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campaign against welfare cuts and poverty

Btw, this 10bn, its another panic measure, Phillip Hammond couldn't ven give a straight answer when asked by a journalist when they would commence, saying, that it may be 2016 or even 2017..
Btw, demos(now funded by Mastercard) is hawking a poll that claims 90% of people polled agreed that the state should control some element of spending of a claimants benefits, such as stopping it being spent on fags, and holidays!

Is this fucking North Korea? i don't believe them, 90% is a massive amount of agreement and would include urbanites, their family, their friends, their work colleagues, etc for it to reach that figure..

You need to look at the questions themselves, I've got to go out and couldn't quickly find the actual survey but this appears to be the press release:

Whilst 6 in 10 people (59%) agreed the government should control what people spend universal credit on, the figure rises sharply for certain recipient groups and for the purchase of specific items.

• An overwhelming 9 out of 10 people (87%) said at least one group of welfare recipients should have their benefits controlled. 77% said yes to monitoring people with a substance or gambling addiction and 69% for those with a criminal or anti-social history. These figures rose to 82% and 75% respectively among respondents aged over 65.
• Over two-thirds of respondents (68%) agreed the government should stop all recipients from spending their benefits on gambling.
• Over half (54%) agreed with the government stopping people spending their benefits on unhealthy items such as cigarettes or alcohol.
• Just under half (46%) opposed benefits being spent on branded goods such as Nike trainers etc,
• Approximately 4 in 10 people backed a ban on buying junk food (38%) and over a third (35%) on holidays.

(my emphasis)
so basically it's those who think that addicts should have benefits controlled, plus people saying specifically claimants shouldn't be allowed to gamble etc. etc.. to get that 9/10 figure.

I listened to the rest of the Stephen Nolan show (though I've missed bits and pieces) and I've got to say fair play to Stephen he was really pushing people on why it's different for a <25year old compared ot older people etc. and not letting this go, always reminding people that HB is an in work benefit, that lots of people are putting in hundreds of applications for work etc.
Was actually decent for a BBC presenter.
You need to look at the questions themselves, I've got to go out and couldn't quickly find the actual survey but this appears to be the press release:

(my emphasis)
so basically it's those who think that addicts should have benefits controlled, plus people saying specifically claimants shouldn't be allowed to gamble etc. etc.. to get that 9/10 figure.

I listened to the rest of the Stephen Nolan show (though I've missed bits and pieces) and I've got to say fair play to Stephen he was really pushing people on why it's different for a <25year old compared ot older people etc. and not letting this go, always reminding people that HB is an in work benefit, that lots of people are putting in hundreds of applications for work etc.
Was actually decent for a BBC presenter.[/quote]

Might be good to write to him to thank him for his approach, fairness in reporting is all that is being asked, not cheerleaders for one point of view, the BBC have been failing this test on welfare issues.
Julian Worricker ex Five Live did an excellent expose of DWP failings a few years ago, it was at the same time as the John Reid/ Home Office ''not fit for purpose'' ferrago yet got no media coverage despite massive cock ups.
I wondered why the Tories were so keen to make squatting illegal!
Their agenda appears to be to (eventually) make all unemployed homeless.
They must know it will cause huge distress, a crime wave and eventually ghettos
all over the country. It will take generations to fix this if it ever gets through.
I wondered why the Tories were so keen to make squatting illegal!
Their agenda appears to be to (eventually) make all unemployed homeless.
They must know it will cause huge distress, a crime wave and eventually ghettos
all over the country. It will take generations to fix this if it ever gets through.

An increasingly privatised prison system, lobbying from companies that make profits from prisoners, the introduction of commercial work to prisons / prisoners going out on workfare placements to private companies..
criminalise the homeless and make the poor homeless.
The war on drugs acts in the same way in the US. Private prison companies spend millions of dollars lobbying to keep the war on drugs going, it wouldn't surprise me to find G4S or whoever lobbying (or funding think tanks/pressure groups) for benefit cuts and squatting laws.
Btw, demos(now funded by Mastercard) is hawking a poll that claims 90% of people polled agreed that the state should control some element of spending of a claimants benefits, such as stopping it being spent on fags, and holidays!

Is this fucking North Korea? i don't believe them, 90% is a massive amount of agreement and would include urbanites, their family, their friends, their work colleagues, etc for it to reach that figure..

The same MasterCard that are buttering the DWP's parsnips over a "payment card" for dolies.
I went to a meeting last night organised by my local MP, who is Ok, there were a number of W/C men there who have lost their jobs or become sick, when they went to the Social to claim, the ones that for any reason weren't eligible for JSA, etc or desperately needed money, were not given any and were directed to soup kitchens and food banks, obviously this is now without debate a key part of a diminished welfare safety net...

just what the Tories always wanted..

btw, lots of the people attending are just the sort of people the left desperately needs, but are not connecting to..
So ATOS have outsourced their contract for PIP assessments in scotland to an NHS owned company

Daily Record are hailing this as a victory for their campaign, which is fair enough I suppose though I doubt it's really true. To me this looks like it means that all ATOS do for their cut is pass the work on from the government to the public sector.. costing the taxpayer a pretty penny no doubt.

Also in the news today is another ludicrous ATOS WCA decision - suicidal lorry driver declared fit to work even though doctor says he cannot drive safely
Considerable cover of benefit issues tonight: Q/T covered the H/B cuts, with the bizarre Melanie Philips alike, Christina Odone making things up, claiming that ''young people under 25 get flats to themselves'', with Simon Hughes correcting her they can only have a basic one room allowance. She also pointed to Spanish youth having to use their cars for sex, etc as they all have to live at home, as if being stuck with parents is a thing to aspire to! Shapps (while having an easy ride on Greengate) continued the strategy of pitting ''strivers''against dolies when he knows full well many H/B claimants inc ''strivers''are in work on very low wages. Caroline Flint flew the flag for Blairism agreeing with welfare reform for the most part.Sadly the audience seemed to support the Tory line, but B,ham has always had a Tory bent...

