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Conspiraloon 9/11- 7/7 Truther outed as Holocaust denier

I know unions have been sued by members (or ex-members) for not representing them adequately.

If they're in breach of rule that's another thing, but I can't find anything in the GMB rule book against being a COMPLETE AND UTTER FUCKING LUNATIC. Seems to be about the only thing you can't be victimised for.
I know some people here have been researching far-right infiltration into the Green or ecological movement, they might be interested to hear that this scumbag gave a lecture at the Big Green Gathering last year.

edit: further to this, it appears that he's also a mate of Tony Gosling former Green Party local candidate and man with a finger in every conspiracy pie going, owner of the bildeberg site(s)...
If they're in breach of rule that's another thing


TBH, its been too long since I did this kind of shit. I don't think (again! hah!) that unions have been sued successfully for this, have they? Didn't the NUT have a run in with some BNP member in Solihull or somewhere a bit back?
there does seem to be a worryingly high amount of crossover between the 911/77 conspiraloons and the equally barking mad Holocaust denial crew.

Both should be equally shunned in my opinion.

That's because there is a brand of person who just can't help themselves when it comes to conspiracy theories, it's like a sexual perversion or a fetish, they just can't get enough of it.

I wouldn't say this bloke is evil, but he's incredibly dangerous and a couple of slices short of a loaf. His motivation isn't anything to do with hating Jews, it's about him not being able to resist a good old conspiracy theory, it's beyond the poor fucker.

Unless of course he believes only 2 theories.....9/11 done by the Jews and there was no holocaust.....if he's got nothing else to say, then yep, he's won my contempt.
What a vile loonspud. Holocaust deniers make my flesh crawl

Why do people believe conspiracy theories over and above the evidence? Or is that a question for a huge thread of its own? :D
The Auschwitz 'Gas Chamber' Illusion
by Nicholas Kollerstrom, PhD

As surprising as it may sound, the only intentional mass extermination program in the concentration camps of WW2 was targeted at Germans. From April, 1945 five million Germans were rounded up after surrendering, and deliberately starved until well over one million had died, in French and American-run concentration camps[1] - an event soon erased from the history books. There was, in contrast, never a centrally-coordinated Nazi program of exterminating Jews in Germany. Lethal gas chambers did not function in German labour-camps, that's just an illusion. The traditional Holocaust story has developed out of rumours, misunderstandings, and wartime propaganda. From stories pre-dating the Second World War to the Nuremberg Trials which gave official sanction to the notion, to subsequent trials, books and films, we have had it imprinted on our collective psyche. In most of Europe now, it is a thoughtcrime to believe what you have just read, punishable by imprisonment, so think carefully before deciding to read on.

The real experts on this subject are - in jail, so maybe you will put up with hearing my view instead? Europe needs, more than anything else, a truth and reconciliation forum to get to the bottom of these matters, and to try and exorcise the demonic hate-images. Ever more nations are passing laws that prohibit citizens from expressing doubt - Germany, France, Austria, Poland, Romania, Belgium, Switzerland, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Collectively, we need to work trough our despair, rage, and ideas of blame, to try and access the real historical record.

He is tarting his PHD about in the context of writing this disgusting shite :mad::mad::eek:

www. davidicke.com/forum/showthread.php?t=15930
there does seem to be a worryingly high amount of crossover between the 911/77 conspiraloons and the equally barking mad Holocaust denial crew.

Both should be equally shunned in my opinion.

I suspect that the "crossover" is an artefact of having a worldview where every event has a hidden meaning, where nothing is actually what it is, but merely a cypher for a different message. Once your perspective is based on that, it's so easy to see everything as the product of one conspiracy or another, and to draw strength from the fact that you're one of "the elect" who know the truth. It's self-perpetuating. It's amazing how many truthers and holocaust -deniers also go in for the "Area 51" myth-scape too.
I suspect that the "crossover" is an artefact of having a worldview where every event has a hidden meaning, where nothing is actually what it is, but merely a cypher for a different message. Once your perspective is based on that, it's so easy to see everything as the product of one conspiracy or another, and to draw strength from the fact that you're one of "the elect" who know the truth. It's self-perpetuating. It's amazing how many truthers and holocaust -deniers also go in for the "Area 51" myth-scape too.

I worked with a C4 documentary team on this on a programme called 'Conspiracy - who really runs the world' which went out as schools programming sometime last year.

The most interesting but was when these two academics did some research into the mindset of conspiracy theorists. They asked a group of students some questions about trust levels, re. family, friends, support networks, colleagues, etc then on the basis of their answers, sorted them into two groups - one of which they thought would be much more likely to ''believe''.

Then they asked the two groups if they thought it was likely that the Govt could track you all the time via your phone and were doing so ( or something like that - they made up the theory anyway as a test).

As predicted, the ones with low levels of trust went for the theory.
I suspect that the "crossover" is an artefact of having a worldview where every event has a hidden meaning, where nothing is actually what it is, but merely a cypher for a different message. Once your perspective is based on that, it's so easy to see everything as the product of one conspiracy or another, and to draw strength from the fact that you're one of "the elect" who know the truth. It's self-perpetuating. It's amazing how many truthers and holocaust -deniers also go in for the "Area 51" myth-scape too.

