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Could the conspiraloons sink any lower?

Jazzz said:
I was having trouble finding the original story from the link given; here it is.

It does seem bloody strange to me that a killer could be on the loose for about 2 hours before anyone did anything about it.
Why does it seem strange to you?
Now why i think it's utter balls as a concept that this was some attempt to get gun control:

"If the NRA could pick a candidate, it would undoubtedly be George W. Bush."

Bush himself said:
BUSH: I did think we ought to extend the assault weapons ban and was told the bill was never going to move. I believe law-abiding citizens ought to be able to own a gun. I believe in background checks. The best way to protect our citizens from guns is to prosecute those who commit crimes with guns.

Course it was probably the jews anyway. <Insert arcastic :rolleyes: here>
pembrokestephen said:
Heh. I wonder if he was.

*considers making enquiries*

I have feeling he may have been a mason although that's not particularly uncommon north of the border where masonic clubs are more like working man's clubs here in the civilised world.

Not sure about that.

Edited to add...

It appears not or they are denying it but they would wouldn't they? <adjusts tinfoil hat>

Robert Cooper, the museum and library curator of the Grand Lodge in Edinburgh’s George Street, said: "We are going to ask for members’ permission from two lodges that Thomas Hamilton has been linked with to print the membership book on the internet to put an end to speculation over whether he was a Freemason or not. We know he wasn’t but we want everyone else to be sure as well."

It’s not just an academic exercise. The Hamilton connection has haunted the Freemasons since he shot dead 16 children, one of their teachers and himself in the school gym of Dunblane Primary in 1996. Last month, a petition was submitted by a local resident to the Scottish parliament asking for the Cullen Inquiry into the murders to be reopened to re-examine alleged masonic links.

the button said:
STOP PRESS! The link also describes Thomas Hamilton's connections with the Freemasons.
:oops: Was something dodgy about the loon keeping his guns. Probably police misjudging him rather than the freemasons.
pembrokestephen said:
Well known fact about Scientologists: once they have you on their mailing list, you'll never get off. Actually, it's probably a good way of finding out if there is an afterlife, because if anyone's got a way of contacting people on the "other side", it'd be Scientology's marketing department...

Traditionally, you took Scn's marketing mailshot's reply-paid envelope, sellotaped it to a brick (or just stuffed it with all your other junk mail), and put it in the post. With email, there really isn't that option. :(

The best thing to do though is to send it back to them with "Reform Now" written on it, that way they know there's someone out there who doesn't agree with their policies.
Meltingpot said:
Okay, so you don't agree with this. WTF have you got such a problem with the fact that other people do, or at least take it serriously? Aren't we all entitled to our views?
Yes, of course we are.

My view is that people who try to spin huge and byzantine conspiraloonery out of an event like this have their priorities all wrong, are gullible, foolish, and not a little insensitive. I mean, they could have waited a decent interval, but nooooo, they had to rush in and be first with the "look at me!!! I iz in ur internetz, having theoriez!" rubbish. Feh.

Meltingpot said:
I don't know for sure one way or another, but I try and keep an open mind. I thought yesterday it might be a black op, and I posted yesterday to this effect.
Well done, you. I think you should go off to Cafepress and have them make you up a nice "VIRGINIA TECH...TOLD YOU SO!" T-shirt made up. Maybe with some nice tasteful bullet holes all across the front? :rolleyes:

Meltingpot said:
For those with more open minds than anyone who's posted in this thread so far, the connection you're looking for isn't 9/11, but a prior visit by this gunman to a CIA-sponsored psychiatrist.
Jesus H fucking Christ, you ARE one, aren't you?

Get thee to Cafepress. But please don't stop posting - we've broken most of our conspiraloons, now, and the rampant loonspuddery's been a bit thin on the ground lately...
Meltingpot said:
Right, my back is up now which is a first for this site. You've been rude to me, I'll be more polite to you.

Tell me how you know for certain that this wasn't a psy op. I'm not saying I know it was, just that it might have been.
You don't understand. The way it works is that YOU make the assertion, YOU provide the proof.

It's a bit like the innocent-until-proven-guilty thing.

Oh, and Wikipedia "Occam's Razor", while you're at it.
Bob_the_lost said:
Course it was probably the jews anyway. <Insert arcastic :rolleyes: here>

jewish lizards I think you'll find.

Jazzz said:
I was having trouble finding the original story from the link given; here it is.

It does seem bloody strange to me that a killer could be on the loose for about 2 hours before anyone did anything about it.

Well theres a fucking surprise.

Gosh because it's not like its a small campus, no wait it's 26,000 students over thousand of acres.

Reading Prison Planet, Alex Jones makes Kelvin McKenize's spin on Hillsborough seem sane.

The case of the UT Tower shooting when compared to the Virginia massacre illustrates perfectly how American men have been turned into weak yellow bellies who beg and plead for the equally spineless police to protect them in a crisis.

The difference? 40 years ago cops were not cowards, they knew their job was to protect the public and they didn't hide behind trees while wearing bullet proof body armor and toting sub-machine guns, cowering in fear at the prospect of facing up to a punk with a pea-shooter.

Melting Pot said:
I thought yesterday it might be a black op, and I posted yesterday to this effect.

And I asked you to tell us what you thought it was supposed to accomplish, and you never got back to us.

