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Conspiraloons – why...?

Azrael23 said:
That God shaped hole is there because we have had our divinity stripped through ignorance.

Are out of body experiences invented? Have you never experienced synchronicity?

again it's quite hopeless to confront the reductivist/empiricists with anything like this. they're still confounded by their own unacknowledged pseudocartesianism like a pavlovian test subject and the holographic cake :D

this is the first time i've posted on any discussion of this nature, though i've long admired the few truthseekers around here, the repetitive nature of the abuse directed towards anyone who questions received wisdom is almost stultifying. however the sustained and inquisitional nature of the invective on this thread is something else and needs to be confronted.
The All-Knowing said:
Your search - pseudocartesianism - did not match any documents.

Quite surprising, and quite an achievement :D

I imagine it's, er, astral graph-paper. Or am I just projecting?
I can post some exercises if you want to try some OBE`s laptop :)

Your too doom and gloom siarc, considering the age of our species we`ve got a long way to go yet. The new physics will eventually confirm the old wisdom that matter and conciousness are the same energy in differing forms of vibration. Everything is alive because everything is connected to the same essence, its a hologram illuminated by the same source. That source is what people call God, its the state of highest vibration and unity. Course reality revolutionising science takes a while to get spilt.
Azrael23 said:
I can post some exercises if you want to try some OBE`s :)
that was an unintentional neologism :)

and i also tried google unsuccessfully for the cohen/lucier paper i cited, i imagine this would be censored, although google only admits to blocking content on its chinese engine
Okay. I watched the 'good place to start' offered by Jazzz and found it interesting. Deep down, I want the conspiracy theory to be true. Unfortunately I see loads of unsubstantiated crap thrown in with interesting stuff.

I haven't the time to Illustrate everything now but I do have some questions. Please Editor, PK, Blagsta refrain from sticking the boot in because I just want the answer from the 'conspiraloons'.

Thanks :)

Okay, question number one (I'll be back with more):

Why is Azrael (and possibly others) saying that O/Usama Bin Laden is on the CIA's books as a Tim Osmond when Alex Jones' investigation clearly states that the video footage of him couldn't possibly be him?

If he was on the CIA's books, as has been suggested, they wouldn't need an actor to fulfill his role, as is what Alex Jones is trying to tell us?
Azrael23 said:
Your too doom and gloom siarc, considering the age of our species we`ve got a long way to go yet. The new physics will eventually confirm the old wisdom that matter and conciousness are the same energy in differing forms of vibration. Everything is alive because everything is connected to the same essence, its a hologram illuminated by the same source. That source is what people call God, its the state of highest vibration and unity. IMHO

this is largely outside of my concerns, and whilst i imagine neutral monism and post-quantum theory will eventually reconcile themselves, the teleological can exist inside a framework for true noetic growth, as some suppose was the conclusion of the cathar heresiarchs who were lost in the albigensian genocides, another instance where the light was snuffed out in its infancy.

the immediate concern should be to enlighten a wider group of those upon whom capital feeds and propagates. everyone is subject to cognitive dissonance to some degree, it is not enough simply to anoint ourselves a neurocognitive elite and assume the role of initiates to the truth, for the truth is elusive and its ways corrupting. some think that only an epiphanic event in human consciousness can elevate a cognitive elite to a 'truth elite' unencumbered by neopavlovian rationalisations.

however i'm not as despondent as you assume, and as you say time is in our hands, as it is running out for the oligarchs. this is evident in neoconservatism, which assumes that america has only a few decades as a hyperpower in which too effect the long lasting changes envisioned by pnac, wolfowitz etc. and while nation states feud among themselves, the enlightened in all the nations have common aims, and will outlast the devastation while the weak wither and die and the oligarchs feud.
Azrael23 said:
The new physics will eventually confirm the old wisdom that matter and conciousness are the same energy in differing forms of vibration. Everything is alive because everything is connected to the same essence

Ah, you must be speaking of the latest Gaultier essence:

"Eau De Tete Du Merde"

A fine fragrance. So good you can smell it a mile away and it's good for your rosebeds.

A proper result all round, I think you'll agree.
siarc said:
whilst i imagine neutral monism and post-quantum theory will eventually reconcile themselves, the teleological can exist inside a framework for true noetic growth, the enlightened in all the nations have common aims, and will outlast the devastation while the weak wither and die and the oligarchs feud.

Look, conspiranoid chatter is one thing, but trying to attempt a sly regulation into the many-feathered game that we here call Mornington Crescent is jolly well out of bounds, you pair of utter cads.

I'll say Kennington and we'll say no more about it.

But mark my words, I've got my eye on you.


scarecrow said:
Okay, question number one (I'll be back with more):

Why is Azrael (and possibly others) saying that O/Usama Bin Laden is on the CIA's books as a Tim Osmond when Alex Jones' investigation clearly states that the video footage of him couldn't possibly be him?

If he was on the CIA's books, as has been suggested, they wouldn't need an actor to fulfill his role, as is what Alex Jones is trying to tell us?
Although involved with the CIA Osama might have very well have have detested the idea of 9/11 and indeed denied involvement on September 28th 2001.

Also, he could well be dead for all we know - they might have stopped his kidney dialysis.

When you dance with the devil, you better use a long-handled spoon, as my granny might say.
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