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Conspiraloons – why...?

laptop said:

We're in the middle of a truly noetic remetaconscientisation here!

You could be right. But I say that the quickest way is via Stockwell applying the noetic metaremeta rules (2nd version 1978)
siarc said:
this is largely outside of my concerns, and whilst i imagine neutral monism and post-quantum theory will eventually reconcile themselves, the teleological can exist inside a framework for true noetic growth, as some suppose was the conclusion of the cathar heresiarchs who were lost in the albigensian genocides, another instance where the light was snuffed out in its infancy.

The rate at which knowledge is able to be shared today is not comparable to the past.

siarc said:
the immediate concern should be to enlighten a wider group of those upon whom capital feeds and propagates. everyone is subject to cognitive dissonance to some degree, it is not enough simply to anoint ourselves a neurocognitive elite and assume the role of initiates to the truth, for the truth is elusive and its ways corrupting. some think that only an epiphanic event in human consciousness can elevate a cognitive elite to a 'truth elite' unencumbered by neopavlovian rationalisations.

People realising the need for economic reform and understanding the reasons behind the structure of the present system is paramount i`d agree. No one wants to be annointed as anything, they just want to express themselves like anyone else does. I can`t remember which it was psychologist that put the desire for expression highest in the model of human need.

Schumann resonance?

siarc said:
however i'm not as despondent as you assume, and as you say time is in our hands, as it is running out for the oligarchs. this is evident in neoconservatism, which assumes that america has only a few decades as a hyperpower in which too effect the long lasting changes envisioned by pnac, wolfowitz etc. and while nation states feud among themselves, the enlightened in all the nations have common aims, and will outlast the devastation while the weak wither and die and the oligarchs feud.

I try not to speculate too far into the future. In fighting and treachery has always ruined the path of those who worship ego, that much I know.
* Approaching Enlightenment dissipates in a puff of Tube grunge *

Slice of monist cake, anyone? It's got quark on it.
siarc said:
this is largely outside of my concerns, and whilst i imagine neutral monism and post-quantum theory will eventually reconcile themselves, the teleological can exist inside a framework for true noetic growth, as some suppose was the conclusion of the cathar heresiarchs who were lost in the albigensian genocides, another instance where the light was snuffed out in its infancy.
You're that spambot thing that generates text for getting past heuristic filters, and I claim my £5.
pk said:
Look, conspiranoid chatter is one thing, but trying to attempt a sly regulation into the many-feathered game that we here call Mornington Crescent is jolly well out of bounds, you pair of utter cads.

I'll say Kennington and we'll say no more about it.

But mark my words, I've got my eye on you.



what is this nonsense? some of you people wouldn't know spinoza if the ethics fell off a bookshelf and hit you on the face! it is quite reasonable to assume the artificial and contrived separation of natural science and metaphysics that occured hundreds of years ago will collapse, perhaps even within our lifetime. this needless splitting of fields of thought is symptomatic of the dividing instincts of oligarchical capitalism, the false 'enlightenment' (aufklarung) that is coeval with the collapse of simple mercantilism and the birth of dynasties like the rothschilds that control the system of exchanges to this day.
siarc said:
what is this nonsense? some of you people wouldn't know spinoza if the ethics fell off a bookshelf and hit you on the face!

* Thud *

But if there is but the one Substance, how can the phrase "Substance Abuse" make sense? :D
laptop said:
* Thud *

But if there is but the one Substance, how can the phrase "Substance Abuse" make sense? :D

Abuse, along with everything else done by humans or animals alike is excellent and divine :cool:
The rate at which knowledge is able to be shared today is not comparable to the past.

this works both ways. if a phaenomenon comparable to the cathar heresiarchs occured today, it would be apparent to everyone far sooner, including those who wished to destroy it.

People realising the need for economic reform and understanding the reasons behind the structure of the present system is paramount i`d agree. No one wants to be annointed as anything, they just want to express themselves like anyone else does. I can`t remember which it was psychologist that put the desire for expression highest in the model of human need.

Schumann resonance?

free expression must not be groupuscular, there are many who reject the inspirations of our forefathers and cannot parse the ideologies of capital on even an unconscious level, such that 'productivity' is only significant for them on economic terms.

what do you understand by schumann resonance? i had only ever thought of ionospheric resonance as a synechdoche for the noesis, never on its own terms, though i reject de chardin who was a witch doctor and an idiot. can we learn from it?

