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Why did Lady Di die?

Why did Di Die?

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She dies because she was not wearing a seat belt. The only person who survived the crash (the body guard) was wearing a seat belt. The driver was over the limit & being encouraged to accelerate to out run the pursuing paparazzi. CASE CLOSED..
Allan said:
Di died, Dodi died, the Dodo died so Dido must be shitting herself.

Not forgetting that Jill Dando died as well - coincidence? I think so! Hope your right about Dido though.

Don't buy the assassination story. Its hardly a fail safe plot is it?

Tampering with car and/or shining light in drivers eyes could have very variable results from nothing worse than a swerve to a crash with Di injured but surviving to a fatal smash. Its also in the middle of a city where any tampering with evidence or making sure of death of pasengers (i/e pushing the vehicle of a cliff) is going to be a lot harder. Pissed driver in show of bravado to paparazzi seems far more likely.

Just cos the slightly mental DI was somewhat paranoid about being topped (and a suspiscious car accident is a pretty obvious method) doesn't mean that she was.
MI5 would'nt have done it as there strictly homegrown spooks MI6 get the big overseas travel budget :D and there not about to share it :p
if the spooks had done it would probably used a bomb blame the real IRA
get a massive budget increase and a fresh hunting licence :(
rather than just settle for tea and biscuits with phil
there was a survivor sort of rules out spook invovlement and DI although an embarressment was'nt going to bring the royals down look at marget and fergie they were not exactly squeaky clean.
although if the daily mirror wants to buy some photos of the SAS team setting up the ambush 25 grand in used notes and there all yours :D :rolleyes:
Take the following:

1 - A pissed driver
2 - People not wearing seatbelts
3 - High speed

What do you get?

Amazingly enough, and I know this sounds silly and far fetched, but you may just get a fatal accident.
You're being far too simplistic bees :rolleyes:

I have noticed that if you add the digits of the date of her birth and add up the digits of the date of her death, subtract a from b and then add 7 for no particular reason, you get 75 - a number posters on here will be very familiar with!

Coincidence? I think not!!!
Don't give a toss except to say that all communities including the muslim community have their fair share of totally Upney (one more stop than Barking) conspiraloons.
editor said:
Unless you've got access to any actual credible evidence to suggest that the seat-belt housings had been filed down in any way, I really don't see much point in bringing up unrelated references and cases.

he hasn't said that the housings were filed down , just that they could have . There is a big difference between questioning what could potentially have happened and being a conspiraloon and actually believing stuff without decent evidence .
Savage Henry said:
he hasn't said that the casings were filed down , just that they could have . There is a big difference between questioning what could potentially have happened and being a conspiraloon and actually believing stuff without decent evidence .
Yes, but unless you've got something approaching actual evidence to back up your 'questioning', you may as well say that the car was hit by a giant bumble bee.
editor said:
Yes, but unless you've got something approaching actual evidence to back up your 'questioning', you may as well say that the car was hit by a giant bumble bee.


<puts on false beard, leaves country>
editor said:
Yes, but unless you've got something approaching actual evidence to back up your 'questioning', you may as well say that the car was hit by a giant bumble bee.


It would probably be very easy to modify a seatbelt so it fails during a crash so if there was a conspiracy modifying the seat belts would be a good way of ensuring an accident would be more dangerous to the people in the car . Obviously an accident would then need to be "engineered" to provide a lethal result with the doctored seatbelts . IMO it's very unlikely but since people think this is a conspiracy then don't you think it's sensible to question what they believe and make a decision on how believable it was ! Lack of evidence doesn't make something untrue , so there is a point in questioning some things even if it's just for a few seconds !
Andy the Don said:
She dies because she was not wearing a seat belt. The only person who survived the crash (the body guard) was wearing a seat belt. The driver was over the limit & being encouraged to accelerate to out run the pursuing paparazzi. CASE CLOSED..

Sorry Andy.

That's :

a. Common sense
b. Most closely in accordance with whats most likely -- Occam's Razor
c. Entirely free of conspiraloonery
d. Doesn't support what people who are determined there MUST have been a conspiracy, WANT to believe

Far too boring!!!! Lets make up some fanciful theory instead ... :rolleyes:
Savage Henry said:

It would probably be very easy to modify a seatbelt so it fails during a crash so if there was a conspiracy modifying the seat belts would be a good way of ensuring an accident would be more dangerous to the people in the car . Obviously an accident would then need to be "engineered" to provide a lethal result with the doctored seatbelts . IMO it's very unlikely but since people think this is a conspiracy then don't you think it's sensible to question what they believe and make a decision on how believable it was ! Lack of evidence doesn't make something untrue , so there is a point in questioning some things even if it's just for a few seconds !

Pure speculation. Just because it's POSSIBLE for seatbelt modification to happen, does not mean that in this case, it DID.

And talk like that from sensible folks like you, just encourages crackpot conspiraloons to embroider fantasies without any evidence ...
The war on terror just wouldnt be the same if Di and Dodi were alive and happily married, they had to die, for the greater good :(
She was killed in a car crash but tbh, I couldn't give a fuck really. She was a parasite...just like all the other royals and aristos.
Diana would still be alive today if her car had one of these:

William of Walworth said:
Pure speculation. Just because it's POSSIBLE for seatbelt modification to happen, does not mean that in this case, it DID.

And talk like that from sensible folks like you, just encourages crackpot conspiraloons to embroider fantasies without any evidence ...

Your missing my point , I'm saying it's possible but if you believe thats possible then what do you ask next , it's whether a fatal car accident can be enginereed before the seat belt problem is discovered . In the case of diana it involved a drunk driver and a high speed paparazzi chase , which I don't think can have been set up ! Which means there would be no point in doctoring the seat belts because a crash was not engineered .
Savage Henry said:
Lack of evidence doesn't make something untrue , so there is a point in questioning some things even if it's just for a few seconds !
My money's on a giant owl being responsible.

After all, there's as much evidence of that as there is for nobbled seatbelts, cleverly tied in with a cunningly engineered drunk/speeding driver and chasing paparazzi scenario.

A large owl could have flapped through the underpass and its huge reflective eyes and swivelling head confusing the driver.

nino_savatte said:
She was killed in a car crash but tbh, I couldn't give a fuck really. She was a parasite...just like all the other royals and aristos.


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Because the human body is a fragile thing, and cannot withstand the forces of an impact at that speed.

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