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Conspiraloons – why...?

Stobart Stopper said:
Can I be last one in on this one please Editor?

No me me me

I've spent more time on this thread winding up thhe conspiraloons than you have. :D #

Stobart you johhnny come lately :mad: ;)
zArk said:
i am literally saying aliens, from outer-space.

I dont think anyone is calling YOU a anti-semite.

you don't have to look hard to find anti-semitism and all kinds of other crap, some of it bonkers, some of it extremely sinister, on conspiracy websites.

it shouldn't lead you to defend them, saying "oh well everyone makes mistakes", or say "oh when they say jews they mean zionists" or other such crap, because you know that it is crap.

it makes no difference, and it isnt even about anti-semitism anyway.

shit, i mean i found a conspiracy theory that said that muslims ran the world and the banks were all controlled by rich saudis, and that the euro-arab cooperation association was at the centre of this atrocity, and that the government was controlled by muslims who were encouraging terrorism against the whites.

there are people out there who BELIEVE THIS, and there is even a name for their little muslim-controlled government, its called "Eurabia".

now, imagine if someone was to write a book about this conspiracy, but claim that the muslims were aliens, aliens that happened to have muslim names, and shape shifted into huge black birds from time to time.

a few gulliable fools might be taken in - but most people would know perfectly well to what it was referring. do you really think the author of the book would be fooling anyone when they said "oh no, im really talking about aliens"?!!!

now, that isn't anti-semitic, but all these conspiracy theories are remarkably similar, they all involve an all powerful, evil enemy, who is controlling the helpless and unthinking masses.

which should lead one to think, "if they are wrong on this, or lying about it, what ELSE are they lying about"?

after all, take tony blair - he lied about the iraq war, correct?

now, are we going to say "he's not such a bad guy, he only lied about one thing, the rest of what he did was allright", although this abuse of our trust, or this mistake or whatever it was, only applies to one particular thing.

are we going to accept everything else he says uncritically? uh, no.

the idea of a group of people who are united by some common factor which makes them "evil", rather than their actions, the idea of satanic bloodlines running in families, is potentially a very dangerous one.

and you dont have to be talking about anti-semitism - you miss my point.

i used hitler as a example because it is the most obvious and most extreme example.

take the royal family.

according to what icke, and a great number of other conspiracy theorists say, the royal family has a satanic bloodline which relates them to Bush and Blair, and causes them to commit evil acts and dominate the world.

now, don't forget, many people are related to aristocracy, or come from families that were once aristocractic.

you will find people who are related to henry the 8th's wives, or are 335th in line to the throne or something, just ordinary, normal people going about their business.

i myself am related to aristocracy.

are we going to say that they are all scum ... and what's more, because of this "bloodline", anyone remotely related to the queen or the royal family is scum too?

im not saying anyone believes this ... but can you see where im coming from?

you have to think very carefully about peoples agendas - who is saying this, what are their connections, what is the motive for their making such a claim?

i have also seen an article on Rense's site that said that smoking was good for you, and that the idea of smokers having an increased risk of lung cancer was ... you guessed it ... a conspiracy.

the only people who say such things are people who want to exonerate the tobacco companies.

please...dont insult your own intelligence ... THINK about it.
frogwoman said:
I dont think anyone is calling YOU a anti-semite.

I am saying that zArk and azrael23 and the rest are either complicit with those anti-Semitic fucktards and pretending to be stupid, or so stupid they shouldn't be left in charge of a glass of water unsupervised.

The only other possibility is that they are trolls making shit up at random.
or unwilling to realise the truth .

nobody wants to be proved wrong.

my friend is a lot like that, she believes in conspiracy theories and ive pointed out all sorts of holocaust denials/pro-smoking/islamophobic/anti-gay/creationism/age of aquarious/astrology bullshit/"mysterious orbs" :D type shit and then she's like "oh, i'm not responsible for what these people say", and tries to defend them, like "that doesnt mean the rest of what they say is wrong".

what worries me is that shes actually started to take some of the more loopy stuff seriously, as well.

i dont know what it is, its almost like a sort of ostrich mentality, not wanting to believe that the people whose ideas you accept could ever be wrong, and wanting to dismiss anything that says they might be.
laptop said:
I am saying that zArk and azrael23 and the rest are either complicit with those anti-Semitic fucktards and pretending to be stupid, or so stupid they shouldn't be left in charge of a glass of water unsupervised.

The only other possibility is that they are trolls making shit up at random.

Totally agree.
Am I right in thinking a lot of this is down to a misreading of metaphor, both their own and that of others?

It means that they are unable properly to read the metaphors about aliens and lizardic beings as they appear in the writings of those who seek to cover their political extremism with a fig leaf of concern for the human race; but insist on literal readings of Biblical and literary texts where metaphor is clearly the order of the day (eg, the giants of ancient texts = there once really were giants).

Either way there's some wriggling going on and things have got arse about face.

What can it all mean?
No you didn`t, you just inferred that I must believe in shapeshifting aliens running the world and that people are evil because of their blood... :rolleyes:
BTW I don`t think even David Icke believes it their blood that makes them evil, just that it makes them more susceptible to hosting.

