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The Covid Inquiry

The plan to send commandos to steal vaccines from the Netherlands is pretty special, even for Johnson.

Even more special is that news of it might be coming out now as part of 'his sides' attempt to start spinning their own narrative ahead of his appearance, something which started last week and has taken on various different forms, ranging from typical BBC 'political reporting' to this vaccine raid story. I think I saw that Rees-Mogg has been wanking on about why the inquiry isnt looking into lab leak theories too, more headline generating distractions from the unpleasant basics of tories committing crimes against decent epidemiology. I remain interested in lab leak possibilities but this inquiry has no remit to look into that and so Reeg-Mogg is being disingenuous in bringing it up in this context.

Although to be fair all of that isnt a straightforward case of Johnsons allies controlling this narrative. Its also different media organisations calling the shots and wanting to generate stories, and finding various sources to talk to. Also some of them clearly know some or all of whats in his written evidence, and want to jump the gun.

Whether I try to carry on reporting the pandemic details that really matter during this Johnson circus period, or whether I will just go with the sensational shit for the next few days will depend what exactly is said and what appears on the screen at the inquiry on Wednesday and Thursday. The inquiry so far has certainly served one purpose, its depleted my remaining enthusiasm to carry on being a pandemic bore for too much longer!
Even more special is that news of it might be coming out now as part of 'his sides' attempt to start spinning their own narrative ahead of his appearance, something which started last week and has taken on various different forms, ranging from typical BBC 'political reporting' to this vaccine raid story. I think I saw that Rees-Mogg has been wanking on about why the inquiry isnt looking into lab leak theories too, more headline generating distractions from the unpleasant basics of tories committing crimes against decent epidemiology. I remain interested in lab leak possibilities but this inquiry has no remit to look into that and so Reeg-Mogg is being disingenuous in bringing it up in this context.

Although to be fair all of that isnt a straightforward case of Johnsons allies controlling this narrative. Its also different media organisations calling the shots and wanting to generate stories, and finding various sources to talk to. Also some of them clearly know some or all of whats in his written evidence, and want to jump the gun.

Whether I try to carry on reporting the pandemic details that really matter during this Johnson circus period, or whether I will just go with the sensational shit for the next few days will depend what exactly is said and what appears on the screen at the inquiry on Wednesday and Thursday. The inquiry so far has certainly served one purpose, its depleted my remaining enthusiasm to carry on being a pandemic bore for too much longer!
Appreciate your break downs though. You should have set up a Patereon ;)
The chair starts today by not being happy that the press have been talking about whats in Johnsons witness statement before he appeared.
Someone wont sit down and is likely protesting while Johnson tries to start by saying how sorry they are. Not shown on camera, can barely hear anything amiss too, just the chair threatening to eject them and then calling for them to be ejected.
Blood on your handS. CUNT
Protect the NHS Kill the Old

edit: Should put all theses in The same room at same time then ask questions, Watch the Rats eat each other.


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He's blaming WhatsApp for it all :facepalm:

Yeah, we are invited to believe that all the criticism of him and his regime by top level officials in these messages was perfectly healthy, perfectly normal, not a sign of failure, and that the only reason it seems odd is because we didnt have WhatsApp messages in the Blair and Thatcher eras, which he claims would have revealed a similar picture.
Someone wont sit down and is likely protesting while Johnson tries to start by saying how sorry they are. Not shown on camera, can barely hear anything amiss too, just the chair threatening to eject them and then calling for them to be ejected.
The Metro has the info on what happened:

" I think you covered that on your previous interrogation".
KC should've corrected him in and told him it's an enquiry. Wanker is still as arrogant as fuck.
I'm not listening to any more, its too fucking depressing hearing such blatant bollox from the cunt whilst knowing that he will face fuck all punishment despite all that crap about admitting being responsible
Enquiry be fucked, he should be on trial
He's going through his full ludicrous vocabulary here. That might be impress/confuse many but I'm liking how deeply unimpressed the lawyer is who is probably far better educated than this idiot anyway.
Why the fuck have they switched to the chinless wonder Suella in the Commons ranting about immigrants?
Why the fuck have they switched to the chinless wonder Suella in the Commons ranting about immigrants?

There is a 10-15 minute break right now. But just in case the broadcaster you are using has lost interest, you can still watch via official inquiry youtube:

Today there were still echos of past witnesses attempts to bullshit about herd immunity.

Theres a claim that the original strategy only had herd immunity as some kind of non-essential by-product. But they also claim this approach was sponsored by the desire to avoid a second wave. The only reason that approach could hope to avoid a second wave was via herd immunity, so these two claims are incompatible, under that version of events herd immunity is not a by-product, its an essential enabler of the 'avoid a second wave' rationale.

In any case more likely is that actually the main initial sponsor of the original strategy was simply to let the pandemic happen without needing to bother doing very much different to 'business as usual'. And all this other stuff including herd immunity and avoiding second waves, including Whitty etc deadly bullshit about the risks of 'going too early', were only really emphasised later on when this original plan was under attack, and they needed some arguments to prop it up, both publicly and in private internal debate.

The other silly claim, that we never actually ditched the original plan and that all that really changed in mid March was the timing, always fails to stand up to scrutiny. Especially when this came up on the screen today (I'll provide a better explanation of exactly what meeting it was from later, but it was from the 13th-16th March period when plan a was going in the bin):

One of Johnsons forms of excuses today, when faced with WhatsApp etc examples of him agreeing with shit press articles and questioning lockdown, how many lives such things really saved, etc, seems to be as follows. He pretends that these werent his actualy views, he was just raising them because government needed to be able to counter these arguments, and he wanted to create the conditions where someone would come up with that stuff.
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