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Crappy concrete crisis

She does actually bear a passing resemblance :D

"A fucking waste of skin"?
It wouldn't be a crisis if there'd been a plan to replace the buildings at the end of their life. Now I don't know if 30 years is an adequate lifespan for a building or not. But buildings wear out and you should have a plan to replace them
otherwise you end up with Lewes prison bits of which are a 150 years old and still in use FFS . Bits of Brighton hospital were of similar age and finally knocked down last year. Totally outdated
ok parts of Lewes old Grammer were built in the 1300s! but it has been maintained and it's only small parts did cleaning there got good at ducking to avoid beams till I didn't😱
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It's quite hard to get sacked for incompetence by the current rump of a tory party and yet Keegan, who only really needs to do the standard drill of reciting the agreed bullshit and refusing to apologise, is instead somehow making it impossible for Sunak not to sack her.
I was thinking about this too - In the 70s and 80s I must have spent nearly 60% of my secondary school and 90% of further education in leaky freezing temporary classrooms.
Similar for me (1 or 2 years secondary, both years sixth form). I can still smell the shitty smell of burning dust you’d get when they turned on the electric heaters. And wearing coats in lessons because the heaters weren’t up to the job.
Schools need an extra £2.2 billion per year according to this. They 'wrote off' £10 billion on PPE.

The Bank of England is facing major losses on its bond purchases — and it's set to get much worse.
Sanjay Raja, senior economist at Deutsche Bank, said the cost to the Treasury of indemnifying the APF losses over the next two fiscal years will be around £23 billion higher than the Office for Budget Responsibility forecast in March.

This could throw a wrench into the government’s ability to offer public spending or tax-cutting pledges ahead of a general election slated for 2024.
The Bank of England is facing major losses on its bond purchases — and it's set to get much worse.
Sanjay Raja, senior economist at Deutsche Bank, said the cost to the Treasury of indemnifying the APF losses over the next two fiscal years will be around £23 billion higher than the Office for Budget Responsibility forecast in March.

This could throw a wrench into the government’s ability to offer public spending or tax-cutting pledges ahead of a general election slated for 2024.
Bonds market seems to be worsr/better daily. Not much market for old low income ones for some reason..... If only we had someone whose job it was to deal with economics.
Even if they put the (our) money up they'd nick it somehow like they did with the PPE. That's the whole game.
That's it in a nutshell. Destroy the public sector while stealing the money from the sale. It's both ideological and pernicious.
That's it in a nutshell. Destroy the public sector while stealing the money from the sale. It's both ideological and pernicious.

It's like selling your nan's three piece suite for £50 to cash converters. Except that's the system these swivel-eyed ghouls enforce with presumed authority.
This is actually a good summary of the issue

“RAAC has been shown to have limited structural reinforcement bar (rebar) integrity in 40 to 50 year-old RAAC roof panels, which began to be observed in the 1990s.[4][8][9][10][11] The material is liable to fail without visible deterioration or warning.[4][11] The material is not the root cause, rather inadequate roof maintenance, which permits water infiltration, and compromised budgets, which affect the cost-benefit judgement on whether to replace roofs”

Is particularly interesting - it’s the lack of maintenance which is the issue.

If its kept dry the rebar doesn’t fail, and there is nothing wrong with RAAC
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strangely Winchester college isn't affected by crumbly concrete just the boxes to shove the plebs in :mad:.

unfortunately UK gun laws and accuracy international doesn't do klara.😈

This is down to penny pinching the stuff was cheap so good enough for pleb boxes but needs regualrly maintence which typically was the the first thing to go when budget were squeezed
strangely Winchester college isn't affected by crumbly concrete just the boxes to shove the plebs in :mad:.

unfortunately UK gun laws and accuracy international doesn't do klara.😈

This is down to penny pinching the stuff was cheap so good enough for pleb boxes but needs regualrly maintence which typically was the the first thing to go when budget were squeezed

Buildings largely build 200 years ago are strangely unaffected….
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