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Could the conspiraloons sink any lower?

pembrokestephen said:
Oh, there's all kinds of things you can write on the package that might enturbulate the mailroom clam. Except that he's probably utterly clueless, anyway. So it's probably not worth the bother.

Yeah maybe, but if they get enough of them management will take notice. It's a long time since I had any dealings with Scientology, I know things were bad in the '80s and '90's.
Meltingpot said:
Not at all, I'm open to persuasion either way. So far you've done nothing whatever to convince me why I'm wrong to take seriously the possibility that this was a psy-op designed to frighten the American population except throw truckloads of abuse at me. Sorry, doesn't work.

Don't really care. If you want to go through your life as a credulous muppet who believes anything they're told as long as it helps them avoid looking at the true horrors of a situation, it's your fucking loss and you deserve all the shit you get. I'm sick to the back fucking teeth of people like you exploiting and perverting the loss and pain of others to furnish an utterly fuckwitted agenda and IN THE PROCESS letting the real bad guys off the fucking hook.

You dappy cunt
the argument that it might have been a black op is perfectly valid, but lacks any evidence or serisou motive whatsoever, and comes on the back of a series of mass killings that follow a recognisable pattern. it seems to me that, given there is one of these every year or so, all the CIA would have to do is sit back and wait. why put the work in and risk getting caught when some mentalist will do it for you. occam's razor innit.
Meltingpot said:
Wrong, you're the ones making the assertion here, i.e. that this is so obviously NOT a psy-op that anyone who thinks it might be is off their trolley.

I think you'll find that you stated...

For those with more open minds than anyone who's posted in this thread so far, the connection you're looking for isn't 9/11, but a prior visit by this gunman to a CIA-sponsored psychiatrist.

Now, unless you have any evidence to support that claim I think we are entitled to conclude you are a tin-foil-hat wearing loony.
Meltingpot said:
Wrong, you're the ones making the assertion here, i.e. that this is so obviously NOT a psy-op that anyone who thinks it might be is off their trolley.

Am I correct so far?

I'm simply saying it might be.

BTW, Occam's Razor doesn't apply in human events because people with something to hide make things more complicated than they would otherwise be.
Proving a negative counts. And stop changing the rules while I'm not looking. Only Heidegger's allowed to do that. Or are you a Kant?
8den said:
But it was hilarious watching him get flustered trying to out debate an architect. Kinda like watching a midget wrestle a tank.
oh but I won that one. Didn't you know? ;)
Meltingpot said:
Not at all, I'm open to persuasion either way. So far you've done nothing whatever to convince me why I'm wrong to take seriously the possibility that this was a psy-op designed to frighten the American population except throw truckloads of abuse at me. Sorry, doesn't work.

Do you take seriously the possibility that it was the work of the lizards and if not why not?
laptop said:
You have a method for proving negatives?

Generations of philosophers have wasted their lives, waiting for you to arrive?

Indeed, which is why I'm curious to know why everyone is so certain this wasn't a psy op.
bluestreak said:
the argument that it might have been a black op is perfectly valid, but lacks any evidence or serisou motive whatsoever, and comes on the back of a series of mass killings that follow a recognisable pattern. it seems to me that, given there is one of these every year or so, all the CIA would have to do is sit back and wait. why put the work in and risk getting caught when some mentalist will do it for you. occam's razor innit.
Well it's pretty early days but I'm not ruling this out. I was also pretty taken aback at the reports that police threatened to shoot innocents who were running without arms on their heads.
Meltingpot said:
Indeed, which is why I'm curious to know why everyone is so certain this wasn't a psy op.
I'm amazed that you think there is a significant chance of it being one.