So again, what were the "black ops" objectives?
Meltingpot said:
Top tip, don't rise to it. Jazzz has maintained his jibbering for years here by remaining calm at all times. The FAQ doesn't include any mention of being sane but ranting and raving will get you banned eventually.
Jazzz said:
It does seem bloody strange to me that a killer could be on the loose for about 2 hours before anyone did anything about it.

not strange - just inept and very very tragic.

the last thing the families and friends of those who died need now is blathering, callous cunts like you lot turning it into another gargantuan carnival of bullshit that prevents people considering the real reasons behind the fucking tragedy.

You ignorant little fuck.
Bob_the_lost said:
Top tip, don't rise to it. Jazzz has maintained his jibbering for years here by remaining calm at all times. The FAQ doesn't include any mention of being sane but ranting and raving will get you banned eventually.

But it was hilarious watching him get flustered trying to out debate an architect. Kinda like watching a midget wrestle a tank.
Jazzz said:
It does seem bloody strange to me that a killer could be on the loose for about 2 hours before anyone did anything about it.
The vast majority of homicides, either by firearm or by other means are not multiple ones. At least a token investigation is going to be needed before they're going to start emptying a campus of 26,000. Add in that it's a completely different MO to any other school/uni masacre that i can think of off the top of my head and you've got to ask "why should they?"

You're also being misleading, nothing was announced for a few hours, different to nothing being done.
pembrokestephen said:
You don't understand. The way it works is that YOU make the assertion, YOU provide the proof.

It's a bit like the innocent-until-proven-guilty thing.

Oh, and Wikipedia "Occam's Razor", while you're at it.

Wrong, you're the ones making the assertion here, i.e. that this is so obviously NOT a psy-op that anyone who thinks it might be is off their trolley.

Am I correct so far?

I'm simply saying it might be.

BTW, Occam's Razor doesn't apply in human events because people with something to hide make things more complicated than they would otherwise be.
longdog said:
You're funny. Can we keep you as a pet? :D
Only if you clean out his cage properly. The last one we had you got bored of after a week, and I had to clean it out and feed it, then you thought it'd be a good idea to do a real life re-enactment of 9/11, and we had to get it put down.

Tsk :rolleyes:

*gets rather too good at this whole parent thing for his own liking*
Look melty, i'm more than willing to show why any/all of your reasons for it to be utter balls, stick them up in a numbered format and i or others will shoot them down one by one.

We've got GWB's position on firearm control to provide a good reason for it not being a black op. As such, unless your evidence/reasoning can withstand scrutiny the default position has to be that it's unlikely to be a black op.

Making sense here?
8den said:
No, there was a meeting, we decided you're a tool. There was a vote and everything. Then we had punch and pie.

OK, so why am I a tool? Convince me and I'll laugh along with you.
longdog said:
I have feeling he may have been a mason although that's not particularly uncommon north of the border where masonic clubs are more like working man's clubs here in the civilised world.

Not sure about that.

Edited to add...

It appears not or they are denying it but they would wouldn't they? <adjusts tinfoil hat>

Thing is, he could be. Even Freemasons can be cunts. What would be a shattering revelation - perhaps our new conspiraloon can help here - would be if the Dunblane killings were in some way inspired by or related to Freemasonry. I can't imagine they were...
Meltingpot said:
OK, so why am I a tool? Convince me and I'll laugh along with you.

There's no satisfaction to be gained in convincing you of anything since you're clearly dumb enough to believe whatever you're told..
hamilton was one of those obnoxious gits who'd go to law at the drop of a hat and as the law stood would probably have won an appeal to keep his guns unless the police looked into his history which was the normal thing to do in cases like this :(
Meltingpot said:
The best thing to do though is to send it back to them with "Reform Now" written on it, that way they know there's someone out there who doesn't agree with their policies.
Oh, there's all kinds of things you can write on the package that might enturbulate the mailroom clam. Except that he's probably utterly clueless, anyway. So it's probably not worth the bother.
8den said:
No, there was a meeting, we decided you're an tool. There was a vote and everything. Then we had punch and pie.
Sshhhhh, you won't supposed to tell him about the meeting! The next thing'll be that he gets to hear about the sekrit foru....oh, fuck, I've blown it, haven't I? :eek:

ETA: hang on a minute...pie? I never got any pie! How come whenever there's a meeting, arranged through the sekrit forum, I don't get to get pie? You bastards must have been quietly eating it behind your laptop screens so I couldn't see. And I bet it was nice pie, too, baked in Suburban75.

Fuck you lot, I'm off to invent some reasons why 9/11 happened. Or something. Gah :mad::mad::mad:

Dubversion said:
There's no satisfaction to be gained in convincing you of anything since you're clearly dumb enough to believe whatever you're told.

Not at all, I'm open to persuasion either way. So far you've done nothing whatever to convince me why I'm wrong to take seriously the possibility that this was a psy-op designed to frighten the American population except throw truckloads of abuse at me. Sorry, doesn't work.
Meltingpot said:
Not at all, I'm open to persuasion either way. So far you've done nothing whatever to convince me why I'm wrong to take seriously the possibility that this was a psy-op designed to frighten the American population except throw truckloads of abuse at me. Sorry, doesn't work.
Guess i'm being ignored. Jazzz does that too, made him look like an idiot without any analytical capacity at all once too often... :(
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