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Conspiraloons – why...?

Azrael23 said:
I fail to see how bombarding a childs immune system with all manner of noxious agents is going to benefit them.
There are too many active agents in modern vaccines. Inert copy of a pathogen to give the immune system a prior blueprint, second response etc. Thats all well and good, but in my opinion there is nothing inert about modern day vaccines.
I don't think anyone would claim that vaccination is risk-free, it clearly isn't. Could you provide some evidence that vaccination is more harmful in it's effects than the diseases which it prevents? As I've said, even if Wakefield is absolutely correct, the effects of his "research" are more damaging than continued use of MMR.

BTW autism has been described for a long time. They were one of the groups that big pharma loved to come up with new magic potions to "fix", so detection rates have always been sound, so id say your idea that its only recently begun to be diagnosed is poppycock.....
How would you explain data that shows identical rises in diagnoses of autism across different countries regardless of the year of introduction of MMR or the rate of uptake in the population? Do you think that financial (and academic) interests in the condition may itself have led to a rise in diagnoses? It's quite common for both Big Pharma and academic medicine to effectively invent new diseases by partitioning off another bit of the normal spectrum, and certainly extremely common for diagnoses to become "fashionable" due to media exposure and/or Big Pharma PR materials (the former often being due to the latter).

Andrew Wakefield studied 12 children, some of whom later turned out to have been recruited with the help of a law firm who were in the process of suing a vaccine manufacturer. A later study of 100 children with a diagnosis of autism and 200 without a diagnosis of autism found no evidence of measles virus in 99% of all the children, regardless of whether they had autism or not. Which study do you find more convincing, and why?

See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Wakefield for the full story.
well i find lots of stuff on here fucking irritating, but the best thing about u75 is when it is tolerant

imo the idea that it is a free speech area or some social movement is laughable. it's a cool website, that's all

and as for this whole 'well none of the major newspapers publish any conspiracy theories'

they all got fucked over by the government for trying to tell the truth about the invasion of iraq so i wouldn't give them too much credence
Ninjaboy said:
they all got fucked over by the government for trying to tell the truth about the invasion of iraq so i wouldn't give them too much credence
That's the trouble isn't it? Post Iraq attack, Tony and his supporters are seen as murderous liars who would stop at nothing. Of course, there have always been conspiraloons -- but in the depraved politics of Tony's attack-dog UK, they find a fertile soil.
Jonti said:
That's the trouble isn't it? Post Iraq attack, Tony and his supporters are seen as murderous liars who would stop at nothing.

before iraq, bbc was seen as number one news agency, but they got totally mauled, they took the fall for the government lying about wmd etc even tho it was cos they told the truth against the governments wishes

the iraq thing was really a turning point imo, england lost a lot of respect around the world for going along with bush.
jæd said:

At the risk of spending too much time on a sunny day on this, why are they are allowed to persist on the boards... I'm not going to name names, but I think one of them has already upset at least one person on this board, and probably is upsetting more.

Given them access to the boards just lets have another place to peddle their distorted facts, and reduces the amount of meaningful discussion on some subjects.

So would it be possible to ammend the faq to stop their silly tripe...?

Oh dear, some people getting upset.
Once again the word 'Conspiraloon' gets ploughed out, which is tolerated on the boards. 'tripe?'
Its a real shame that many of you havent seen 911 Eyewitness and when people mention it, you will probably turn away.

Funny thing is, your 'conspiraloon' thread will probably become (if left to run its course) the most popular thread {granted "bump me baby" is an awesome thread that stands as a stalwart for URBAN75} on Urban75.

So anyway just to clear this up;

Bohemian Grove is real
A world dictatorship is emerging out of the shadows
September 11th 2001 new york was an inside job (explosives were in the towers)
7th July 2005 london was an inside job ( Badger - I note that not one single journalist has ever bothered to pursue their ''investigations'' or treated their ''research'' with any seriousness. --- very interesting, please tell me which train the 4 accused suicide bombers got on from Luton-- goto your journalist and police sources and find out, will be very interesting)
JFK wasnt shot by Oswald and he was shot in the front of the head.