I agree with this. Its more a commonality of lunacy. If you are prepared to belive one screwball conspiracy theory then you are more likely to believe other screwball theories.
This guy sounds odious and a nazi lover, (though he is partially right about Germans POW's being killed em masse: just after the war tens of thousands died primarily from neglect, disease and and hunger(read Other Losses) but I am not sure I like the idea of him being grassed up to his employers, this is typical Trot behaviour and it is unbecoming to you BK, i though more of you. it works both ways, one day it may be left wing or liberal views that people are grassed up for.
Freedom of speech doesn't extend to Holocaust denial. You have to have a line somewhere and this is generally agreed to be it.

It's up to his Uni if they decide that freedom of speech should be extended in this case, but he is using his PhD in connection with denying the holocaust, writing under his real name - that is something that the Uni should know about. If he merely had the views and kept them to himself, that would be one thing - but he's in a University, in a research position, and using his academic doctorate to add credibility to his claims - not blethering on the Stormfront boards under a pseudonym.

I think that a line has been crossed.
This guy sounds odious and a nazi lover, (though he is partially right about Germans POW's being killed em masse: just after the war tens of thousands died primarily from neglect, disease and and hunger(read Other Losses) but I am not sure I like the idea of him being grassed up to his employers, this is typical Trot behaviour and it is unbecoming to you BK, i though more of you. it works both ways, one day it may be left wing or liberal views that people are grassed up for.

Good grief.
I know unions have been sued by members (or ex-members) for not representing them adequately.

If they're in breach of rule that's another thing, but I can't find anything in the GMB rule book against being a COMPLETE AND UTTER FUCKING LUNATIC. Seems to be about the only thing you can't be victimised for.

wasn't Patrick Harrington, comicly camp, SS leather great-coat sporting ex NF 'wunder-kind' of the mid 1980s, a stuydent there? i remember there being pickets and stuff as lots of lecturers refused to teach him and students to attend the same classes as him.

either way, this conspiraGOON needs a stiff kicking.
wasn't Patrick Harrington, comicly camp, SS leather great-coat sporting ex NF 'wunder-kind' of the mid 1980s, a stuydent there? i remember there being pickets and stuff as lots of lecturers refused to teach him and students to attend the same classes as him.

either way, this conspiraGOON needs a stiff kicking.

I thought Pat Harrington was a student at East Ham Tech back then?
I worked with a C4 documentary team on this on a programme called 'Conspiracy - who really runs the world' which went out as schools programming sometime last year.

The most interesting but was when these two academics did some research into the mindset of conspiracy theorists. They asked a group of students some questions about trust levels, re. family, friends, support networks, colleagues, etc then on the basis of their answers, sorted them into two groups - one of which they thought would be much more likely to ''believe''.

Then they asked the two groups if they thought it was likely that the Govt could track you all the time via your phone and were doing so ( or something like that - they made up the theory anyway as a test).

As predicted, the ones with low levels of trust went for the theory.

That's interesting, the idea that a low level trust of trust for one's social circle might possibly manifest it's corollary in a high level of trust for the outpourings of an "elite" peer group, as at least as a premise for further research. Of course, the level of validation that one would receive from one's fellow "truth-speakers" would merely act as reinforcement of the "rightness" of such people and their theories, a kind of positive feedback loop of scary proportions.
Amazing, all in the same week I have been called someone who

supports the most vile racism and anti-Islamic hate speech

is not just irritating, but horrid, hateful, a defender of genocide, a holocaust-denier and a whining front for those who kill ...stands with the defenders of genocide Scum. Pondlife. Shill ( by the 7/7 truthers)

and now a Trot on u75. :D
What a vile loonspud. Holocaust deniers make my flesh crawl

yes, but only a complete cretin would believe it's as one dimensional as that.

just like david irving, they know it's a load of bullshit. their agenda is to 'rehabilitate' fascism as the holocaust is the most damaging aspect to it from a PR angle (bizarre though that sounds, that is pretty much how they see it)

a more apt description of holocaust 'deniars' is 'holocaust re-appraisers' because in reality they think the holocaust was a GOOD thing and there is nothing more that they would like to see occurr again.

THAT is their true agenda. anyone who believes the official 'historical revisionist' position is as much a mug as the 9/11 conspiraloons.
Freedom of speech doesn't extend to Holocaust denial. You have to have a line somewhere and this is generally agreed to be it.

It's up to his Uni if they decide that freedom of speech should be extended in this case, but he is using his PhD in connection with denying the holocaust, writing under his real name - that is something that the Uni should know about. If he merely had the views and kept them to himself, that would be one thing - but he's in a University, in a research position, and using his academic doctorate to add credibility to his claims - not blethering on the Stormfront boards under a pseudonym.

I think that a line has been crossed.
Me too.
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