I try not to speculate too far into the future. In fighting and treachery has always ruined the path of those who worship ego, that much I know.

is this not the path followed by the naysayers on this thread? i have even been described as a 'spambot', as if i have no autonomous consciousness and regurgitate only the tripe inculcated by my masters, and they see no irony in this! the ego metastasises into the chorus of undead voices, imprecating capital to feed them and take away the nasty thoughts, let the nightmare finish. we should have sympathy for them.
Derian said:
A needless diversion applying now defunct rules via a closed station. It's obvious that one has to change at Victoria at this point.

what the fuck is this shit? aufklarung is just the german name for 'the enlightenment' as distinct from the 'secular' use of that term. it was a common loan word in nineteenth century english :rolleyes:

i was trying to show how the enlightement of goethe, schiller, kant etc occured in places like weimar and frankfurt am main precisely at the same time as the nascent banking families of europe were establishing themselves.
siarc said:
what the fuck is this shit? aufklarung is just the german name for 'the enlightenment' as distinct from the 'secular' use of that term. it was a common loan word in nineteenth century english :rolleyes:

i was trying to show how the enlightement of goethe, schiller, kant etc occured in places like weimar and frankfurt am main precisely at the same time as the nascent banking families of europe were establishing themselves.

Yes. I know.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:


siarc said:
i was trying to show how the enlightement of goethe, schiller, kant etc occured in places like weimar and frankfurt am main precisely at the same time as the nascent banking families of europe were establishing themselves.

Alles ist nun bald klar auf.

Which are you proposing came first, though? That the "families" you refer to created the Aufklarung, or that it created the conditions for them...
laptop said:
Alles ist nun bald klar auf.

Which are you proposing came first, though? That the "families" you refer to created the Aufklarung, or that it created the conditions for them...

they can both be understood as developing from the masonic rites of various central european principalities. it's known for instance that meyer amschel rothchild supplied not only credit, but also children, to the duchy of saxe-gotha. these pederastic rituals were probably at the behest of the electors of the holy roman empire. there were originally eight electors, and with the demise of papal oversight the original credit system was replaced with a numismatic order as represented by the rothschilds. the electors and the banking families were from this time intertwined, and with financial power they could support writers like goethe and kleist. goethe was probably also a mason and his writings are pederastic, albeit in a codified fashion, but this can be decrypted.
You are a stoned/tripped out second year philosophy student and I claim my fiver. Quite good trolling, but your rubbish spelling and grammar give you away.
Badger Kitten said:
You are a stoned/tripped out second year philosophy student and I claim my fiver. Quite good trolling, but your rubbish spelling and grammar give you away.

Gar, you've spoilt it now BK. I was hoping that he was about to lead us on to Weishaupt ... :D
siarc said:
what is this nonsense? some of you people wouldn't know spinoza if the ethics fell off a bookshelf and hit you on the face!


I knows me spinoza!


Badger Kitten said:
You are a stoned/tripped out second year philosophy student and I claim my fiver. Quite good trolling, but your rubbish spelling and grammar give you away.

if only we open our eyes, the signs abound


they mock us openly
there is no longer any concealment, as lyotard suggests, late capitalism need not induce the listless to labour when the notion of autonomy is reified as automatous in itself

Oh, look. A link.

Well, if it's posted on the 'net somewhere, it must be true.

Yeah, that clinches it for me.

Iam said:
Oh, look. A link.

Well, if it's posted on the 'net somewhere, it must be true.

Yeah, that clinches it for me.


that is of course a libel and a fallacy
how does it follow that something on the internet cannot be true
if you cannot see beyond simple binary oppositions then you are simply falling into a trap they have set for you; it's a simple one, but it works

'the commensurate value of death relinquishes nothing, forestalls nothing; only an absolute evil can convince itself that abjection possesses a rectitude and logic unto itself, as the flustered eagle tears off the limbs of the spartan infant upon the hillside'

bataille, ecrits
You do realise I'm going to need documentation on who funded Kant before I start seriously reconsidering the motives for the Aufklarung, don't you?

Though I do have to say that it's entirely unclear to me how Spinoza supported himself, having been expelled by the synagogue and his family and all. Were the Anabaptists he ended up hanging out with rich by then?
laptop said:
You do realise I'm going to need documentation on who funded Kant before I start seriously reconsidering the motives for the Aufklarung, don't you?

Though I do have to say that it's entirely unclear to me how Spinoza supported himself, having been expelled by the synagogue and his family and all. Were the Anabaptists he ended up hanging out with rich by then?

“Weishaupt . . . proposed as the end of Illuminism the abolition of property, social authority, nationality, and the return of the human race to the happy state in which it formed only a single family without artificial needs, without useless sciences, every father being priest and magistrate. Priest of we know not what religion, for in spite of their frequent invocations of the God of Nature, many indications lead us to conclude that Weishaupt had, like Diderot and d'Holbach, no other God than Nature herself. From his doctrine would naturally follow German ultra-Hegelianism and the system of anarchy recently developed in France, of which the physiognomy suggests a foreign origin.”

Henry Martin, Histoire de France depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'en 1789, XVI. 533.

"It was thought too, that Kant and Weishaupt attended secret conferences of the Sacred Fraternity of Antioch on at least two separate occasions of the 1790's, wherein the sessions of the Neue Erwatung were constituted as true to their own immutable values. From this time on, Kant's writings proceeded in a fashion of gnomic encryption that conceal their true significations only to the initiated."

Hugo von Hoffmannsthal, 'The Enochian Idealists', 1903

a link on weishaupt
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