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Could the conspiraloons sink any lower?

Meltingpot said:
IMO, Scientology isn't a religion because there's no place in it for grace or any kind of divine intercession. I think it's best described as an applied religious philosophy.
You would. That's exactly what Hubbard described it as. When he wasn't trying to describe it as a science.

"It's a dessert topping AND a floor wax!!!" :rolleyes:
Meltingpot said:
Fair enough, but that could also be said about psychoanalysis based upon the works of, say, Freud or Jung, which can also get expensive (though less so than Scientology, which can total into the hundreds of thousands).
But you know what you're paying for, you know what you're getting, and nobody's going to come round your house with a bit of goldenrod on which your Declaration of Suppressiveness is printed if you suddenly decide the whole deal's a crock of shit.

I think you are being highly disingenuous about this whole thing, which rather calls into question your integrity on the other claims you've made on this thread.
You used to be able to get a catalogue with the costs per hour of auditing at different levels cited in pounds sterling, but they wouldn't tell you how many hours you'd need or that they could compel you to take services you didn't need (and pay for them) to clear up any "doubts" they had about your reliability.
pembrokestephen said:
But you know what you're paying for, you know what you're getting, and nobody's going to come round your house with a bit of goldenrod on which your Declaration of Suppressiveness is printed if you suddenly decide the whole deal's a crock of shit.

I think you are being highly disingenuous about this whole thing, which rather calls into question your integrity on the other claims you've made on this thread.

Why do you think I'm being disingenuous? You're attacking a technology that you admit you have no direct experience of as either client or deliverer.
Meltingpot said:
You used to be able to get a catalogue with the costs per hour of auditing at different levels cited in pounds sterling, but they wouldn't tell you how many hours you'd need or that they could compel you to take services you didn't need (and pay for them) to clear up any "doubts" they had about your reliability.
So you're telling me that you could sit down with this catalogue and work out exactly how much it was going to cost you to get to the bit (OT VII, I think) where you could communicate with the birds and the trees, and (this is the important bit) receive their communications in return?

I don't think so...
Meltingpot said:
There's an alternative theory I've heard about Hungerford et al., that this spate of killings is a response to electromagnetic pollution; but the only person I've seen say that believed we're nearly all going to perish in a worldwide holocaust before a more enlightened civilisation can take our place. That one mightn't go down well here either.

So why mention it? Are you trying to reach some target of most fuckwitted ideas from one poster (beware several posters here have very high scores).
So, in the end "Who did do the doodoo in the urinal?"
Meltingpot said:
Why do you think I'm being disingenuous? You're attacking a technology that you admit you have no direct experience of as either client or deliverer.
"I refer the honourable gentleman to the dogshit remark I made to the House earlier."
pembrokestephen said:
You would. That's exactly what Hubbard described it as. When he wasn't trying to describe it as a science.

He might have done, but his Church call it a religion, which is where I would beg to differ.
Having worked in universities, and given that the first shooting occurred around 7am, I'm not surprised that there was a two hour gap between the shooting and the first communications from university management.

First, someone would have had to inform the management and then they would have to get to the university (assuming they were not living on campus, and rarely do senior managers live on campus). Then there would have to be a briefing meeting to implement their emergency action plan and the communication drafted and sent out.
pembrokestephen said:
"I refer the honourable gentleman to the dogshit remark I made to the House earlier."

Yeah, but you conceded it;


I know at least something of what I'm talking about here, I spent five years (admittedly part time) studying the subject and receiving it from people trained in it. I think we're all agreed that the Church sucks ass, the question is whether Scientology tech does.
pembrokestephen said:
So you're telling me that you could sit down with this catalogue and work out exactly how much it was going to cost you to get to the bit (OT VII, I think) where you could communicate with the birds and the trees, and (this is the important bit) receive their communications in return?

I don't think so...

No I'm not, I'm saying I agree with you to some extent.
axon said:
So why mention it? Are you trying to reach some target of most fuckwitted ideas from one poster (beware several posters here have very high scores).

So, in the end "Who did do the doodoo in the urinal?"

I thought the post could do with a little diversity. BTW, I do believe in electromagnetic pollution (mobile 'phone masts etc.).
equationgirl said:
Having worked in universities, and given that the first shooting occurred around 7am, I'm not surprised that there was a two hour gap between the shooting and the first communications from university management.

First, someone would have had to inform the management and then they would have to get to the university (assuming they were not living on campus, and rarely do senior managers live on campus). Then there would have to be a briefing meeting to implement their emergency action plan and the communication drafted and sent out.
So, actually, we should be rather glad they knew about it before it was all over, then?

