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atos protest Cardiff tomorrow, nearest station Queen st
PROTEST as Atos comes to Cardiff University
Meet at 9am, Thursday 18th October,
Cardiff School of Engineering, Newport Road
Atos is the vicious profiteering company that is doing the Government's dirty work clearing disabled and vulnerable people off benefits. Campaigning organisation, Disabled People Against Cuts, says that an average of 32 people die every week - some sadly through suicide - after being found fit for work by Atos, which profits from £4 billion worth of public sector contracts every year.
To try and boost its flagging image, Atos has teamed up with the Welsh Assembly to launch an IT competition in Universities and is descending on Cardiff University this Thursday. How about we get together all anticuts campaigners who want to help organise the protest, and form a welcoming committee for them and pop their propaganda bubble?
They want to bring back EMA....by getting rid of university fee reductions.... :facepalm: :(

I guess I *am* lucky to be paying £9k a year with a few reductions.


:( I saw the headline on twitter this morning.. didn't read the article..
IF fee waivers aren't being effective in attracting lower income students to university, I wonder whether that might be because many don't go to FE college without EMA, or don't achieve high enough grades, and would take advantage of fee waivers if EMA existed..
and of course the existence of the fees puts the people who'd use the waivers off in the first place.
:( I saw the headline on twitter this morning.. didn't read the article..
IF fee waivers aren't being effective in attracting lower income students to university, I wonder whether that might be because many don't go to FE college without EMA, or don't achieve high enough grades, and would take advantage of fee waivers if EMA existed..
and of course the existence of the fees puts the people who'd use the waivers off in the first place.
Yes but doing away with fee waivers may well stop people from going on after 19 anyway. Obviously they need to have both.

Certainly I wouldn't have gone on to uni without being on low enough income to get some grant and fee wavier. £40k of debt looks a lot bigger when you're skint, as I said in the computer forum my 18 month old lenovo laptop with the tea spatters and biscuit crumbs is the clunkiest most out of date computer I've seen anyone get out - most people seem to be whipping out MacBook Airs and Ultrabooks (and never mind the going out every night and joining clubs where you have to pay for the activities).

It could well get people more up to university standard but if they never go due to the massive fees (I'm betting that the £9k won't be the last rise either) then what's the point...I guess people with A-levels are more likely to get that job in McDonalds than people without them. :(
Yeah, I just meant that if the reasoning for taking money from fee waivers is because they are not being taken up, and the reason to restore EMA is to get more people to university (which imo is only a part of it, just as important that people are doing vocational courses because of EMA) then it won't work because if you have EMA but no waivers, you'll have the demand for waivers but people won't go to uni because of the fees.. so what then? scrap EMA to bring in waivers?
It only makes sense to have both things (well actually it makes sense to not have fees at all but we've lost that particular argument)
Yeah, I just meant that if the reasoning for taking money from fee waivers is because they are not being taken up, and the reason to restore EMA is to get more people to university (which imo is only a part of it, just as important that people are doing vocational courses because of EMA) then it won't work because if you have EMA but no waivers, you'll have the demand for waivers but people won't go to uni because of the fees.. so what then? scrap EMA to bring in waivers?

It only makes sense to have both things (well actually it makes sense to not have fees at all but we've lost that particular argument)
I'm taking it up! (I hope - the application process is rather unclear and I've still no idea if I end up owing the same but get given some cash or if I get less debt and have to try and get by on fuck all money.)

I have a feeling it's the national scholarship *for skint people* - you only receive this on completion of your first year so if for some reason you fail out you owe the full fees plus loan.

If no one is taking them up then no need to get rid now is there?

I'd like to see an extension of apprenticeship funding to over 25s that are long term unemployed...they should have it like degrees, you can get funding for one qualification no matter what age you are.
Bungling DWP Publish Atos Corporate Secrets on Government Website!

Posted on October 18, 2012 by johnny void | 10 Comments
Bungling DWP officials have published the Atos tender document for the new Personal Independence Payment and given away reams of highly confidential commercial information in the process.
The documents contain pages of technical information about Atos’ internal systems, financial information and even the names of people who will be involved in managing the new PIP benefit assessments. Other documents reveal how Capita will be involved in the assessments.
Atos, who notoriously carry out the Work Capability Assessment for those on out of work sickness and disability benefits, have been given the contract to manage the assessments for PIP. These assessments will be based on the same crude computer based tests as the WCA and are to be used to re-assess disabled people currently claiming Disability Living Allowance. The stated aim is to strip benefits from 20% of disabled people.

is it being mirrored, saved, etc,

tech know how limited...

Yes, Johnny says in the blog post that it's been downloaded and sent round to claimant groups. Hopefully there is someone with PDF skills who can see if they can get under the other redactions. Can't believe you can just c+p some of it :facepalm:
Yes, Johnny says in the blog post that it's been downloaded and sent round to claimant groups. Hopefully there is someone with PDF skills who can see if they can get under the other redactions. Can't believe you can just c+p some of it :facepalm:

I've saved all the pdf docs to my machine. Going through them slowly to see what's in them and which ones can have the black outs circumvented.

Tediously interesting stuff though.
go to the link in post above

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