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Boris Johnson tests positive for Covid-19

interesting news day of claims and counter claims that

Boris and the party did not mishandled the situation

tbf this is indicative of how he will treat his recovery as a reason for more private involvement in the NHS

it would of been better if the cunt had died
The experience of Virgilio Castro - survivor of the Grenfell Tower fire and victim of the Corona virus - is damning testimony to what happens when the needs of the 'economy' are placed before the needs of the people on who that system depends. People need affordable, safe and appropriate homes to make their lives in, people need timely, resourced and effective health and social care to carry on their lives. If our current economic arrangements can't deliver these things, then those arrangements need changing.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice

FFS, to survive one disaster and then die in the next one. :(

Of course, he may have ended up with an "underlying health condition" due to the fire.
Boris is back at work and first business of the day is to give Trump a call. I wonder if it’s to thank him for the Chloroquine? ;)

I just saw a thing on sky news saying that 51% of people trust boris on this crisis? I'm not entirely sure it shows what they think it does tbh, especially because he's been ill and hasn't been able to do much
At the beginning of February Boris Johnson set out his heroic vision of a Superman among countries, the UK, that would not lock down "beyond what was medically rational" but would instead continue to exchange goods and do business as usual. Only for this Superman then to go into hiding, and do a total lockdown. Superman got cold feet and went into hiding. Boris wanted so hard for Britain to be a Superman, but he had to face reality and let it be the only thing it could be, Invisible Boy. Hiding in the shadows. How tragic, how comical, when a man's ambitions are so thwarted by the mediocrity of his means. He wanted Britain to be Superman, but nature didn't make her that way.

I wonder if the Tories' elderly voter base will finally get a clue ?

It made me look up "Pyrrhic victory" to see if it was somehow regarded as a "good thing" by mediocre classics scholars...
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At the beginning of February Boris Johnson set out his heroic vision of a Superman among countries, the UK, that would not lock down "beyond what was medically rational" but would instead continue to exchange goods and do business as usual. Only for this Superman then to go into hiding, and do a total lockdown. Superman got cold feet and went into hiding. Boris wanted so hard for Britain to be a Superman, but he had to face reality and let it be the only thing it could be, Invisible Boy. Hiding in the shadows. How tragic, how comical, when a man's ambitions are so thwarted by the mediocrity of his means. He wanted Britain to be Superman, but nature didn't make her that way.

Ubermensch murdering cunts

I wonder if the Tories' elderly voter base will finally get a clue ?
dream on dreamer
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