That kind of jibes with my experience of my university's admin... :D
Pretty much, to be honest :D

In my final year at uni legionnaires disease was found in the uni library air con cooling tower. How were campus residents informed?

By the evening news.

And a general letter from the uni sent in internal mail a few days later. :rolleyes:
Meltingpot said:
Fair enough, but that could also be said about psychoanalysis based upon the works of, say, Freud or Jung, which can also get expensive (though less so than Scientology, which can total into the hundreds of thousands).
A course of psychoanalysis could certainly top £100K (ten years is considered 'getting into it') :D
Question for Meltingplop and t'other loons:

Okay, this was done by the cia/black ops; JFK - check; 911 - check; oklahoma - check...

... how do we we know what isn't black ops! :confused: Wayne Rooney shagging that granny - Black Ops? The ominous rise of the Chuckle Brothers - Black Ops? The Pedalo incident?

So how do you lads sort this out? Do you have some test of reaonableness? 'Yeah, obviously, the Death of Diana was down to thecombined forces of Princes Phillip and the Arch-Lizard - but Keith Chegwin getting his cock out on Channel 4? Nah, we'd look really stupid if we said that was'
Jazzz said:
A course of psychoanalysis could certainly top £100K (ten years is considered 'getting into it') :D

Only for people who are training to be analysts themselves. 2 or 3 years is more common. A lot of therapists also operate sliding scales, depending on your income.
Meltingpot said:
For those with more open minds than anyone who's posted in this thread so far, the connection you're looking for isn't 9/11, but a prior visit by this gunman to a CIA-sponsored psychiatrist.
Did this clam worshiping fruitloop ever pony up this connection? Or did he pull that classic Jazzz trick "only answer the easy questions"?
Meltingpot said:
Wrong, you're the ones making the assertion here, i.e. that this is so obviously NOT a psy-op that anyone who thinks it might be is off their trolley.

Am I correct so far?

I'm simply saying it might be.

BTW, Occam's Razor doesn't apply in human events because people with something to hide make things more complicated than they would otherwise be.

For Christ sake you really don't get it. If I said the shootings were carried out by 5 specially trained genetically enhanced monkies wearing stealth armour. Can you prove they weren't? I'm just saying they might have been.

Can you prove I'm not the Darli fucking Larma. Because I'm saying I mmight just be. Or are you going to assume I'm not?
Meltingpot said:
BTW, I do believe in electromagnetic pollution (mobile 'phone masts etc.).

Excellent stuff. Team up with Jazzz then and post in the Science and Tech forum. Jazzz does sums and everything.
can I get a job with black ops silencing these loons :D
I'd be cheap no black helicopter for me
they won't hear a bicycle coming death by hedge trimmer :D
Meltingpot said:
BTW, Occam's Razor doesn't apply in human events because people with something to hide make things more complicated than they would otherwise be.
His video looks pretty straightforward to me.
xenon_2 said:
For Christ sake you really don't get it. If I said the shootings were carried out by 5 specially trained genetically enhanced monkies wearing stealth armour. Can you prove they weren't? I'm just saying they might have been.

Can you prove I'm not the Darli fucking Larma. Because I'm saying I mmight just be. Or are you going to assume I'm not?
Dont mention the monkies ?
Didnt one of the conspricy debunking programs (forget which one it was)?
Come up with the reasons for conspricy theories that people what some deep meaning and reason why terrible things happen .
Blagsta said:
Only for people who are training to be analysts themselves. 2 or 3 years is more common. A lot of therapists also operate sliding scales, depending on your income.
No, I don't accept that. Well, not where my mother is concerned anyway - she's a psychoanalyst, and I know for a fact that she's seen several patients for that kind of timespan. I answered her phone recently to find a voice I recognised from at least fifteen years before, an investment banker who would certainly have coughed up 100K.
Jazzz said:
No, I don't accept that. Well, not where my mother is concerned anyway - she's a psychoanalyst, and I know for a fact that she's seen several patients for that kind of timespan. I answered her phone recently to find a voice I recognised from at least fifteen years before, an investment banker who would certainly have coughed up 100K.

Of course, some people choose to be in therapy for longer, if they can afford it. However, 2 to 3 (maybe up to 5) is more normal. Also sliding scales is normal. My partner is training to be a psychoanalyst.
Although of course, pyschoanalysis can have quite a precious middle class up itself air about it. Which is a shame IMO as its a very interesting way of thinking about human nature.

No, I don't want to get drawn into a debate on whether psychoanalysis is nonsense or not. Mainly because most people haven't got the first clue about it.
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