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Azrael23 said:
If you can`t wake upto the obvious truth that 9/11 was an inside job to start a war that justifies a police state and foreign imperialism then you`ll never understand whats happening in society at the moment.

Is there any difference between what you think, and the summary list that zArk posted earlier, of what he thinks?

Do you ever ask sceptical questions of the theories you favour?

Where are those questions?
Azrael23 said:
If you can`t wake upto the obvious truth that 9/11 was an inside job to start a war that justifies a police state and foreign imperialism then you`ll never understand whats happening in society at the moment.

I`ll start a thread. To show you people. I would say prove but NOTHING can be proved beyond what a person is willing to believe. Quote me on that! :D

In what sense, at all, does this post in any way refute Donna Ferentes post?

'To your satisfaction' is not a refuation ...
William of Walworth said:
Do you ever ask sceptical questions of the theories you favour?

No I just follow blindly with no evidence...cuz..errr....it feels good....I KNOW THE CONSPIRACY BUT YOU DON`T..... Jeeez :rolleyes:

If I wasn`t good at posing scepticism I never would have questioned the official line of 9/11 (where this all started for me), in the first place.

Response to point yet?

Azrael said:
Errr what about the highest prosecutor in the country, David Shippers (guy who impeached clinton) banging on John Ashcrofts door asking why various FBI agents were being prohibited from investigating intelligence on Al-Qaeda planning a major attack.
The order prohibiting investigation came from the top, a presidential order named W199i.

I forgot to mention the agents were threatened with prison terms under national security offences if they refused to co operate as some did. :eek:
Azrael23 said:
Originally Posted by Azrael
Errr what about the highest prosecutor in the country, David Shippers (guy who impeached clinton) banging on John Ashcrofts door asking why various FBI agents were being prohibited from investigating intelligence on Al-Qaeda planning a major attack.
The order prohibiting investigation came from the top, a presidential order named W199i.
You quote yoursrelf as saying this - but where did you say it? I can't locate it with the Search function.

Incidentally, it looks to me like another large leap from something general to something specific. In the meantime source and specifics would be helpful.
Donna Ferentes said:
You quote yoursrelf as saying this - but where did you say it? I can't locate it with the Search function.

Incidentally, it looks to me like another large leap from something general to something specific. In the meantime source and specifics would be helpful.

I edited the wrong post and lost it. It was written as quote in the post it was originally written in but I was going to quote it on a post further down...

If you get me! :confused: :D

Heres an interview with david shippers

Alex Jones Interviews David Schippers

David Shippers former chief prosecutor of the USA obviously doesn`t see alex as a "conspiraloon" ;)
the problem with conspiricy theorists is that they are a bit like a religion... when they see a grey are of information they say conspirocy rather link when creationists see some grey areas of science say god woz ere

but once you say conspiricy you then seam to mangle loads of dubious other gray areas together and invent huge lists of conspiricies where if you approach from the other position you can see many perfectly acceptable reasons for the grey areas that don't invole any sort of conspiricy

besides if these people can do half the things they are suposedly able to do they could silence large numbers consipricy therorists in seconds
Shippou-Chan said:
the problem with conspiricy theorists is that they are a bit like a religion... when they see a grey are of information they say conspirocy

A pertinent point, especially for the sake of the first post, is that the term conspiracy theorists or conspiraloons is given, not claimed.

Donna Ferentes said:
You quote yoursrelf as saying this - but where did you say it? I can't locate it with the Search function.

Incidentally, it looks to me like another large leap from something general to something specific. In the meantime source and specifics would be helpful.

Azrael23 said:
I edited the wrong post and lost it. It was written as quote in the post it was originally written in but I was going to quote it on a post further down...

If you get me! :confused: :D

Heres an interview with david shippers

Alex Jones Interviews David Schippers

David Shippers former chief prosecutor of the USA obviously doesn`t see alex as a "conspiraloon" ;)

zArk said:
A pertinent point, especially for the sake of the first post, is that the term conspiracy theorists or conspiraloons is given, not claimed.

Yeah if we claimed that title we`d be able to sue you for discrimination, thats the funny thing.

Gotta love the nanny state.
Azrael23 said:
And there you go again. Unable to articulate a coherent opinion of you own, you expect people to trawl through hour-long dodgy radio shows for your benefit.