And finally to clear the anti-semitism issue;

Guess what! Some Christians are evil murderers, some Muslims are evil fuckers, some Hindus and yes, gasp, some Jews are evil fuck heads also.
So it seems to me, that you better be very careful when throwing around a powerful term like 'anti-semitism'

'Gaaaaa. The phrase itself makes it obvious to anyone with half a fucking brain and any significant background in politics.'

laptop you are a cheese ball. You clearly state that the banking elite are all jewish and thus any critism of the banking system means 'anti-semitism'. Thats fucked up. You need to re-think your stance
Originally Posted by azrael23
flying fook has ... citing the banking elite as our masters ... got to do with anti-semitism!

Gaaaaa. The phrase itself makes it obvious to anyone with half a fucking brain and any significant background in politics.

If you think that the BBC has become corrupted over the past few years, you need to find out who hand picks the BBC Board and who grants the licenses. The BBC has always been controlled.
Kid_Eternity said:
How in the world can them feeling sorry for themselves elsewhere be a too high a price to pay!?:confused:

I think that a discussion board needs as many different voices as possible. Of course, some conspiracyloons do need to be thrown off these forums, but a general ban is, IMO, a very bad idea.
And what, pray, is the definition of "conspiraloonacy"?

Hows about Iraq?

That the US/UK g'ments invaded to rid Iraq of WMD? (US gment/UK g'ment line)
That the US/UK g'ments invaded to establish peace, security and humanitarian values in Iraq (UK g;ment line now)
That the US/UK g'ments invaded Iraq to steal the oil in any way possible (
stop the war campaign line)

Or the Iraqi insurgency?

That there al-Quaeda led by Zakawi is going around Iraq murdering tens of thousands of civilians to establish an extreeme Islamic state (US line)
That there is a civil war because sunnis and shi'ites ahve always hated one another and have just been waiting for this excuse to knock seven bells out of one another (US line now)
That the US has been arming and supporting death squads operating out of the Interior ministry in Iraq, providing them with uniforms, access to targets, 2nd hand stolen US cars to blow up and arms in order to destroy the country in the best traditions of Machiavelli, bringing in Negroponte to oversee the establishment of these based on his previous experience in El-Salvador (independent researchers)

And 911?

How about the idea that Saddam Hussain was behind 911? (US g'ment line)
That Osama Bin Laden planned it all from a cave in Afganistan because he hated the freedom and democracy of the US (US/corporate press line)
That the US government either let or made this tragedy happen on purpose in order to start the Iraq war, as had been suggested by an influential policy think tank(independent researchers line)

Yes the first is undoubtably conspiraloonacy, but given that this is what is being actively promoted by the US g'ment I am not surprised that people believe it. To kick people off the boards for being taken in by the most powerful and best resourced entity in the world is unsurprising - but they put vast amounts of propaganda into seeing that we do believe it.

Thankfully not everyone falls for their slick shit.
zArk said:
September 11th 2001 new york was an inside job (explosives were in the towers).
Credible proof from reliable sources, please
zArk said:
7th July 2005 london was an inside job
Credible proof from reliable sources, please

These boards weren't set up for a handful of utterly obsessed bedroom <guffaw> 'truth-seekers' to mindlessly repeat this kind of fact-free, evidence-untroubled bullshit over and over and over and over again.
Conspiranoids tend to believe anything, even anti-semitic conspiracies.

They might deny any anti-semitic attitudes, but they'll swallow David Icke's stories like a dog swallowing a squeaky ball.

And it seems Azrael shares Jazzz's hypochondria, rejecting vaccination for kids as somehow more dangerous than the diseases they are meant to prevent.

I think it reflects a personality disorder.

I know one thing - not one single person has been convinced by any of their shite, and they are here to be laughed at.

pk said:
Conspiranoids tend to believe anything, even anti-semitic conspiracies.

They might deny any anti-semitic attitudes, but they'll swallow David Icke's stories like a dog swallowing a squeaky ball.

And it seems Azrael shares Jazzz's hypochondria, rejecting vaccination for kids as somehow more dangerous than the diseases they are meant to prevent.

I think it reflects a personality disorder.

I know one thing - not one single person has been convinced by any of their shite, and they are here to be laughed at.


you'd be surprised what people believe

i find the respect twats a lot more annoying than the conspiracy theory nutters.
Ninjaboy said:
you'd be surprised what people believe

i find the respect twats a lot more annoying than the conspiracy theory nutters.

