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Conspiraloons – why...?

What kind of a question is that?

Yes, I believe some cult novel from the 70`s probably has little value in assessing the nature of bohemian grove. Which by default must mean I believe all books to be lies.

I`m the one dealing with crackpots it would seem.
Azrael23 said:
I Don`t Give A Fuck About The Stupid Book.

Its A Story.
Ask yourself (or even better, ask someone with critical faculties, perhaps your tutor) what a story actually is.
If it said there are rituals being held there then perhaps thats reason to agree with me on that but it ain`t my source of inspiration.
No one has said that Maupin's story is your "inspiration, you arrant knob. What badger kitten DID mention is that tales of the goings on at Bohemian grove have been going around since before you were born.
I`m very well aware that people have been talking about the grove for a while but we now have footage of the opening ritual, undercover employees have videotaped parts of the complex too...

Why am I flamed for mentioning what goes on there?
Because you do so uncritically, because you proselytise, you evangelise.

Remember, a prophet is never honoured in his own land.

Although in your case I don't think you'd be honoured in any land, not even one populated entirely by loonspudular fucknuts gibbering enough to make you look rational.
pembrokestephen said:
Yay. Now, if you could just start Not Giving A Fuck About All Kinds Of Other Stupid Stuff, we might just be getting somewhere...

How about it?

Ah, but his "stupid stuff" is doubtless more "fuckworthy" than other kinds of "stupid stuff".

At least I'm sure that's what he'll claim. :D
* Sorry.

I reread the post and its true that badgerkitten wasn`t saying that the book is where I got it from....that was another poster in the past. Sorry!!!

My point still stands that a lot of the stuff in the book cannot be true due to the way the camp is run. It`d be hard to have a lesbian faction when there a no women allowed...except as valet parkers.

The point is, Azrael, that long before the internet and all you loons started foaming at the mouth about Satanic owls, a well-connected LA novelist had already been there, ( BG) done that, had mates who went each year and who worked there, written about the rituals with great accuracy and was so relaxed about it that he made it part of th eplot of a comic novel. It was an open secret.

(He also outed Rock Hudson as being gay and having HIV in another novel in the series: they are comic novels but based on real people and real lives and the Grove rituals are accurate. And nobody is bothered! It's not very sinister! Just a bunch of old white farts! Doing silly rituals! Like the Crematation of Care. It's all there - and it is not very exciting.

Have a read, and see how what you make into a breathless conspiracy has been an open secret for years. Especially if you a are gay, socially-well connected American comic novelist, and have some A list rich Republican discreet batchelor mates...;)
what you deluded souls don't realize is that the people you are attacking, like azrael, are far more perceptive than you can even imagine. there was an excellent case study published in the 70s by cohen and lucier (one of whom was a cognitive neuroscientist at cornell before having their tenure 'controversially' revoked) which effectively showed that a relatively (although far from infinitesimally) small segment of a population, maybe 1-2% although this wasn't stipulated, have a subtly but profoundly different noetic structure which can undermine the neo-pavlovian engendered reflexes that inure even the supposed 'cognitive elite' to the subterfuge of their masters.

this isn't necessarily the 'big lie' espoused by goebbels or the orthodox conditioning of bernays - nephew of freud and intellectual cornerstone of the pr industry - but an incredibly intricate rhizomatic superstructure of untruths, axiomatic falsehoods, atavistic forces and carefully circumcribed subliminal threats of violence that 'blind' the citizen-subject and leave them indignant towards anything that might disturb the perception that the world is anything other than the 'truth' as conveyed to them by their tv. and then there that small anomalous group identified and derided as 'conspiracy theorists'.

it is this group, by and large, that thanks to an unusually efficient synthesis of labile identities can eliminate the dissonance and clearly evaluate the world around them. they will not be genetically divergent, rather an unusually traumatic reaction to the 'truth hierarchy' (as represented by their parents and teachers) separates them early from other children and subsequently (and this where it gets far too complex to go into detail here!) develop a more fluid system of value appelations that will leave them antagonistic to pavlovian techniques.