Isn`t there a documentary coming out soon "David Icke: The man that got it right?" for mainstream TV? I`m quite looking forward to that actually.
Azrael23 said:
No you didn`t, you just inferred that I must believe in shapeshifting aliens running the world and that people are evil because of their blood... :rolleyes:
Which is a long way from calling you a fascist.

When your apparent grasp on reality is as weak as this sort of exchange makes it look, is it any wonder that nobody wants to take your claims seriously without a considerable amount of supporting evidence or substantiation?

Honestly, Azrael, you shoot yourself in the foot pretty much every time you make a post on here...
Azrael23 said:
No you didn`t, you just inferred that I must believe in shapeshifting aliens running the world and that people are evil because of their blood... :rolleyes:
BTW I don`t think even David Icke believes it their blood that makes them evil, just that it makes them more susceptible to hosting.

Isn`t there a documentary coming out soon "David Icke: The man that got it right?" for mainstream TV? I`m quite looking forward to that actually.

Azrael23 said:
Today's mighty oak is just, yesterday's nut that held its ground :)

You have some strange notions, but none so strange as your idea of how long it takes a tree to grow. :p
Icke actually believes that trans-dimensional beings, that have been dipicted as lizards and other beings which look similar to lizards, cross-over into our dimension and through rituals are allowed a gateway into this world through a human being.

Why would pan-dimensional beings require a 'ritual'?

BTW Azreal, do you understand that all this business with aliens and lizards is a metaphor for 'others' in a human context? That no one on this thread has called you a fash or an anti-semite, but are attempting, some with patience and good grace and a genuine desire to help you see this and others with more direct language, to explain to you that this shit is harmful and in many cases very thinly disguised racism/anti-semitism.

Not you, the writers that you quote from. See the difference?
kyser_soze said:
Why would pan-dimensional beings require a 'ritual'?

Its to do with frequency ranges and energy. A ritual uses certain objects, colours and actions to create a specific energy.

Stonehenge could be viewed as a ritual arena
Freemasonic rituals are quite complex with dress, actions and objects
Christian Mass is specific for rituals

Foucault wrote explanations of body control, described and coined as 'bio-power'. Icke takes 'body control' to another position, that of possession.

Hypnotists use a type of ritual to encourage behaviour in people. The ritual and pan-dimensional beings that Icke talks of could be re-analysed as a form of hypnosis that cults or the occult use for initiations.

Clearly, the ideas of Icke rely upon a structure of good and evil which is culturally specific. If 'good' and 'evil' was proved to be a certain thing, then symbology could have a basis that is ahistorical.

i.e is sacrificing in effigy a human being to an Icon (stone owl representation of Molac) evil? Are the people conducting the ritual evil cause they wear red robes with hoods?

fuck knows, philosophically. Do rituals like that hold any place in mainstream society... nope i dont think so.

Would society accept Masonic Rituals and trust admitted Masons in public positions of power? Doesnt suprise me that they keep quiet and quote human rights -- remember David Blunkett was calling for legalising that public servants had to admit if they were a mason. -- the human rights law was used to stop it.
Ohhhh...its harmful....

"Ohhh...dear God...look at the children melt when you mention the banking system.... Don`t bring up experiments at Porton Down, that kills black people..... "

i`m sorry I think you guys will have to explain again. :rolleyes:
Azrael23 said:
Ohhhh...its harmful....

"Ohhh...dear God...look at the children melt when you mention the banking system.... Don`t bring up experiments at Porton Down, that kills black people..... "

i`m sorry I think you guys will have to explain again. :rolleyes:


MPs and peers should be forced to declare membership of secret societies such as the freemasons in line with police officers and judges, according to a Commons motion to be tabled tomorrow.

The motion will call on the Standards and Privileges Committee to include societies with a closed membership in its list of members interests. This would include Piccadilly gentlemen's clubs and the Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC) as well as freemason's lodges.


bloody guardian and mps talking like fruitloops about masons. Crackers they are. Imagine the commons tabling a conspiraloon notion, that

There are five million freemasons worldwide, who pledge to give each other mutual support. Their activities were originally kept secret due to persecution by national governments.

heh, masons persecuting themselves????
zArk said:
Freemasonic rituals are quite complex with dress, actions and objects
Complex, yes, in a hard-to-learn-and-remember-the-fucking-words kind of way, but in a pandimensional kind of way? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

zArk said:
Foucault wrote explanations of body control, described and coined as 'bio-power'. Icke takes 'body control' to another position, that of possession.
I can't imagine that Foucault and Icke often get quoted in the same paragraph. Congratulations :)

zArk said:
Would society accept Masonic Rituals and trust admitted Masons in public positions of power? Doesnt suprise me that they keep quiet and quote human rights -- remember David Blunkett was calling for legalising that public servants had to admit if they were a mason. -- the human rights law was used to stop it.
And quite right too. Unless, of course, you believe that Freemasonry is in the business of summoning pandimensional beings... Personally, as a Freemason, I'm very tickled by the incredible powers that people so often seem to ascribe to us: if half of them were true, I think a lot more people would be Masons...
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