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How is the cost of living crisis affecting you?

Well there are lots of people in Tottenham after dark and many have iPhones. It's a bit of a new going out spot for kids so pretty busy.
Having stayed up in Tottenham in that area I can say its one of the grimmest most depressing and least safe feeling parts of London Ive ever been. My friend was paying 450 quid a month rent but you did hear gunshots at night sometimes.

She was so fucking chuffed to move to Chelsea. :D
Well there are lots of people in Tottenham after dark and many have iPhones. It's a bit of a new going out spot for kids so pretty busy.

Perception and susceptibility to the risk of crime varies greatly by age and gender. I used to roam around at night in places the police feared to tread. As I've gotten older (and been the victim of crime more often), my perception has changed. Maybe it's because you get softer with age, or maybe you just lose your sense of invincibility, but nonetheless, I don't have the same perception of risk as I did when I was 21. When I was 21, I was pretty sure I was the meanest thing on the street.
The highest crime borough in London is Westminster. And recently there have been a lot of phone snatches in the city of London.

That said I think Islington and Tottenham is pretty bad for moped crime too so understand the iPhone thing completely.

Also just don't buy an iPhone they're overpriced
It did not, but only because I got a 125% raise moving companies in under a year, so I felt guilty and immediately bought good percentage of my local homeless charities wishlist. I used to work for them, have known people who were homeless and even my SO's mortal enemy (unbelievably abusive to the degree I am not mentioning specifics, sadly not the worst) who was horrendous to her died while homeless but agreed to it. I cannot bring myself to reply to the 'engagement' replies but I get the point of it. Rather fade into incompiciousness.
yes, I think that's the point I was making - I understand her individual experience and perception, but I don't think it's a fair reflection of the realities around her for the majority of people. it's like reading the Daily Mail - if that was your only outlook on the world you would never leave the house.
I'm thinking about selling my house. I'm spending an increasing amount of time at my mother's house because of her health anyway. In the meantime, my property taxes went up another $1000 a year. It's tripled in three years. My heat and electric bills have doubled in the last year, and I added another internet bill so I could work from my mother's house. I don't see any raises coming my way so I don't see how this is sustainable.
Biden's America.
Both of us, wheat intolerant, but not coeliac. My parents are too to varying extents. I bake bread for my father in the bread machine (50% wheat/spelt blend) and he's ok with that, he can't eat cheap white or brown sliced. For mum I get boxes of Biona rye bread delivered. She hasn't eaten bread for decades. I can make 100% gf bread in the bread machine but it goes stale and mouldy in less than 24 hours. If we eat pasta and bread regularly, then eating gluten free is an extra £30 or £40 on the food bill per week.
I'm in a relatively lucky position at the moment with reasonable income and savings (though only until March 2024 when current contract ends), so I can afford it, but the cost of not being able to eat gluten is becoming ridiculous - was bad before but now gluten free bread seems to jump 25p every couple of months. Really hard to get a loaf of bread under £3 now unless you're prepared to eat the most cardboardy rubbish, you can't really save much by making it yourself due to the cost of flour either. My weekly shops have increased at least 30% over past year or so. I've been buying potato waffles as a toast substitute, which aren't ideal because much higher in fat but they are cheap.
I'm in a relatively lucky position at the moment with reasonable income and savings (though only until March 2024 when current contract ends), so I can afford it, but the cost of not being able to eat gluten is becoming ridiculous - was bad before but now gluten free bread seems to jump 25p every couple of months. Really hard to get a loaf of bread under £3 now unless you're prepared to eat the most cardboardy rubbish, you can't really save much by making it yourself due to the cost of flour either. My weekly shops have increased at least 30% over past year or so. I've been buying potato waffles as a toast substitute, which aren't ideal because much higher in fat but they are cheap.
And to add insult to injury the cheaper own brand bread is like a combination of dust and polystyrene. It’s so depressing!
Yuwipi Woman lives in the States but the fact remains that AA will grasp any opportunity to snipe at electoral politics. It could easily be here too.

Yeah, I don't see any need for him to be allowed to derail a thread over here. He can go do that over the P&P, like he's been doing.

Following people from thread to thread like this probably violates board rules anyway.
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