this is not to validate everything they say, or that for instance the precise nature of the 9/11 'disaster' can ever be truly known empirically, but they represent the only hope of society to ameliorate the eidetic assymetry that lets a tiny group of amoral kleptocrats control the resources and destiny of the human race.
siarc said:
what you deluded souls don't realize is that the people you are attacking, like azrael, are far more perceptive than you can even imagine. there was an excellent case study published in the 70s by cohen and lucier (one of whom was a cognitive neuroscientist at cornell before having their tenure 'controversially' revoked) which effectively showed that a relatively (although far from infinitesimally) small segment of a population, maybe 1-2% although this wasn't stipulated, have a subtly but profoundly different noetic structure which can undermine the neo-pavlovian engendered reflexes that inure even the supposed 'cognitive elite' to the subterfuge of their masters.

this isn't necessarily the 'big lie' espoused by goebbels or the orthodox conditioning of bernays - nephew of freud and intellectual cornerstone of the pr industry - but an incredibly intricate rhizomatic superstructure of untruths, axiomatic falsehoods, atavistic forces and carefully circumcribed subliminal threats of violence that 'blind' the citizen-subject and leave them indignant towards anything that might disturb the perception that the world is anything other than the 'truth' as conveyed to them by their tv. and then there that small anomalous group identified and derided as 'conspiracy theorists'.

it is this group, by and large, that thanks to an unusually efficient synthesis of labile identities can eliminate the dissonance and clearly evaluate the world around them. they will not be genetically divergent, rather an unusually traumatic reaction to the 'truth hierarchy' (as represented by their parents and teachers) separates them early from other children and subsequently (and this where it gets far too complex to go into detail here!) develop a more fluid system of value appelations that will leave them antagonistic to pavlovian techniques.

this is not to validate everything they say, or that for instance the precise nature of the 9/11 'disaster' can ever be truly known empirically, but they represent the only hope of society to ameliorate the eidetic assymetry that lets a tiny group of amoral kleptocrats control the resources and destiny of the human race.

Word :cool:

<c&ps and dashes off to funny quotations thread :D
And the lesbian camp is an expose of Wimminwood a 1970's lesbian seperatist feminist festival. To make a funny story, Maupin places Bohemian Grove and Wimminwood a few miles away from each other, in the woods - for comic effect when one of the old Republican buffers drifts downstream in a canoe an dends up in the women's camp by mistake. He is deftly comparing the rituials of the seperatist extremist feminists, with those of the doddery old white Republican males, to hilarious effect. And both camps are based on reality, and my point is, that all this stuff has been gossiped about for years and peopel are perfectly aware of the owl ceremony and the Cremation of Care and the Weaving Spiders and the different camps and treat it like a posh scout camp for networking rich old buffers. Which is exactly what it is.

It's like Alex Jones infiltrating a Brownie camp and discovering that they are hanging about in groups named after satanic creatures ( 'Imps! Elves! Goblins!' :eek: ) and worshipping a Brown Owl! :eek: Only in this case, the Brownies are male, over 50, rich Republicans and well connected networkers. Like a kind of super-duper Rotary Club.

*sighs and pats Azrael on the head*

Poor Azrael, you do look silly sometimes.:p
siarc said:
what you deluded souls don't realize is that the people you are attacking, like azrael, are far more perceptive than you can even imagine.....<sniiiiiiip> they represent the only hope of society to ameliorate the eidetic assymetry that lets a tiny group of amoral kleptocrats control the resources and destiny of the human race.