Jazzz said:
Well it's pretty early days but I'm not ruling this out. I was also pretty taken aback at the reports that police threatened to shoot innocents who were running without arms on their heads.
This is the american police here. You may be expecting too much.
Jazzz said:
Well it's pretty early days but I'm not ruling this out. I was also pretty taken aback at the reports that police threatened to shoot innocents who were running without arms on their heads.

we've established how well functioning your occam's razor is though!

and why taken aback, it seems perfectly reasonable.... you want peoples' hands where you can see them innit.
Dubversion said:
Don't really care. If you want to go through your life as a credulous muppet who believes anything they're told as long as it helps them avoid looking at the true horrors of a situation, it's your fucking loss and you deserve all the shit you get. I'm sick to the back fucking teeth of people like you exploiting and perverting the loss and pain of others to furnish an utterly fuckwitted agenda and IN THE PROCESS letting the real bad guys off the fucking hook.

You dappy cunt

Cut the insults, I didn't aim any at you. And that goes for the rest of you too.

At least the gloves are off now. I'm not trying to avoid any horrors, it was horrific whether or not it was a psy-op. Arguably it's even more horrific if it was.
Meltingpot said:
Cut the insults, I didn't aim any at you. And that goes for the rest of you too.

At least the gloves are off now. I'm not trying to avoid any horrors, it was horrific whether or not it was a psy-op. Arguably it's even more horrific if it was.
Odd, you only pay attention to my posts when i use bad words. Never when i point out you're not making sense. Guess i'll just have to start swearing again then.
Meltingpot said:
Not at all, I'm open to persuasion either way. So far you've done nothing whatever to convince me why I'm wrong to take seriously the possibility that this was a psy-op designed to frighten the American population except throw truckloads of abuse at me. Sorry, doesn't work.
OK, that's fine.

And you've done nothing to convince me (and probably quite a lot of the rest of us) to take seriously the possibity that you're a gullible, insensitive conspiraloon.

There. Now we're quits.

*points and laughs*

Honestly, meltingpot, there's dozens - hundreds, probably - of people on here, watching this, who know EXACTLY how it's going to go:

Conspiraloon posts latest "it's all a Cunning Plan" type theory about latest outrage.

Urban types raise one eyebrow, go "Yeah? Come on, then, show us some proof."

Conspiraloon huffs a bit and says "I don't have to. YOU prove I'm wrong."

Urban starts to chortle. Pointy sticks get sharpened. Conspiraloon becomes more agitated, theories become more extreme.

Urban, still chortling, gets irritable, demands for proof become more insistent.

Conspiraloon, now visibly frothing, resorts to calling Urbanites part of the conspiracy, claims them to be being controlled by alien mind control rays, demands proof from Urbanites that they aren't, that editor isn't Elvis, and that he, personally, has IRREFUTABLE PROOF that what he says is true...only he's left it in his other trousers.

Urban starts to deploy the pointy sticks: having given up on getting any sense out of conspiraloon, they see the end approaching, and just set out for a bit of sport.

Mods begin to circle.

Conspiraloon loads up waterpistol, gets mum to cut his hair a bit shorter than usual, leans out of bedroom window alternately screaming obscenities and sobbing.

Conspiraloon gets banned.


Meanwhile, you may have noticed, the rest of Urban is still here.

Have a nice time while you're here, Melty. What do you think of my pointy stick?
Jazzz said:
I was also pretty taken aback at the reports that police threatened to shoot innocents who were running without arms on their heads.


what fucking planet do you LIVE on?
Meltingpot said:
Yeah maybe, but if they get enough of them management will take notice. It's a long time since I had any dealings with Scientology, I know things were bad in the '80s and '90's.
*smiles wryly*

I don't know a LOT about Scientology, but I think, on this showing, I may know a bit more than you.

Excellent, that's TWO things I know more than you about.
Meltingpot said:
OK, so why am I a tool? Convince me and I'll laugh along with you.

M'lud I present exhibt A

Meltingpot said:
BTW, Occam's Razor doesn't apply in human events because people with something to hide make things more complicated than they would otherwise be.

