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Conspiraloons – why...?

laptop said:
So the mask of false naivety slips, as it always does. This poster is a racist. Their "conspiacy" is an attempt to convince people that one race is attacking another.

Yes because racists always talk about collective conciousness.

You don`t know me so stop spouting so much shit. :)

Its perfectly bloody obvious that when I say "our race", I mean the HUMAN RACE....jesus....

You got some serious mental dissonance going on Laptop.
Stobart Stopper said:
I will give Azrael credit though, he/she always stays and fights and answers (most) questions, never runs away like a coward.
Or bashes 'conspiraloons' one minute only to start a Diana whodunnit thread the next...
I first read about Bohemian Grove in 1987, in the book 'Significant Others ' by Armistead Maupin, part if his best -selling Tales of the City series. Originally published in the San Fransisco Chronicle to a wide and appreciative audience, I recommend Azrael reads it. Millions of peopel have read it world wide. It is freely available at Borders.

You'll find a story about bunch of old rich white farts networking with each other, as old rich white farts are prone to do. And a lesbian summer camp in the woods, and the hilarious mix-ups when the two seperatist compunds accidentally cross into each others territory. Plus the world's most beautiful fat woman, and the continued ambition of Mary Anne Singleton vs. Brian, her nursery-man husband.

Not everything is a sinister conspiracy sunshine

But I hope you enjoy this alternative take on Bohemian Grove, it may help you sleep better at night. I know truthseekers are always willing to look at alternative points of view - and a socially-aware richly comic gay novelist's affectionate lampooning of the Elite's secret summer haunt is based on reality.

Funny how few gay conspiraloons there are. Guess they just get access to much more accurate gossip.
Jazzz said:
Or bashes 'conspiraloons' one minute only to start a Diana whodunnit thread the next...
That's different, that was definitely the spooks.
Everyone knows that.;)

And I don't start threads every week about it.
Badger Kitten said:
I first read about Bohemian Grove in 1987, in the book 'Significant Others ' by Armistead Maupin, part if his best -selling Tales of the City series.
You are setting Azrael straight with - quite literally - a piece of fiction, Badger Kitten?
Badger Kitten said:
I first read about Bohemian Grove in 1987, in the book 'Significant Others ' by Armistead Maupin, part if his best -selling Tales of the City series. Originally published in the San Fransisco Chronicle to a wide and appreciative audience, I recommend Azrael reads it. Millions of peopel have read it world wide. It is freely available at Borders.

You'll find a story about bunch of old rich white farts networking with each other, as old rich white farts are prone to do. And a lesbian summer camp in the woods, and the hilarious mix-ups when the two seperatist compunds accidentally cross into each others territory. Plus the world's most beautiful fat woman, and the continued ambition of Mary Anne Singleton vs. Brian, her nursery-man husband.

Not everything is a sinister conspiracy sunshine

But I hope you enjoy this alternative take on Bohemian Grove, it may help you sleep better at night. I know truthseekers are always willing to look at alternative points of view - and a socially-aware richly comic gay novelist's affectionate lampooning of the Elite's secret summer haunt is based on reality.

Funny how few gay conspiraloons there are. Guess they just get access to much more accurate gossip.

Are you actually not joking?!!!

Bohemian grove doesn`t even allow women past the car park! They can work as valets but thats as far as it goes. You`ll find no lesbians around.

Your talking about a piece of fiction...

The real bohemian grove was founded by a bunch of arty types with questionable interests in orgiastic and ritualistic behaviour, the bottom of the san fran barrel if you get me. I`m not saying its always been some conspiratorial haven but to put it mildly, the presidents and the bankers have been appearing there since the turn of 1920`s.

You`ll have to accept that the culture (or cult!) of power that exists in the world is engrained. History has granted it a veneer of respectability. Much like the banks, 200 years ago everyone knew the banks were evil, elections in the newly consecrated USA were won on anti-banker platforms. We never used to be so gullible you know!
Azrael23 said:
Well look, don`t you end up being kidnapped by the satanically inspired evil ruler of nottingham?

Surely you should be supporting us! :D

Who is this satanically inspired evil ruler of whom you speak ?

& who is the "us" you think I should be supporting ?

& Jazzz ----- it made no sense at ALL, on ANY level !
Maidmarian said:
Who is this satanically inspired evil ruler of whom you speak ?

& who is the "us" you think I should be supporting ?

& Jazzz ----- it made no sense at ALL, on ANY level !

You know the Sheriff of Nottingham from Robin Hood?

I think you have some kind of difficulty in assessing the tone of posts.:)

Did you think i was honestly suggesting the satanically inspired ruler of nottingham was planning to kidnap you!? :D

PS. If you could quote what didn`t make sense, I`d be glad to clarify.
Well suppose the Neocons in the US administration all had red hair. Would it then be 'hairist' to wonder if they were up to no good? Even if they were sending red-haired US troops to their death? It is the argument that any questioning of the banking system and the elite families that run it is somehow racist that I don't get (how many of them are Jewish I don't know and it is of no importance).
Well people only say stuff like that because the Rothschilds are always named and they claim to be jewish. I couldn`t give a shit if they claim to be from the Drako constellation, I`d just quite like them to leave these positions of dominance.

PS Look....i`ve gifted you with an opportunity to quote me and imply that i`m suggesting our rulers are from Drako, I`ll be disappointed if someone doesn`t rise...
Azrael23 said:
You know the Sheriff of Nottingham from Robin Hood?

I think you have some kind of difficulty in assessing the tone of posts.:)

Did you think i was honestly suggesting the satanically inspired ruler of nottingham was planning to kidnap you!? :D

PS. If you could quote what didn`t make sense, I`d be glad to clarify.