*rolls on floor*
siarc said:
what you deluded souls don't realize is that the people you are attacking, like azrael, are far more perceptive than you can even imagine. there was an excellent case study published in the 70s by cohen and lucier (one of whom was a cognitive neuroscientist at cornell before having their tenure 'controversially' revoked) which effectively showed that a relatively (although far from infinitesimally) small segment of a population, maybe 1-2% although this wasn't stipulated, have a subtly but profoundly different noetic structure which can undermine the neo-pavlovian engendered reflexes that inure even the supposed 'cognitive elite' to the subterfuge of their masters.

this isn't necessarily the 'big lie' espoused by goebbels or the orthodox conditioning of bernays - nephew of freud and intellectual cornerstone of the pr industry - but an incredibly intricate rhizomatic superstructure of untruths, axiomatic falsehoods, atavistic forces and carefully circumcribed subliminal threats of violence that 'blind' the citizen-subject and leave them indignant towards anything that might disturb the perception that the world is anything other than the 'truth' as conveyed to them by their tv. and then there that small anomalous group identified and derided as 'conspiracy theorists'.

it is this group, by and large, that thanks to an unusually efficient synthesis of labile identities can eliminate the dissonance and clearly evaluate the world around them. they will not be genetically divergent, rather an unusually traumatic reaction to the 'truth hierarchy' (as represented by their parents and teachers) separates them early from other children and subsequently (and this where it gets far too complex to go into detail here!) develop a more fluid system of value appelations that will leave them antagonistic to pavlovian techniques.

this is not to validate everything they say, or that for instance the precise nature of the 9/11 'disaster' can ever be truly known empirically, but they represent the only hope of society to ameliorate the eidetic assymetry that lets a tiny group of amoral kleptocrats control the resources and destiny of the human race.

What a fantastic 999th posting. :D
siarc said:
what you deluded souls don't realize is that the people you are attacking, like azrael, are far more perceptive than you can even imagine.
The reason we don't realise this is because the people, like azrael, do such a marvellous job of discrediting their own claims.

It really would be quite simple, having made a claim, and maybe been challenged on it, to substantiate the claim with some credible evidence and perhaps a brief explanation of what they're claiming, too, which would have the additional benefit of demonstrating that they weren't just regurgitating something they'd read somewhere, and didn't really understand.

But they cannot do this: we either get some kind of conspiranoid loony website (eg prisonplanet), with no credibility at all, or told to "look it up for ourselves", amid much rolling of eyes.

siarc said:
there was an excellent case study published in the 70s by cohen and lucier (one of whom was a cognitive neuroscientist at cornell before having their tenure 'controversially' revoked) which effectively showed that a relatively (although far from infinitesimally) small segment of a population, maybe 1-2% although this wasn't stipulated, have a subtly but profoundly different noetic structure which can undermine the neo-pavlovian engendered reflexes that inure even the supposed 'cognitive elite' to the subterfuge of their masters.
Now, I'm not saying that what you've written above is bullshit, but I am currently studying/training in the psychotherapeutic field, and a quick skim of what you've said there makes me think that if I were going to try and blind a bunch of people with science by giving them 100 words of technobabble bullshit, that's the sort of thing I'd write. The scare quotes in "tenure controversially revoked" are a nice conspiranoid touch, too. I went and did a bit of googling on the basis of words in that para, but sadly wasn't able to find any useful reference to the claims you're making.

Maybe you could show us you're not a conspiraloon by posting a credible cite for this stuff you're talking about?

siarc said:
this isn't necessarily the 'big lie' espoused by goebbels or the orthodox conditioning of bernays - nephew of freud and intellectual cornerstone of the pr industry - but an incredibly intricate rhizomatic superstructure of untruths, axiomatic falsehoods, atavistic forces and carefully circumcribed subliminal threats of violence that 'blind' the citizen-subject and leave them indignant towards anything that might disturb the perception that the world is anything other than the 'truth' as conveyed to them by their tv. and then there that small anomalous group identified and derided as 'conspiracy theorists'.

it is this group, by and large, that thanks to an unusually efficient synthesis of labile identities can eliminate the dissonance and clearly evaluate the world around them. they will not be genetically divergent, rather an unusually traumatic reaction to the 'truth hierarchy' (as represented by their parents and teachers) separates them early from other children and subsequently (and this where it gets far too complex to go into detail here!) develop a more fluid system of value appelations that will leave them antagonistic to pavlovian techniques.

