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Could the conspiraloons sink any lower?

Dubversion said:
the very presence of fuckwits like you is an insult.

No it isn't, this is a forum where people are free to state their opinions, right or wrong. You're not expected to either agree with or like everything that is being said on these boards.

I notice too that you didn't acknowledge my response to your comments about my trying to ignore the horror of this.

Now please can we be civil?
Yep, I think the conspiraloons have sunk even further than in the OP ...


"Debbie Schlussel [US right-wing media 'pundit' on weblog] suspected VA Tech shooter might be a "Paki," part of "terrorist attack" Schlussel wrote, "The murderer has been identified by law enforcement and media reports as a young Asian male," adding, "The Virginia Tech campus has a very large Muslim community, many of which are from Pakistan." She continued: "Pakis are considered 'Asian.' "
Dubversion said:
ok, "odious little cunthawks who pick over the cadavers of the recently deceased to add further hysterical bollocks to an already overflowing cesspit of lies, nonsense and grief-pillaging twattery"

Tips hat.*

*Tinfoil naturally.
pembrokestephen said:
What do you think of my pointy stick?

Bob_the_lost said:
Of fuck off you deluded paranoid collection of arse fluff.

No chance of a pint of Marston's Pedigree then?

Seriously, how was that a sane reaction to my naming my favourite philosopher, who has nothing at all to do with conspiracy theory?

Oh, I like Robert Pirsig as well.
longdog said:
I've already asked that.

Silence came the reply.
So did i, how odd that it's been ignored!

Same treatment Jazzz gets, civility will be provided if the loon responds to at least some of my questions. So far the only responses i seem to get are when i'm not civil. Fine, i can work with that.

there, some swearing to get his attention.

What about the shrink!
Meltingpot said:
Now please can we be civil?

We can.

Now for the third time of asking on this thread would you please provide some (any) evidence that the murderer had, at any time, seen a CIA psychiatrist?

Thank you for your time.
8den said:
Claiming Occam's razor doesn't apply to people is sheer fuckwitology of the highest order.

8den, would you have any objection if I adopted that word? It's ace. :cool:
longdog said:
We can.

Now for the third time of asking on this thread would you please provide some (any) evidence that the murderer had, at any time, seen a CIA psychiatrist?

Thank you for your time.

Read my original post, which was in response to editor saying there was a link to 9/11.

From memory, I said "the connection I was looking for was that the gunman had seen a CIA-backed psychiatrist. In other words, that's pretty much the deal breaker here. If he hadn't, then fair enough, there's probably no way he could have been used in a psy-op and it was a random outrage.

If he had, then to my mind it looks a lot more likely. As yet I don't know.

If you want to know why the CIA would make a difference, do a search on google for MK (Mind Kontrolle) Ultra.
Meltingpot said:
Maybe because as soon as I've tried to answer one post, another half-dozen have appeared.
Lame excuse. If you were concentrating on answering one post, you wouldn't necessarily even be aware that the others had come in. So it's either a weak get-out, or you have very poor concentration.
8den said:
M'lud I present exhibt A

So to get your bizarro logic working here, if I'm trying to be decietful, I make things more complicated, bring in more variables, more unknowns, more people, therefore expanding the circle of people involved, increasing the chance that something will go wrong, an unforseen element will enter the equation, or someone exposes the whole house of cards....

Ah thats why they took the passengers off three planes, got new planes flew them into the WTC, hid the third plane, flew a missile into the pentagon, and shot down the fourth one, faked the passenger phonecalls, and strew fake evidence across three crime scenes. Because that makes it all easier to hide.

Look idiot. If you want a conspiracy to work, involve as few people as possible, make it as simple as possible. Claiming Occam's razor doesn't apply to people is sheer fuckwitology of the highest order.

You're right, I should have said "doesn't necessarily apply when people are in volved".

BTW, I also have an open mind on 9/11, I'm not convinced the US government were involved.
pembrokestephen said:
Lame excuse. If you were concentrating on answering one post, you wouldn't necessarily even be aware that the others had come in. So it's either a weak get-out, or you have very poor concentration.

No it isn't, because the key thing here is the number of posts I'm expected to deal with.
Meltingpot said:
Read my original post, which was in response to editor saying there was a link to 9/11.

From memory, I said "the connection I was looking for was that the gunman had seen a CIA-backed psychiatrist. In other words, that's pretty much the deal breaker here. If he hadn't, then fair enough, there's probably no way he could have been used in a psy-op and it was a random outrage.

If he had, then to my mind it looks a lot more likely. As yet I don't know.

If you want to know why the CIA would make a difference, do a search on google for MK (Mind Kontrolle) Ultra.

But why, in the name of Sooty's nanny would you even think that he'd seen a CIA psychiatrist?

One might as well postulate that he had been listening to Black Sabbath albums backwards and as a result gone on a killing spree.

You have no evidence whatsoever on which to even speculate that he had seen a CIA shrink.

Using your criteria any concievable scenario must be given creedence until it is disproved no matter how bizzare or unlikely.

I say he'd been in contact with the lizard people.

Or maybe it was the jews.

Or maybe it was the... etc

Prove me wrong.

By the way, I'm familiar with MK Ultra and it has precisely fuck all to do with anything.
pembrokestephen said:
OK, that's fine.