I dunno, I tend to laugh at anyone who would consider Galloway anything like leadership material.
pk said:
I dunno, I tend to laugh at anyone who would consider Galloway anything like leadership material.

go in the politics forum and the cunts are all over the shop, conspiracy theorists have a couple of mental threads which go in the bin when bin laden farts or whatever, respect people are about all the fucking time :( :(
Respect people don't advise young parents not to give their child the MMR jab on the basis of their delusional imagination and personality disorder... unlike conspiranoids...

Politicos bore the fuck out of me, especially when most of them would sell their principles out at the drop of a hat, waste of time...
Kid_Eternity said:
Urban doesn't do that with racists or Stormcunt types. Why should conspiraloons be treated any different?

so people who are into conspiracy stuff are as bad as racists then yes? :rolleyes:

(good posts pk btw)

basically id be a lot more willing to consider a lot of cosnpiracy theories if so many of their proponents werent a) anti-semitic and b) mentally ill :(
There's nothing wrong with conspiraloons, but if the Ed gave them a forum, all sorts of nutters would type in conspiracy on Google and end up on here.
Stobart Stopper said:
There's nothing wrong with conspiraloons, but if the Ed gave them a forum, all sorts of nutters would type in conspiracy on Google and end up on here.
Well, there is, actually.

Apart from the almost inevitable underlying anti-Semitism/anti-Americanism, their idiotic fruitloop fantasies actively get in the way of those trying to unearth the truth.
editor said:
their idiotic fruitloop fantasies actively get in the way of those trying to unearth the truth.

And they often physically get in the way, as Badger Kitten can testify, turning up at meetings and calling survivors "liars".

They deserve nothing but contempt.
I think they do themselves a great disservice. They can raise very valid points in debates but then go and undo everything by claiming Huntley was innocent or something similar.
editor said:
Well, there is, actually.

Apart from the almost inevitable underlying anti-Semitism/anti-Americanism, their idiotic fruitloop fantasies actively get in the way of those trying to unearth the truth.
I meant to say, nothing wrong with conspiralloons as long as they stay on conspiracy forums!:D
Stobart Stopper said:
I meant to say, nothing wrong with conspiralloons as long as they stay on conspiracy forums!:D

What if they start upseting people who were in the incidents that happended, or lost loved one...? To me, the psycological abuse of purposely stating 7/7 didn't happen to a survivor or a relative is the same as physical abuse...
scarecrow said:
I think they do themselves a great disservice. They can raise very valid points in debates but then go and undo everything by claiming Huntley was innocent or something similar.

Well... BK is trying to get a public enqiry on 7/7. Having these conspiraloons around doesn't help her much...!
q_w_e_r_t_y said:
And what, pray, is the definition of "conspiraloonacy"?

Hows about Iraq?

That the US/UK g'ments invaded to rid Iraq of WMD? (US gment/UK g'ment line)
That the US/UK g'ments invaded to establish peace, security and humanitarian values in Iraq (UK g;ment line now)
That the US/UK g'ments invaded Iraq to steal the oil in any way possible (
stop the war campaign line)

Or the Iraqi insurgency?

That there al-Quaeda led by Zakawi is going around Iraq murdering tens of thousands of civilians to establish an extreeme Islamic state (US line)
That there is a civil war because sunnis and shi'ites ahve always hated one another and have just been waiting for this excuse to knock seven bells out of one another (US line now)
That the US has been arming and supporting death squads operating out of the Interior ministry in Iraq, providing them with uniforms, access to targets, 2nd hand stolen US cars to blow up and arms in order to destroy the country in the best traditions of Machiavelli, bringing in Negroponte to oversee the establishment of these based on his previous experience in El-Salvador (independent researchers)

And 911?

How about the idea that Saddam Hussain was behind 911? (US g'ment line)
That Osama Bin Laden planned it all from a cave in Afganistan because he hated the freedom and democracy of the US (US/corporate press line)
That the US government either let or made this tragedy happen on purpose in order to start the Iraq war, as had been suggested by an influential policy think tank(independent researchers line)

Yes the first is undoubtably conspiraloonacy, but given that this is what is being actively promoted by the US g'ment I am not surprised that people believe it. To kick people off the boards for being taken in by the most powerful and best resourced entity in the world is unsurprising - but they put vast amounts of propaganda into seeing that we do believe it.