You're a waste of time.
*looks at thread*

*creeps away slowly*

i have this weird sense of deja view

fuck it I will nibble

9/11 happened

how do I know?

one of my step dads relatives was on one of the planes (flight 11). in the past I have alluded to this in other ways but here ya go...

now either my step dad has been secretly recruited by the CIA and flew over to a huge CIA party to celebrate the wool pulling. Whilst there they obviously gave my mum some really good drugs cos she swears blind she went to a funeral and took some photos - of course these too could have been provided by the CIA but somehow I think they would have taken a better photo than my mum did.

my step dads surname is angell... its an unusual spelling of the surname go fill yer boots at google.

any journos or fruitloops reading this who want me to give them any sort of story can just fuck right off btw. Thats all you are getting.
Pingu said:
*looks at thread*

*creeps away slowly*

i have this weird sense of deja view

fuck it I will nibble

9/11 happened

how do I know?

one of my step dads relatives was on one of the planes (flight 11). in the past I have alluded to this in other ways but here ya go...

now either my step dad has been secretly recruited by the CIA and flew over to a huge CIA party to celebrate the wool pulling. Whilst there they obviously gave my mum some really good drugs cos she swears blind she went to a funeral and took some photos - of course these too could have been provided by the CIA but somehow I think they would have taken a better photo than my mum did.

my step dads surname is angell... its an unusual spelling of the surname go fill yer boots at google.

any journos or fruitloops reading this who want me to give them any sort of story can just fuck right off btw. Thats all you are getting.
No-one's saying that 9-11 'didn't happen'. Nor that innocent people didn't die. Try a google search for 'Ellen Mariani' whose husband was on flight 175. She doesn't believe the official version of how her husband died.
Jazzz said:
Try a google search for 'Ellen Mariani' whose husband was on flight 175. She doesn't believe the official version of how her husband died.
Right. And her one single, solitary opinion on the matter naturally completely overrides the opinions of all the other people who also had loved ones on those flights, including the ones who actually spoke to them over the phone, yes?

So why are you ignoring all their testimony, Jazzz?
editor said:
And there you go again. Unable to articulate a coherent opinion of you own, you expect people to trawl through hour-long dodgy radio shows for your benefit.

You're a waste of time.

For my benefit? No for your benefit.

And if the interview in on a radio show, so what?

You can find a transcript if you`ve half a brain cell. But I thought if I post the transcript shills like you will just accuse me of either writing it myself or C and P`ing it from the Raelian site or some such madness.

Arrr your really getting to me....

pk said:
All true though, and provably so, seeing as the entire contents of these 'secret forums' are now public knowledge.

Which is why so many of the two-faced cunts flounced recently... they got hacked or infiltrated, and all their dirty tricks and hidden "Files" were made public.

So it's hardly a conspiracy theory if it's 100 percent true, and proven... fucking funny though...

:D :D :D
Well prove it then, conspiraloon.

I'm not convinced.
Azrael23 said:
For my benefit? No for your benefit.

And if the interview in on a radio show, so what?

You can find a transcript if you`ve half a brain cell.
So I'm expected to listen to an hour of some twatarse presenter or trawl through lengthy transcripts in the vague hope of finding a clue about what you're on about?

What's the matter?

Are you too stupid to articulate your thoughts yourself?
Are you incapable of condensing an 'argument' yourself so that it actually has a point?
Dilzybhoy said:
Well prove it then, conspiraloon.

I'm not convinced.
I've seen those forums but I'll be fucked if I'm going to talk about them here.

It's too dull a topic to bother with so please stop trying to dredge it up again. Thanks!
Dilzybhoy said:
I'm not convinced.

You do seem to be convinced of some strange things:

Urban75 ~ Used to be my favourite forum but I now find myself browsing and posting on TTG and TÁL more and more. One thing I liked about Urban was the fact that there was no ads on it and it was free. But when that <editor> prick keeps going on about it, it gets a bit tedious and pathetic tbh. He like having childish digs at Ernestolynch when he knows Ern has no right to reply. He allows other sycophants to do the same and then when someone comes on to defend the t++lers he closes the thread
editor said:
I've seen those forums but I'll be fucked if I'm going to talk about them here.

It's too dull a topic to bother with so please stop trying to dredge it up again. Thanks!
It's not me that made crazy allegations about secret forums setting out to do all sorts of mischief.

If you've seen those forums, then you'll probably know that no such cospiraloon theories are true.

I haven't seen these forums because I am not inclined to sneak on people illegally.

The only part of these forums I've seen were offered up by pk, the new "Dr" Jazzz, and what I seen was nothing other than a democratic discussion regarding the running of a bulletin board.
Dilzybhoy said:
The only part of these forums I've seen were offered up by pk, the new "Dr" Jazzz, and what I seen was nothing other than a democratic discussion regarding the running of a bulletin board.
:confused: I've never read a single thread on TTG.
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