this is not to validate everything they say, or that for instance the precise nature of the 9/11 'disaster' can ever be truly known empirically, but they represent the only hope of society to ameliorate the eidetic assymetry that lets a tiny group of amoral kleptocrats control the resources and destiny of the human race.
I reckon I could have said all that in 50 words. But then bullshit always is more impressive in bigger piles :rolleyes:
why are you laughing? granted you might not have understood a fraction of that post but can't you see how you are verifying the central contentions in your affected laughter

'as if those who would cut out their own eyes lest they betray their fathers shall find eyes anews!'

catullus, epigrams
siarc said:
why are you laughing? granted you might not have understood a fraction of that post but can't you see how you are verifying the central contentions in your affected laughter

'as if those who would cut out their own eyes lest they betray their fathers shall find eyes anews!'

catullus, epigrams
I have a sneaking feeling we weren't MEANT to understand a fraction of that post. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that it is probably incapable of being understood by ANYONE, on account of most of it being a complete pile of steaming bollocks.
pembrokestephen said:
I have a sneaking feeling we weren't MEANT to understand a fraction of that post. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that it is probably incapable of being understood by ANYONE, on account of most of it being a complete pile of steaming bollocks.

^^^ ;) ;) :D
Badger Kitten said:
And the lesbian camp is an expose of Wimminwood a 1970's lesbian seperatist feminist festival. To make a funny story, Maupin places Bohemian Grove and Wimminwood a few miles away from each other, in the woods - for comic effect when one of the old Republican buffers drifts downstream in a canoe an dends up in the women's camp by mistake. He is deftly comparing the rituials of the seperatist extremist feminists, with those of the doddery old white Republican males, to hilarious effect. And both camps are based on reality, and my point is, that all this stuff has been gossiped about for years and peopel are perfectly aware of the owl ceremony and the Cremation of Care and the Weaving Spiders and the different camps and treat it like a posh scout camp for networking rich old buffers. Which is exactly what it is.

It's like you infiltrating a Brownie camp and discovering that they are hanging about in groups named after satanic creatures ( 'Imps! Elves! Goblins!' :eek: ) and worshipping a Brown Owl! :eek: Only in this case, the Brownies are male, over 50, rich Republicans and well connected networkers. Like a kind of super-duper Rotary Club.

Poor Azrael, you do look silly sometimes.:p

I didn`t know about the female equivalent nearby, I`ll research that.

Err you miss the part about male prostitutes and other deviant behaviour. I don`t like them bragging that the manhattan project or star wars were first discussed at their lakeside talks. I don`t like having an upperclass whose idea of socialising is homosexual orgies and mock human sacrifice ceremonies. Theres a well known picture of a ceremony from the early 1900`s where a black child is strapped down on a stretcher which is being held aloft amid a few robed elders surrounded by plain dressed "gentlemen"...I don`t like it, my gut said it stinks and I stand by that.

These people are clearly insane and they have a LOT of power in the world. Thats my point, not that Bohemian grove is where they conduct their super secret council of bringing the human race down or somesuch nonsense.

I`m trying to point out that there exists an overclass that is well established and within which exists a completely different culture to the one we know as our own.
Azrael23 said:
I`m trying to point out that there exists an overclass that is well established and within which exists a completely different culture to the one we know as our own.
And doing a bloody awful job of it, if I may say so...
@ pembrokestephen:

Oddly enough, the collaboration of Drs Cohen and Lucier has been erased from history. Even the Institute of Noetic Sciences doesn't recognise it :oops:
pembrokestephen said:
I have a sneaking feeling we weren't MEANT to understand a fraction of that post. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that it is probably incapable of being understood by ANYONE, on account of most of it being a complete pile of steaming bollocks.

ah that old canard

'i cannot understand it, therefore it cannot be understood'

it's preciesly this antropocentric nonsense that the people you laugh at are trying to falsify

then again, you probably believe there are still WMD in iraq hidden under a rock somewhere :D
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