Thankfully not everyone falls for their slick shit.

Nail. Head. Hit.

Your all fools quite frankly, who can`t see that the war on terror is a CREATION of our rulers in order to centralise power, declare wars and strip all our rights? Who doesnt recognise thats the case....maybe we should have a poll.

9/11 was an inside job and we can prove it....however we`ll never prove it to those who`ve already made their mind up, in the same way that I will never be able to prove anything to a brick wall. You people can`t even provide an explaination as to why NORAD offered no reponse that day. (until too late)


Go on.

Plz. :) You should be angry even if only 10% of what I say is true. Anger has a purpose, it motivates you, it spurs you into action....which if you get down to it, is what I think most of you naysayers are scared of. ACTUALLY GETTING OFF YOUR ASS AND DOING SOMETHING!!! You`d rather find a million and one reasons why theres no need to worry....when there quite obviously is.

TIM OSMOND....go type it in.
editor said:
Originally Posted by zArk
September 11th 2001 new york was an inside job (explosives were in the towers).
Credible proof from reliable sources, please

911 Eyewitness allows one to be the judge that explosives were in the towers and brought them down. Ones own eyes and ears do the job. If you wish then to move into who planted those explosives, why they planted them, why they used them.. then that requires reading around the subject.
In addition to the 911 Eyewitness video, i would include people who were there at the time (plenty of sources available) including firefighters in the towers, employees who were in the towers, silversteins own words about wtc7, seismic graphs, physics and science.

editor said:
Originally Posted by zArk
7th July 2005 london was an inside job
Credible proof from reliable sources, please

I would point initially to the claim that the 4 lads travelled on a train from Luton to KingsCross that morning and were photographed by cctv at kings cross at 8.30am. The time most 'credible' sources say the train left Luton is 7.40am BUT that train was cancelled that morning.
now thats very interesting showing the failure of the press to pick up on it.

Next is a clear indication that intelligence services were aware of something happening that morning **, Israeli Finance Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu was warned not to leave his hotel in London -- or more specifically the Israeli embassey received a warning from Scotland Yard to warn their delegates.
(same happened on 11th september, people were warned, i.e mayor brown)

If you want a full on indepth discussion, thats fine with me, yet this thread was started to provoke you(admin) to ban and bar 'conspiraloon' threads and posters. As i am stating, fringe news [and buried mainstream news] can give a more complete picture of 'catastrophic events' which for some people isnt worth the time of this forum.

I would say this, those that dont agree can argue and those who dont care dont have to post anything in response. Eventually if the thread isnt worthwhile it will be bashed down the forum page into obscurity.

Oh well off to 'bump me baby' <<< totally awesome thread.
jæd said:
What if they start upseting people who were in the incidents that happended, or lost loved one...? To me, the psycological abuse of purposely stating 7/7 didn't happen to a survivor or a relative is the same as physical abuse...
They need to be banned from here for a start, then kicked up the arse if they come near the 7/7 victims. They can be arrested for harrassment or threatening behaviour. Fucking nutters.:mad:
The invasion on Iraq is a great case in point on this subject.It's accepted now that the "intelligence" was flawed and incomplete and the people at the top KNEW it was flawed.In my mind this is a conspiracy to decieve the British public.True,a lot of conspiracy theories are wacky and totally outlandish.Which is exactly what I thought about Iraq till the truth came out.My belief is to question everything otherwise we end us as a "sheeple" society that accepts anything our leaders tell us.If people think cover ups don't happen then they're are sadly mistaken.
Stobart Stopper said:
Go on then. I am all ears. Editor has told you to prove it but all we gets are reams and reams of shite.

we can prove beyond reasonable doubt, the problem is that when confronted, with what their social architects have engrained into people is a "conspiracy theory"....the doubt is rarely reasonable.

I`ve had people ask me to prove that the media lies to them. PROVE IT!!!! :rolleyes:

I`m a bit tired of pointing out the bloody obvious, i`m not playing anymore. :)
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