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Conspiraloons – why...?

Azrael23 said:
Feel free to help, minor mason. :)
Why is the fact of my being a Mason so very, very significant to you, Azrael?

As for the "minor" thing, I can't help but suspect that I'm probably rather less minor in Freemasonry than you are...your point was?
siarc said:
ah that old canard

'i cannot understand it, therefore it cannot be understood'

it's preciesly this antropocentric nonsense that the people you laugh at are trying to falsify

then again, you probably believe there are still WMD in iraq hidden under a rock somewhere :D
Very good. Lots of fingerpointing and name calling. But no actual FACTS. No cites in support of your mystery neuroscientists who don't appear anywhere on Google, nothing beyond the usual glued-together-with-a-bit-of-handwaving unrelated factoids brewed up into some kind of quasi-scientific rant that somehow, still seems to smell faintly of...yes, it's bullshit.

Actually, I think you're a troll. I think you're probably an intelligent urbanite in full possession of all your critical faculties, who is posting excellent and amusing parodies of conspiraloon ramblings and laughing yourself stupid at people like me taking you seriously :). Am I right?
Theres a well known picture of a ceremony from the early 1900`s where a black child is strapped down on a stretcher which is being held aloft amid a few robed elders surrounded by plain dressed "gentlemen"...I don`t like it, my gut said it stinks and I stand by that.

this was a rosicrucian ritual that was enacted by the portuguese colonists in south america, the blood of 'negra' children was thought to be a demiurgic antidote and they would be slaughtered to provide it. fucking sick.

These people are clearly insane and they have a LOT of power in the world. Thats my point, not that Bohemian grove is where they conduct their super secret council of bringing the human race down or somesuch nonsense.

I`m trying to point out that there exists an overclass that is well established and within which exists a completely different culture to the one we know as our own.

this is simply too conceptually abhorrent for these people to even countenance, let alone understand :(
siarc said:
this was a rosicrucian ritual that was enacted by the portuguese colonists in south america, the blood of 'negra' children was thought to be a demiurgic antidote and they would be slaughtered to provide it. fucking sick.

this is simply too conceptually abhorrent for these people to even countenance, let alone understand :(
Yeah, whatever.
Azrael23 said:
I didn`t know about the female equivalent nearby, I`ll research that.

Err you miss the part about male prostitutes and other deviant behaviour. I don`t like them bragging that the manhattan project or star wars were first discussed at their lakeside talks. I don`t like having an upperclass whose idea of socialising is homosexual orgies and mock human sacrifice ceremonies. Theres a well known picture of a ceremony from the early 1900`s where a black child is strapped down on a stretcher which is being held aloft amid a few robed elders surrounded by plain dressed "gentlemen"...I don`t like it, my gut said it stinks and I stand by that.

These people are clearly insane and they have a LOT of power in the world. Thats my point, not that Bohemian grove is where they conduct their super secret council of bringing the human race down or somesuch nonsense.

I`m trying to point out that there exists an overclass that is well established and within which exists a completely different culture to the one we know as our own.

Christ you are soooooooooooooooo literal minded.

:rolleyes: Read the novel. Iyt will tell you a lot more than Alex Jones. It is an old farts exclusive woodland camp where they network and do deals. Sometimes they might get a nice young houseboy in, the tips are pretty good.

And if they weren't discussing Star Wars at the Grove, they'd be discussing it at the golf club. That's what people do - gossip and network. These rich lod farts are no different to any other old farts down a provincial Rotary Club. They just happen to be CEOs of big companies, and politicians, and masters of industry, instead of local business men and councillors.

Meanwhile, kids go to brownie/ scout camp, lesbians go to lesbian camp, KKK supremicists got to KKK camp, cheerleaders go to cheer leader camp...summer camps are quite a big thing in the US. There's probably a conspiracy theorist camp if you look about.

Do calm down, not everything is a conspiracy, Azrael. Peopel just like networkign and hanging out with people like them. Over time, rituals grow up and add to the fun. It's no more sinister than Brownies and their Brown Owls and giant toadstools and calling themselves Imps or Elves in groups of six. Or do you think that is part of a quasi-facist new world order plot of insaniacs too?
Derian said:
Don't bring the rosicrucians into this :mad: :mad:



Why not they`re a bunch of hacks just like the masons.

A bunch of distorted imagery and half truths. No thanks.

I say that as an oddfellows member, but thats different.

*Bows down to PS for being so wise in "the craft" :D
pembrokestephen said:
Very good. Lots of fingerpointing and name calling. But no actual FACTS. No cites in support of your mystery neuroscientists who don't appear anywhere on Google, nothing beyond the usual glued-together-with-a-bit-of-handwaving unrelated factoids brewed up into some kind of quasi-scientific rant that somehow, still seems to smell faintly of...yes, it's bullshit.

