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Conspiraloons – why...?

Azrael23 said:
Ohhhh...its harmful....

"Ohhh...dear God...look at the children melt when you mention the banking system.... Don`t bring up experiments at Porton Down, that kills black people..... "

i`m sorry I think you guys will have to explain again. :rolleyes:
Well, you've got it all wrong. It's when you MASTURBATE. That's when God kills a kitten.
Ive got a nice question on governmentalism coming up in my exam monday.

Anything I should try and bring up for brownie points? :p
pembrokestephen said:
I can't imagine that Foucault and Icke often get quoted in the same paragraph. Congratulations :)

In many of his shows Icke talks about people controlling peoples behaviour through right and wrong. i.e people dont dance around supermarkets because it is not an accepted practice by the majority of people.

His point is that Governments dont need to police peoples behaviour because we do that ourselves.

Very similar to Foucaults descriptions.

pembrokestephen said:
Complex, yes, in a hard-to-learn-and-remember-the-fucking-words kind of way, but in a pandimensional kind of way? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

I agree that it seems waaaaay-out-there, but that is not to say i dont find it interesting.

I think it important to break down ideas in order to try to understand where they come from and how they fit in with common-knowledge.

pembrokestephen said:
And quite right too. Unless, of course, you believe that Freemasonry is in the business of summoning pandimensional beings... Personally, as a Freemason, I'm very tickled by the incredible powers that people so often seem to ascribe to us: if half of them were true, I think a lot more people would be Masons...

I do think people who are in societies, such as the Masons, should have their loyality and 'who they are responsible to' questioned. I find it disconcerting that Judges are Masons because i wonder what principles are they drawing upon to make a judgement.
ie. does the rule of law get thrown out the window when the judge is confronted by another mason on trial?

also i am totally against MP's swearing allegiance to the Crown rather than swearing allegiance to the people.

for a perfect example of this 'trouble' see the court case brought against the police by the people who were on the receiving end of a beating at the titled 'Operation Solstice' or 'Battle of Beanfield' .

N.B i aint saying that the masons were behind Operation Solstice, but using it as an example of how Judges can sway a case if they really want to.

opus dei -- hurt themselves to get closer to god.

The flesh is viewed as bad, and thus to get closer to god, the flesh must be damaged.

Foucault described in vivid detail how the body is punished in an attempt to cleanse the mind.

Going futher, is it plausible that a group like Opus Dei would be infavour of posioning people in order to cleanse their minds?
i.e take the current reports of high levels of Benzene in food stuffs and the coming Fluoridation of water supplies.

can this be viewed as a way some people think they can help the mass public get purer of mind and closer to God?
Blagsta said:
Maybe should actually read some Foucault? Might stop you spouting so much shit.

zArk said:
Foucault described in vivid detail how the body is punished in an attempt to cleanse the mind.

That's a simplistic (and IMHO very one-sided) reading of what Foucault was conveying (and not one I recall from my reading of "Discipline and Punish).

Foucault spoke of the governance of the self, and how the individuals' relation to power/knowledge placed them within a discursive framework where conformity to the dominant discourse was the path of least resistance. He also said that punishment of the body was to bring about such conformity, such self-governance, not to "cleanse the mind".
ViolentPanda said:
That's a simplistic (and IMHO very one-sided) reading of what Foucault was conveying (and not one I recall from my reading of "Discipline and Punish).

Foucault spoke of the governance of the self, and how the individuals' relation to power/knowledge placed them within a discursive framework where conformity to the dominant discourse was the path of least resistance. He also said that punishment of the body was to bring about such conformity, such self-governance, not to "cleanse the mind".

Rubbısh. The argument of 'D and P' ıs that post-Enlıghtenment socıetıes *replace* punıshment of the body wıth dıscıplıne of the mınd as a means to ensure socıal conformıty, and then hypocrıtıcally claım that thıs ıs more humane.
phildwyer said:
Rubbısh. The argument of 'D and P' ıs that post-Enlıghtenment socıetıes *replace* punıshment of the body wıth dıscıplıne of the mınd as a means to ensure socıal conformıty, and then hypocrıtıcally claım that thıs ıs more humane.

Nice reading of the blurb from the book, phil. :p

That should read "are replacing, by the way. i.e. punishment of the body is still used, albeit at a supposedly much-reduced volume.
zArk said:

Icke actually believes that trans-dimensional beings, that have been dipicted as lizards and other beings which look similar to lizards, cross-over into our dimension and through rituals are allowed a gateway into this world through a human being.

He then says that these people are completely taken over by this entity.

So its not the same as saying he believes that Lizards run the world.

and no he doesnt say that Blair et al. shapeshift, he says that the entities can appear at certain times and thus create the impression of shapeshifting.

So, it aint the same.

Additionally he says that war and murder produce a negative energy that these entities feed upon. So saying that he believes they eat babies is incorrect. The sacrifice of humans, babies or virgins is a ritual to concentrate negative energy in order for those entities to feed.

please dont be so wishy washy about what icke says and writes about.-- true it has changed over the years, but his general idea of trans-dimensional beings is the same.

ah I see - silly me - it's demonic possession from demons who reside in Hell. Or lizards who reside in a pan-dimensional universe... or it's shite made up by delusional turquoise wearing messianic fucktard goalies from Leicester. You twat.

*walks the fuck away from the thread*
BootyLove said:
ah I see - silly me - it's demonic possession from demons who reside in Hell. Or lizards who reside in a pan-dimensional universe... or it's shite made up by delusional turquoise wearing messianic fucktard goalies from Leicester. You twat.

*walks the fuck away from the thread*

I dont understand why some people flip out when describing a 'far-out' idea or belief.


and the abuse is totally uncalled for.
Hell, if everybody could agree on what any particular philosopher actually meant, then that would take all the fun out of it! Foucault told me to eat bacon flavour wheat crunchies, if you interpret him correctly :)
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