Indeed I know the difference & actually, the present sheriff is OK, so NO I don't believe I'm about to be kidnapped ( I think YOU have "difficulties").

I already quoted (part of) what didn't make sense !
The bit about attacks on our race as a whole?

Yeah I`d call the present global economy an attack on the human species.

Is that so difficult to clarify? :confused: Why do you feel the need to act so astounded at what I say?

Is it love?..... lol
Azrael23 said:
No, when Iraq broke out and people like me were trying to tell you it was all a scam.....you laughed. We were the ones banging on about scott ritter etc.

Turned out it was true.

you're a deluded arrogant prick
Azrael23 said:
I can prove beyond reasonable doubt that the so-called mastermind of 7/7 and of 9/11 both work for western intelligence. But you should already know that.

Did u type in TIM OSMOND?


Yeah, some insurance guy died. Big deal. :confused:
Blagsta said:
you're a deluded arrogant prick

Thats may well be....but this deluded arrogant prick along with a lot of other people were proven right.

So bell off. :)

Perhaps Tim Osmond Bin Laden would have been better
Jazzz said:
You are setting Azrael straight with - quite literally - a piece of fiction, Badger Kitten?

Oh the irony. Everything you believe has been lifted wholesale from a cult 1970's novel.
Azrael23 said:
Thats may well be....but this deluded arrogant prick along with a lot of other people were proven right.

So bell off. :)

Perhaps Tim Osmond Bin Laden would have been better

You think you were the only one sceptical about the Iraq war. You weren't, you prick.
Errr no, hence I added "with a lot of other people"....you see?

Seeing as Bohemian Grove was founded in the 1880`s, I somehow doubt it has its origins in a 1970`s book. I`ve already addressed that point perfectly well. Perhaps you should read the thread before posting. :)
Azrael23 said:
Errr no, hence I added "with a lot of other people"....you see?

Errrr...yes, as your posting of "lots of other people" means you and deluded idiots like you, when in fact lots of sane people were deeply sceptical about the reasons for going into Iraq.

Azrael23 said:
Seeing as Bohemian Grove was founded in the 1880`s, I somehow doubt it has its origins in a 1970`s book. I`ve already addressed that point perfectly well. Perhaps you should read the thread before posting. :)

What the fuck are you on about you freak?
Blagsta said:
Errrr...yes, as your posting of "lots of other people" means you and deluded idiots like you, when in fact lots of sane people were deeply sceptical about the reasons for going into Iraq.

Errr so I was right when (along with many other people) i said WMD`s were a front for the war agenda....but that makes me a conspiraloon. Ok I understand your logic.... :rolleyes:
Your trying to break it down into an us Vs them conflict, my guess is that you like being a dick.

Blagsta said:
What the fuck are you on about you freak?

I`d have thought that was quite obvious. :)

Have you tried a simple wikipedia search? Wiki - BG
Azrael23 said:
Errr so I was right when i said WMD`s were a front for the war agenda....

Errrr...lots of people were saying that, so don't make out like it was some grand revelation that only you and your paranoid mates came out with cos that would make you even more of a liar than you already are.

Azrael23 said:
but that makes me a conspiraloon. Ok I understand your logic.... :rolleyes:
Your trying to break it down into an us Vs them conflict, my guess is that you like being a dick.

It makes you either (a) suffering from delusions of grandiosity and omnipotence as well as paranoia or (b) a liar. Which is it?

Azrael23 said:
I`d have thought that was quite obvious. :)

Have you tried a simple wikipedia search? Wiki - BG

Thinking and reflecting isn't really your strong point is it?
Azrael23 said:
Are you actually not joking?!!!

Bohemian grove doesn`t even allow women past the car park! They can work as valets but thats as far as it goes. You`ll find no lesbians around.

Your talking about a piece of fiction...

The real bohemian grove was founded by a bunch of arty types with questionable interests in orgiastic and ritualistic behaviour, the bottom of the san fran barrel if you get me. I`m not saying its always been some conspiratorial haven but to put it mildly, the presidents and the bankers have been appearing there since the turn of 1920`s.

You`ll have to accept that the culture (or cult!) of power that exists in the world is engrained. History has granted it a veneer of respectability. Much like the banks, 200 years ago everyone knew the banks were evil, elections in the newly consecrated USA were won on anti-banker platforms. We never used to be so gullible you know!

You twat.

The novel contains a highly accurate expose of Bohemian Grove, woven into a work of fiction.

Point being: the rituals of the place have been widely known about since the late 1980's. To the extent that they can be used as comic sub-plots in books.

Untwist your conspiraknickers, you goose, and calm the fuck down. Try
reading the novel and see how much has been known about the place for 20+ years.
Badger Kitten said:
You twat.

The novel contains a highly accurate expose of Bohemian Grove, woven into a work of fiction.

Point being: the rituals of the place have been widely known about since the late 1980's. To the extent that they can be used as comic sub-plots in books.

Untwist your conspiraknickers, you goose, and calm the fuck down. Try
reading the novel and see how much has been known about the place for 20+ years.

You realise he'll now construct a conspiracy theory about Maupin having been the "bitch" of one of the "international bankers" at the grove, don't you? :)

I can imagine it now:

"Yeah, but Maupin only knew about it because he sold his arse to a banker to pay his way through journalism school, and he toned down all the rituals to try and make them sound cute and innocent, Alex Jones said so!"

or something equally daft if not as correctly-spelled.
I Don`t Give A Fuck About The Stupid Book.

Its A Story.

If it said there are rituals being held there then perhaps thats reason to agree with me on that but it ain`t my source of inspiration.
I`m very well aware that people have been talking about the grove for a while but we now have footage of the opening ritual, undercover employees have videotaped parts of the complex too...

Why am I flamed for mentioning what goes on there?

PS Theres nothing wrong with my spelling either!
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