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Conspiraloons – why...?

Azrael23 said:
Nail. Head. Hit.

Bollocks, the poster you quote is deliberately muddying the waters by trying to make out that conspiracies are not distinguishable from the actual chicanery/lies/subterfuge etc. of various Governments and their agencies. If there's evidence for these things, and there's plenty around if a so called 'conspiracy' is genuine, then very few of us sceptical anti-conspiracists would deny them.

The many other conspiracies that are out and out fruitloopery and loonery aren't really worth the time of day when the 'evidence' cited in their favour is so thin, unconvincing, selectively picked, and when the websites the conspiracies tend to be drawn from, are run by out and out nutcases.

Your all fools quite frankly,

Way to go on the persuasiveness front Azrael :rolleyes:
No, when Iraq broke out and people like me were trying to tell you it was all a scam.....you laughed. We were the ones banging on about scott ritter etc.

Turned out it was true.

So i`ll reiterate....you naysayers are fools. :) "They wouldn`t lie to us about this"

I`ve heard it all before, naivety costs lives...you may like to see being a "conspiracy-denier" as somehow a mark of maturity, but its naive to believe your rulers are not evil and aren`t upto something because throughout history, they ALWAYS have been. Today is no different, despite the engrained brainwashing that we are somehow at the peak of human expression right now cuz we have george foreman grills.....load of crap.

All i can say is that if you truly understood our banking/economic system, you`d be calling for revolution too.
Azrael23 said:
we can prove beyond reasonable doubt, the problem is that when confronted, with what their social architects have engrained into people is a "conspiracy theory"....the doubt is rarely reasonable.

I`ve had people ask me to prove that the media lies to them. PROVE IT!!!! :rolleyes:

I`m a bit tired of pointing out the bloody obvious, i`m not playing anymore. :)

So... Since you can't prove beyond reasonable doubt to the majority of people that 7/7 and 9/11 were the work of conspiracy, then you're given up... Ho-hum... :rolleyes:
I can prove beyond reasonable doubt that the so-called mastermind of 7/7 and of 9/11 both work for western intelligence. But you should already know that.

Did u type in TIM OSMOND?

Azrael23 - can you name ONE person you or any of your other similarly mentally ill friends have managed to convince here of your stupid theories?

Just one person that's said to you "actually you're right"?

Or is it just you and the usual mentally unbalanced hypochondriacs once again telling us "we're all fools".

I think you should stop trying to convince people here of your proven bullshit, and admit that you are having no success in getting people to believe your theories.
Which one is Tim?

Oh, and which Tim Osmond?

The insurance broker who died in 2002?

The Bath University canoeist?

The Canadian banjo player?

Piss off Azrael you twat. :D
pk said:
Azrael23 - can you name ONE person you or any of your other similarly mentally ill friends have managed to convince here of your stupid theories?

Just one person that's said to you "actually you're right"?

Or is it just you and the usual mentally unbalanced hypochondriacs once again telling us "we're all fools".

I think you should stop trying to convince people here of your proven bullshit, and admit that you are having no success in getting people to believe your theories.

you call me mentally ill (which is a compliment if you look at history) so ill brand you a fool. its only fair! :D

Some people have PMd me saying they agree or thankyou for posting such n such resource...why d`you think im still here? You guys keep me on my toes, I like that, I wanna know if i`m wrong as well you know...but most of the criticism is unbalanced and usually relies upon a distorted view of what I was saying in the first place.

The fact that people have to PM me about it and don`t feel they can discuss things openly is more telling of people like you, than me.
Bumbling on about free speech and liberty, your a bunch of hypocrites.

TIM OSMOND BTW WAS OSAMAS CIA NAME. We`re in a war where both sides quite obviously fight for the same people.

Read some of what Van Bulow has to say, hes a former defence minister ffs, he agrees with me. Don`t make me name a list of respectables and experts that concur. But let me guess....they`re ardent anti-semites as well?! Gimme strength...
Azrael23 said:
You should be angry even if only 10% of what I say is true. Anger has a purpose, it motivates you, it spurs you into action....which if you get down to it, is what I think most of you naysayers are scared of. ACTUALLY GETTING OFF YOUR ASS AND DOING SOMETHING!!!

I think I will get off my ass and do something, rather than spend all my time indulging in masturbatory conspiraloon fantasy.

Thanks for the advice. :cool:
Azrael23 said:
TIM OSMOND BTW WAS OSAMAS CIA NAME. We`re in a war where both sides quite obviously fight for the same people.

I was in a cab the other week and an 'Islamic nutter' from Algeria was driving. He said to me; Do you wanna really know where Osama Bin Laden is now? America.
Azrael23 said:
Read some of what Van Bulow has to say, hes a former defence minister ffs, he agrees with me. Don`t make me name a list of respectables and experts that concur. But let me guess....they`re ardent anti-semites as well?! Gimme strength...

Go on then. State the case, beyond reasonable doubt, from our eddification...
Azrael23 said:
you call me mentally ill (which is a compliment if you look at history) so ill brand you a fool. its only fair! :D

Though of course the evidence for your serious issues of paranoia are documented here more than sufficiently.

Some people have PMd me saying they agree or thankyou for posting such n such resource...why d`you think im still here?

"Oooh! I have got supporters really - but only via PM, and they're called Jazzz and Prole!"

You guys keep me on my toes, I like that, I wanna know if i`m wrong as well you know...but most of the criticism is unbalanced and usually relies upon a distorted view of what I was saying in the first place.

The only person twisting the stories is YOU! Even your own "evidence", when ridiculed, you discard and divert attention. You're the fool mate.

The fact that people have to PM me about it and don`t feel they can discuss things openly is more telling of people like you, than me.