So to get your bizarro logic working here, if I'm trying to be decietful, I make things more complicated, bring in more variables, more unknowns, more people, therefore expanding the circle of people involved, increasing the chance that something will go wrong, an unforseen element will enter the equation, or someone exposes the whole house of cards....

Ah thats why they took the passengers off three planes, got new planes flew them into the WTC, hid the third plane, flew a missile into the pentagon, and shot down the fourth one, faked the passenger phonecalls, and strew fake evidence across three crime scenes. Because that makes it all easier to hide.

Look idiot. If you want a conspiracy to work, involve as few people as possible, make it as simple as possible. Claiming Occam's razor doesn't apply to people is sheer fuckwitology of the highest order.

Yet again I'm found praying that another conspiracy theorist never interacts with our legal system.

For those with more open minds than anyone who's posted in this thread so far, the connection you're looking for isn't 9/11, but a prior visit by this gunman to a CIA-sponsored psychiatrist.

Anyone else entertained by the image of ripping open a psychiatrist's shirt and seeing a football shirt underneath with "The CIA" written across it.

Any evidence the CIA sponsor psychiatrists? Any evidence at all?

Pembrokestephen said:
ETA: hang on a minute...pie? I never got any pie! How come whenever there's a meeting, arranged through the sekrit forum, I don't get to get pie? You bastards must have been quietly eating it behind your laptop screens so I couldn't see. And I bet it was nice pie, too, baked in Suburban75.

You fool, didn't you realise that the pie reciepes in suburban are code?
Dubversion said:
You dappy cunt
No, sorry, Dubversion. But after "credulous muppet", "dappy cunt" is a bit weak. Can we go for something a bit more polysyllabic, perhaps?

OK, quiet please on set...Lights, Camera...wait for it...and GO DUB!
ok, "odious little cunthawks who pick over the cadavers of the recently deceased to add further hysterical bollocks to an already overflowing cesspit of lies, nonsense and grief-pillaging twattery"
pembrokestephen said:
Proving a negative counts. And stop changing the rules while I'm not looking. Only Heidegger's allowed to do that. Or are you a Kant?

Well, I have something in common with Kant, but I'm not going to reveal it here.
My favourite contemporary philosopher is Ken Wilber.
Jazzz said:
Well it's pretty early days but I'm not ruling this out. I was also pretty taken aback at the reports that police threatened to shoot innocents who were running without arms on their heads.

Pretty standard procedure when the police do not know who the shooter is. After the SAS ended the Iranian Embassy siege in 1980 they made all the hostages lay face down & cuffed them until they could ascertain who they were. Good thing as one of the hostage takers had tried to slip in amoungst the hostages.
Do we know for sure that the killer was Korean? Or do they want us to think that so they can bomb Korea? It all seems just a little too perfect. And who's the hero out of all this? A Jewish professor. Not a Palestinian professor or a Syrian professor, but a Jewish professor. Think about it. And then go and have a lie down in a dark room with some whale music playing in the background. :cool:

Dubversion said:
ok, "odious little cunthawks who pick over the cadavers of the recently deceased to add further hysterical bollocks to an already overflowing cesspit of lies, nonsense and grief-pillaging twattery"
You don't feel that may be a little...verbose? No? OKOK, it's all right, we'll run with that...

*steps back from Dubversion*
Meltingpot said:
Well, I have something in common with Kant, but I'm not going to reveal it here.
My favourite contemporary philosopher is Ken Wilber.
Of fuck off you deluded paranoid collection of arse fluff.
pembrokestephen said:
You don't feel that may be a little...verbose? No? OKOK, it's all right, we'll run with that...

considering the strength of my feelings on the matter, that was remarkably concise
Meltingpot said:
Well, I have something in common with Kant, but I'm not going to reveal it here.
My favourite contemporary philosopher is Ken Wilber.
And you're absolutely sure that's not "Ken Wibbler"?

ETA: and, not taking the piss for just a moment, a cursory review of his stuff makes me think he's probably just a bit derivative. Nothing there to inspire me to look harder, anyway...
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