the 1950s and finally replaced, I heard, at the turn of the century.

My school has been refusing to accept temporary classrooms because 'we'll be in them for thirty years'.

We just got news that the DfE is going to let our school rebuild the affected building, provided we run the project ourselves. For most schools RAAC repairs have to go through the general school rebuilding program which means a 3-4 year wait minimum. So there is still no specific program to fix the RAAC crisis, nearly a year down the line. News cycle has moved on, so who gives a shit.
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