Oh, people have to PM you to talk about your little fantasies do they?
Are they like the little people in your head??

Bumbling on about free speech and liberty, your a bunch of hypocrites.

I don't bumble on about free speech and liberty, in fact I'd like to see you banned frfom posting your shit here, and would in all likelyhood physically attack anyone who had the fucking nerve to disrupt a 7/7/ survivors meeting, or talk a young mum out of vaccinating her child on the basis of the rants of dead cunt Joe Vialls and his ilk.
And I'd probably give David Icke a smack, the anti-semitic cunt he is.

TIM OSMOND BTW WAS OSAMAS CIA NAME. We`re in a war where both sides quite obviously fight for the same people.

And nobody here fights for you or your ideas. How sad is that?

Read some of what Van Bulow has to say, hes a former defence minister ffs, he agrees with me. Don`t make me name a list of respectables and experts that concur. But let me guess....they`re ardent anti-semites as well?! Gimme strength...

Don't try and tie your bonkers ideas in with what may be fragments of truth in order to try and scrape up some credibility.

You're a cunt.

The end.
Marvellous, it's just like the good old days on these boards again. You see I knew things were looking up. :)
noodles said:
I think I will get off my ass and do something, rather than spend all my time indulging in masturbatory conspiraloon fantasy.

Thanks for the advice. :cool:

I do my bit for what I think is right thankyou.

The central banks, bilderberg group, the machinery of state.....bohemian grove, are not fantasies. If you believe these things don`t effect you then its you thats living in a fantasy.

I don`t understand the refusal to accept the consequences of allowing a criminal few to run the world economy and get away with constant assaults on our race as a whole. WTF?
People saying "Theres nothing we can do" is much better to hear than "oh its not happening"....We still live in a feudal system, why can`t people accept that? What else is it when the world is controlled through an economic system thats run by a group of family dynasties? I mean oligarchy? Why do we allow ourselves to be distracted by phoney terms like capitalism or communism or socialism....they`re all just differing variations of feudalism, theres no equality in any of them. Communists really believe that by giving all the wealth to the state and then trusting them to redistribute it fairly as well as plan the economy for the benefit of all, we`ll all be free.....i`d break my sides laughing if it weren`t so sad how many people believe it!

So yeah, you dub me a conspiraloon, I don`t give a monkeys, I`d rather be mocked for stating what I see than lauded for just rehashing mediocrity. :p
For third time of asking, please post up evidence of the conspiracy behind 9/11 and 7/7, or I will report you for being a troll... You have until 3.40 pm to comply.
jæd said:
For third time of asking, please post up evidence of the conspiracy behind 9/11 and 7/7, or I will report you for being a troll... You have until 3.40 pm to comply.
yawn... this isn't a 9/11 thread... if you start one in world politics I'll oblige

but you could do worse than watch this
I can`t because Editor will close the thread because "You`ve posted that before"....apparently we can`t show evidence more than once....

People who are genuinely interested can watch 911:Road to Tyranny here for free. Right click and save jobby. http://www.lastingnetworks.com/alex/

PK, did it ever occur to you that you don`t actually know me? I don`t disrupt 7/7 meetings I have questions about 7/7 sure but not a definitive view on what happened. 9/11 on the other hand was a much bigger operation, its been nearly 5 years now and we know that there was Govt complicity. So what if you can`t accept that? Whoopee shit mate, the world still turns.

If Von Bulow is saying the same things as me, then your right that is evidence. Are you scared of looking at some information? Your a grown man for christ sake! Read it for yourself, I don`t want to hear your ill founded opinions, you clearly don`t know anything about what I`ve said.

I`m not a cunt BTW...I see myself more as a left ear lobe....
pk said:
And I'd probably give David Icke a smack, the anti-semitic cunt he is.

Is Azrael23 still claiming that it doesn't matter that his main pet "theory" - the banking one, the one he arrived here to plug - comes from a long slime trail of anti-Jewish racism?

If so, he needs a smack too. Or two.
Its not a theory that the central banks have control over credit supply and thus economic activity.

Money supply is everything in an economy, thats GCSE!

Its not a theory that control of these organisations is by an elite class of families. A monarchy.

I`m sure hitting me would change this :rolleyes:
Azrael23 said:
I can`t because Editor will close the thread because "You`ve posted that before"....apparently we can`t show evidence more than once....

Weird... I can't see that in FAQ. But I can see:

Posting FAQ said:
10. Nutters 'Sheeple'-accusing, bigoted gun nuts, ranting xenophobes, cut'n'pasters, God-squad, disruptive 'comical' alter-egos, conspiraloons, fruitloops and small minded bigots are not welcome.

So I think reporting this, and other posts as "trolling conspiraloon" should be fine...
Whatever gives you a warm feeling inside :)

If you wait a few more posts my post count will have 666 in it....which surely is another reason I should be banned.

Perhaps my choice of shoelaces might be of note?
Azrael23 said:
I don`t understand the refusal to accept the consequences of allowing a criminal few to run the world economy and get away with constant assaults on our race as a whole. WTF?

WTF indeed ! :confused: :eek:
Maidmarian said:
Azrael23 said:
I don`t understand the refusal to accept the consequences of allowing a criminal few to run the world economy and get away with constant assaults on our race as a whole. WTF?

original here

WTF indeed ! :confused: :eek:

So the mask of false naivety slips, as it always does. This poster is a racist. Their "conspiacy" is an attempt to convince people that one race is attacking another.
laptop said:
So the mask of false naivety slips, as it always does. This poster is a racist.
bullcrap! :D

What is revealed is your desire to point fingers and burn witches laptop. :(
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