And you've done nothing to convince me (and probably quite a lot of the rest of us) to take seriously the possibity that you're a gullible, insensitive conspiraloon.

There. Now we're quits.

*points and laughs*

Honestly, meltingpot, there's dozens - hundreds, probably - of people on here, watching this, who know EXACTLY how it's going to go:

Conspiraloon posts latest "it's all a Cunning Plan" type theory about latest outrage.

Urban types raise one eyebrow, go "Yeah? Come on, then, show us some proof."

Conspiraloon huffs a bit and says "I don't have to. YOU prove I'm wrong."

Urban starts to chortle. Pointy sticks get sharpened. Conspiraloon becomes more agitated, theories become more extreme.

Urban, still chortling, gets irritable, demands for proof become more insistent.

Conspiraloon, now visibly frothing, resorts to calling Urbanites part of the conspiracy, claims them to be being controlled by alien mind control rays, demands proof from Urbanites that they aren't, that editor isn't Elvis, and that he, personally, has IRREFUTABLE PROOF that what he says is true...only he's left it in his other trousers.

Urban starts to deploy the pointy sticks: having given up on getting any sense out of conspiraloon, they see the end approaching, and just set out for a bit of sport.

Mods begin to circle.

Conspiraloon loads up waterpistol, gets mum to cut his hair a bit shorter than usual, leans out of bedroom window alternately screaming obscenities and sobbing.

Conspiraloon gets banned.


Meanwhile, you may have noticed, the rest of Urban is still here.

Have a nice time while you're here, Melty. What do you think of my pointy stick?

Very clever.

But as you may have noticed, all the obscenities have been aimed at me, not coming from me. So, why would I be banned if I respond in kind, unless you're suggesting bias on this forum?

It's not the first time I've been called gullible, but no way am I insensitive. Also a true conspiraloon would be saying all this was definitely true, not (as in my case) that it might be. Surely I'm allowed that much?
Meltingpot said:
From memory, I said "the connection I was looking for was that the gunman had seen a CIA-backed psychiatrist. In other words, that's pretty much the deal breaker here. If he hadn't, then fair enough, there's probably no way he could have been used in a psy-op and it was a random outrage.
OK, so why is that? Why would the fact that the gunman, say, hadn't seen a CIA-backed psychiatrist completely invalidate the idea that this was, as you call it, a "psy-op"?
Stop being such a pillock. If you were being sensitive, you may realise that the relatives of those shot may not want a bunch of internet fuckwads indulging in a fevered spate of baseless speculation in an conspiracy-fans internet circle-jerk.

What the hell is a CIA psychologist anyway? Do they arrive at their practices in disguise then? trench coat and novelty jacket?
Meltingpot said:
Also a true conspiraloon would be saying all this was definitely true, not (as in my case) that it might be. Surely I'm allowed that much?

I might say the moon might be made of cheese. If I did I would expect the world and his wife to rip the piss out of me.
Meltingpot said:
Very clever.

But as you may have noticed, all the obscenities have been aimed at me, not coming from me. So, why would I be banned if I respond in kind, unless you're suggesting bias on this forum?
Just carry on the way you're going, and we'll see which one turns out to be right, eh?

You may want to try searching for posts by "Azrael23" - another loonspud who eventually, with the assistance of a few others, managed to get an anti-loonspuddery rule built into the site rules, and got banned on it.

You can then claim, as many have before you, that Urban75 is a reactionary tool of the US government hegemony, or something. Makes a change from "capitalist running dog", I suppose :rolleyes:

Meltingpot said:
It's not the first time I've been called gullible, but no way am I insensitive. Also a true conspiraloon would be saying all this was definitely true, not (as in my case) that it might be. Surely I'm allowed that much?
You are insensitive because you are speculating wildly about all kinds of conspiracies which led to the deaths of 33 people before many of them will even have been put in the ground. If you can't see why that's insensitive, then you're a bigger idiot than I took you for.
tarannau said:
Stop being such a pillock. If you were being sensitive, you may realise that the relatives of those shot may not want a bunch of internet fuckwads indulging in a fevered spate of baseless speculation in an conspiracy-fans internet circle-jerk.

What the hell is a CIA psychologist anyway? Do they arrive at their practices in disguise then? trench coat and novelty jacket?

pembrokestephen said:
*smiles wryly*

I don't know a LOT about Scientology, but I think, on this showing, I may know a bit more than you.

Excellent, that's TWO things I know more than you about.

Care to put that to the test? What's on the tone scale between grief and fear?

I think there's two tones, but one will do.
Meltingpot said:
Care to put that to the test? What's on the tone scale between grief and fear?
I think there's two tones, but one will do.
I was thinking more of the way the scam operates rather than the detailed intricacies of the "tech".

Don't tell me you've been involved in all that stuff, too?
Andy the Don said:
Pretty standard procedure when the police do not know who the shooter is. After the SAS ended the Iranian Embassy siege in 1980 they made all the hostages lay face down & cuffed them until they could ascertain who they were. Good thing as one of the hostage takers had tried to slip in amoungst the hostages.
yeah maybe. Just seemed a bit hardcore. Perhaps it was only a threat anyway.
Jazzz said:
yeah maybe. Just seemed a bit hardcore. Perhaps it was only a threat anyway.

Appropriate response given the circumstances I would say, they must have all have been shitting steel bricks :eek:
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