Actually, I think you're a troll. I think you're probably an intelligent urbanite in full possession of all your critical faculties, who is posting excellent and amusing parodies of conspiraloon ramblings and laughing yourself stupid at people like me taking you seriously :). Am I right?

this is like the phoenician elders who couldn't believe that their scions would have the temerity to use fire as a weapon, so they laughed at them believing it a joke and they burned alive!

if you want citations then i shall have a look tomorrow in some old papers - this is about thirty years old now so it won't be digitally reproduced, and of course you won't find it because it will long since have ceased to exist as anything other than samizdat. as if an ivy league institution would publish something so incendiary today!
Azrael23 said:
I don`t believe 98% of the population are slaves to cognitive dissonance.

for the most part, no, but when confronted with 9/11 or something terrifying that catalyses their worst fears of nihilation, even a genius can turn into a fool

how much success have you had pointing out the obvious to these people? 98% seems almost optimistic!

incidentally have you read any pavlovian theory?
The oddfellows society is nowt much to do with the united or the independent orders of the oddfellows.

They paid for me to have a scholarship though....which is nice. :)

As far as Pavlov is concerned I`ve read a little during the course of my A-levels.
siarc said:
incidentally have you read any pavlovian theory?


It's always about 9/11 with you lot isn't it?

Why do you prefer to think the Government did it rather than deal with the fact that Islamic terrorism exists? It's not that hard to grasp, nor is the fact that politicians will try and make capital out of it. But it doesn't mean they did it in the first place, or let it happen on purpose.

Yes, 9/11 was shocking, Islamic terrorism is shocking, tough, deal with it like a grown up, and stop making up fairy stories to explain away the fact that you live in a random, unsafe world that you cannot control. You always have done, and you always will, and no amount of' ''truth-seeker awakening'' will make the spheres align and the baddies go away, because life isn't like that. You are as enlightened, or not ,as me or anyone else, you are as good, or bad, as me or anyone else, you have more choices than most and fewer than some, you may or may not die in a terrorist attack, you live in a random, mixed up world that you cannot control and where bad things happen to good people and the wicked often prosper.

Just get on with your life and stop worrying: do the best you can and strive to be happy and not to hurt others, and you'll be all right.

Feel better.
Badger Kitten said:
Just get on with your life and stop worrying: do the best you can and strive to be happy and not to hurt others, and you'll be all right.

Your wrong my dear.

But only with the first bit. You never bow to tyrants, isn`t that in everyones moral compass? You can`t trust the state to exhonorate morality. Your damn right you have to worry about it, this ridiculous notion that somehow burying your head in the sand will make you happier in the end. Theres a reason you worry, its called natural instinct. If you find out that your family or your nation or the human race as a whole is under threat your supposed to be triggered into action by an emotional response. Just shutting that off is not solving the problem, its trying to suppress what needs to be expressed. That worry should be expressed on a social scale!
We are creators, we are not supposed to march in a line looking at our feet.
Badger Kitten said:
Yes, 9/11 was shocking, Islamic terrorism is shocking, tough, deal with it like a grown up, and stop making up fairy stories to explain away the fact that you live in a random, unsafe world that you cannot control. You always have done, and you always will, and no amount of' ''truth-seeker awakening'' will make the spheres align and the baddies go away, because life isn't like that. You are as enlightened, or not ,as me or anyone else, you are as good, or bad, as me or anyone else, you have more choices than most and fewer than some, you may or may not die in a terrorist attack, you live in a random, mixed up world that you cannot control and where bad things happen to good people and the wicked often prosper.

Just get on with your life and stop worrying: do the best you can and strive to be happy and not to hurt others, and you'll be all right.
Pretty much my thoughts. I've said this before: the human psyche seems to be designed with a God-shaped hole in it. That's why we invent religions, assorted "new agey" stuff and conspiracy theories. We want to believe there's someone in charge of it all, doesn't seem to matter if they are benign or malign, it's better than believing there's a lot of randomness and sometimes stuff just happens.
That God shaped hole is there because we have had our divinity stripped through ignorance.

Are out of body experiences invented? Have you never experienced synchronicity?
Azrael23 said:
That God shaped hole is there because we have had our divinity stripped through ignorance.

Are out of body experiences invented? Have you never experienced synchronicity?

Which divinity is that then?
Does this mean:

a) that Azrael23 believes he is a deity;

b) merely that he hears voices which he believes to be those of deities; and/or

c) that he has the same belief system as ascribed by many conspiraloons to those who visit B*hemian Gr*ve?
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