The on ''This Week'' the fantastic Ava Vidal robustly and incisively defended welfare benefits and H/B, Portillo who is going back to his old right wing ways used the canard of young people trapped or encouraged into a life on benefits, while Alan Johnson unavailable used the term 'stock' as does Lord Freud, but challenging these latest cuts...

what is so clear is the paucity of real thinking on benefits, lack of clarity and yes mis-truths of the rights position on benefits, etc..
Couldn't find a more appropriate thread to post on. Anyone else hear Vanessa Feltz's BBC London phone-in today on disability benefits, assessments and 'fear of the brown envelope'?

It was interesting. I was quite shocked at her interviewing style - I mean I know she's banal, waffly and patronising, but I didn't expect her to be saying to benefit claimants 'SO WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH YOU?!'.

Final caller was the most punchable person I've heard for some time - grade A cnut who thought most people on disability benefits were scroungers.

A shocking lack of understanding by a lot of people that you don't have to be blind or use a wheelchair to be unable to work for health reasons. :rolleyes:
Considerable cover of benefit issues tonight: Q/T covered the H/B cuts, with the bizarre Melanie Philips alike, Christina Odone making things up, claiming that ''young people under 25 get flats to themselves'', with Simon Hughes correcting her they can only have a basic one room allowance. She also pointed to Spanish youth having to use their cars for sex, etc as they all have to live at home, as if being stuck with parents is a thing to aspire to! Shapps (while having an easy ride on Greengate) continued the strategy of pitting ''strivers''against dolies when he knows full well many H/B claimants inc ''strivers''are in work on very low wages. Caroline Flint flew the flag for Blairism agreeing with welfare reform for the most part.Sadly the audience seemed to support the Tory line, but B,ham has always had a Tory bent...

The on ''This Week'' the fantastic Ava Vidal robustly and incisively defended welfare benefits and H/B, Portillo who is going back to his old right wing ways used the canard of young people trapped or encouraged into a life on benefits, while Alan Johnson unavailable used the term 'stock' as does Lord Freud, but challenging these latest cuts...

what is so clear is the paucity of real thinking on benefits, lack of clarity and yes mis-truths of the rights position on benefits, etc..

I've just watched this and I really disagree with you - there was one tory cunt, one woman who was a bit muddled and said things about people staying on benefits because it pays better and the woman who asked the question said stuff about immigrants getting houses but both those women also disagreed with the HB cut, and there were 4 other audience members who said we should be taxing the rich, we should sort out unemployment, closing tax loopholes etc.
Aside from the tory cunt no-one actually agreed with the policy, though no-one expressed a proper defence of welfare or took the housing benefit stuff apart like we do here.

aside from everything else one thing particularly fucked me off about Grant Shapps that didn't get pulled up on which was that he talked about young people living at home saving up for a house and how unfair it was that someone on benefits would get a house. Then later he claimed young people working couldn't afford to rent or buy.

Now there's no point in comparing someone living at home to save to buy a house (which very few young people will be able to afford anyone, working or not) to someone getting their rent paid. And if anyone is getting paid so little they can't afford to rent they should be able to claim housing benefit (of course he's just helping create the idea that HB is not for people in work). And the wider point about how fucked up it is that someone who is working is paid so little / rent is so expensive that it's not affordable.

More vouchers for benefits crap, again using that 120,000 troubled families number which is made up bullshit. I'm not sure how this is going to happen exactly but I do think we'll see a voucher system of some kind rolled out for benefit claimants in the next couple of years. I'd like to think that pulling evidence together from the failed asylum seeker voucher scheme and from failure's in other countries schemes would be enough to put a stop to this idiocy but I think the emotive argument will be enough for enough people to let this happen.
Saw this today, really interesting.


Not sure how accurate it is, (you can famously show anything with a graph) but it looks pretty drastic.

I haven't read the article, but what stands out for me with that graph is it doesn't show pre-2008 and you can see that the % of GDP that was state spending rose sharply in the period 2008-9 which is obvious as a recession took out lots of the private sector.
That graph will probably be theorised on the basis of a growing economy as predicted by OBR etc.. which would mean that the state sector would naturally shrink anyway.
Really you want to compare 2006/7 to get a proper idea of how much they want to shrink the state. In reality, with the economy not growing, the state will not shrink as much as the graph shows, but the consequences will be worse.
BBC News reporting that the Foodbank, The Tressell Trust has seen demand for its food parcels(three days supply only) double in the last year. Its known that the DWP is now sending people they refuse for a crisis loan to thém and that Smith specifically released funds from the DWP to aid the charity, surprise...
also reporting that a quarter of school chidren in Sheffield are using them, Condems plans are working...

as people on CIf note, the BBC reports made no mention of benefit cuts beíng a major factor...

btw, the BBC will be reeling from saville, time to put the pressure on...
Tuesday, 16 October 2012

744 donations worth £20 million from private healthcare to the Tory led government.

Above is a graph showing the accumulated total of 744 donations from private healthcare sources to the Conservative led government. You can see the details of every donation from this link (here), and simply click on the (here) located in column E of the donation to view evidence of how each of the 744 donations are linked to private healthcare. If you have any doubt about the link of any of the links to private healthcare mentioned in the spreadsheet then email me on [email protected] and I will be more than happy to fill you in on the details. I have also included a full list of the donations below.
Newsnight just had a very good package on rising food prices, etc and featured some people on benefits without condemning or patronising,

the 'Shanene' effect?
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