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Boris Johnson tests positive for Covid-19

Could you post the relevant part of the article please? I can't see it unless I create an account or link it to my Facebook, which I'd rather not do.

No problem.
I opened a free subscription because the NYT has good articles quite often.

People are dying -- and all Britain can talk about is Boris Johnson
How the prime minister’s health became the story — instead of his failures.

By Rachel Shabi
Ms. Shabi is a writer.
April 16, 2020

LONDON — On the Thursday before Easter, Prime Minister Boris Johnson was discharged from the intensive care unit after three days there with Covid-19. “Boris is out (now that really is a Good Friday)” cheered The Sun newspaper the next morning. Other outlets lingered on his “good spirits.” The same day, Britain’s death toll from the coronavirus pandemic had soared to some 8,000, with nearly 900 fatalities in the previous 24 hours.

Throughout Easter weekend, gushy details of Mr. Johnson’s get-well messages from his pregnant fiancée and the films he watched in the hospital jangled against the avalanche of misery and grief that rocked the country: lives lost, the trauma and exhaustion of treating the afflicted and the cruelty of people dying alone. Everyone — including his critics — was relieved that Mr. Johnson was out of the danger zone. But thousands were dying across the country, most likely as a consequence of mismanagement under his watch. The dissonance became too much for me.

Of course, many people were rightly concerned about Mr. Johnson’s health: A national leader in critical condition is an unsettling jolt, especially in the midst of an anxiety-drenched pandemic. But in Britain’s news media, the prime minister’s condition seemed to crowd out concern for others, and the exaltations of Mr. Johnson dampened scrutiny of his government’s failures. High among these was the government’s inability to source enough essential protective equipment for National Health Service staff, in part because it missed three opportunities to take part in a European Union bulk-buying scheme.

The government had made bold promises to test 100,000 people a day for the coronavirus by the end of the month, but was struggling to hit a tenth of that and was not ramping up testing for front-line health staff or care workers, much less other essential workers. And a month after pleading with British manufacturers to plug a vast gap in the supply of ventilators used to treat severe coronavirus cases, there had been little headway.

In the days after Mr. Johnson’s hospitalization, right-wing commentators wrote fawningly of his noble, selfless attributes, claiming him truly loved by the people. Then there was the social media campaign: #clapforBoris was boosted by journalists and politicians on Twitter. But it felt off-key. It was an imitation of the national claps of appreciation for the N.H.S., a now weekly ritual in which people across the country step out of their self-isolated homes and cheer on the people saving lives and caring for the sick. But while Britons would readily applaud the health service, a national treasure even in normal times, doing so for a leader was out of character. A Sun front page pronounced, “He stayed at work for you … now pray at home for him.” — a play on the slogan used by health workers around the world treating coronavirus patients around the clock: “We stayed at work for you, you stay at home for us.”

But Mr. Johnson had set a terrible example at work, breezily claiming he’d shaken hands with Covid-19 patients, crowding into Parliament and undermining health messages with his joshing delivery. Meanwhile, dozens of doctors and nurses were dying of the virus, among them several of the thousands who had answered the government call to come out of retirement to work in the N.H.S. during the pandemic. Reports emerged of staff members “bullied and shamed” into treating Covid-19 patients without the equipment needed to protect themselves, which the World Health Organization had warned in early February would be needed in vast supply.

When he left the hospital, Mr. Johnson praised the N.H.S. for saving his life, naming two nurses in particular — both migrant workers. It jarred against his party’s recent pledge to increase the annual surcharge non-E.U. migrant workers pay to use the N.H.S. and extend it to E.U. arrivals after Brexit. Announcing the change last November, Matt Hancock, the health secretary, had tweeted, “It’s the National Health Service not the International Health Service.” The Conservatives had chronically underfunded the N.H.S. and made the migrants who work for it — and were now dying for it — feel like an unwelcome burden. But now, the party was loudly embracing the institution.

The past week has seen claims that Mr. Johnson’s illness spawned national cohesion after the messy divisions of the Brexit years. The Economist noted that the illness of a man who once divided the nation has united it. But amid unity in wishing him well, there is despair at a death toll now surpassing 12,000. And even that is an underestimate since it does not include deaths in the community or in care homes. The elderly, a group the government had promised to shield, have been exposed to risk and left painfully anxious about their situation — some 4,000 may be dead.
There are now fears that Britain may have Europe’s worst death toll from the coronavirus, despite having had longer to prepare after watching the tragedies unfold in Italy and Spain. Experts cite an earlier lockdown, better planning, and strategies around community testing and contact tracing as some of the vital measures needed to manage the crisis. Some of these can — and should — still be put in place.

But rather than focus laserlike on these urgent matters, Mr. Johnson’s spinners and supporters in the press filled airtime by casting his health as a metaphor for the country’s well-being, his recovery as national resilience writ large. His leadership left Britain vulnerable and shamefully ill prepared, yet his popularity is rising. Thanks to cheering chunks of the national media, any blame will likely bounce off the prime minister as his terrifying brush with the virus is crafted into his comic hero superpower.

Rachel Shabi (@rachshabi) is a journalist and author.
When he left the hospital, Mr. Johnson praised the N.H.S. for saving his life, naming two nurses in particular — both migrant workers. It jarred against his party’s recent pledge to increase the annual surcharge non-E.U. migrant workers pay to use the N.H.S. and extend it to E.U. arrivals after Brexit. Announcing the change last November, Matt Hancock, the health secretary, had tweeted, “It’s the National Health Service not the International Health Service.” The Conservatives had chronically underfunded the N.H.S. and made the migrants who work for it — and were now dying for it — feel like an unwelcome burden. But now, the party was loudly embracing the institution.
God, I hate the fucking Tories.
No problem.
I opened a free subscription because the NYT has good articles quite often.

People are dying -- and all Britain can talk about is Boris Johnson
How the prime minister’s health became the story — instead of his failures.

By Rachel Shabi
Ms. Shabi is a writer.
April 16, 2020

LONDON — On the Thursday before Easter, Prime Minister Boris Johnson was discharged from the intensive care unit after three days there with Covid-19. “Boris is out (now that really is a Good Friday)” cheered The Sun newspaper the next morning. Other outlets lingered on his “good spirits.” The same day, Britain’s death toll from the coronavirus pandemic had soared to some 8,000, with nearly 900 fatalities in the previous 24 hours.

Throughout Easter weekend, gushy details of Mr. Johnson’s get-well messages from his pregnant fiancée and the films he watched in the hospital jangled against the avalanche of misery and grief that rocked the country: lives lost, the trauma and exhaustion of treating the afflicted and the cruelty of people dying alone. Everyone — including his critics — was relieved that Mr. Johnson was out of the danger zone. But thousands were dying across the country, most likely as a consequence of mismanagement under his watch. The dissonance became too much for me.

Of course, many people were rightly concerned about Mr. Johnson’s health: A national leader in critical condition is an unsettling jolt, especially in the midst of an anxiety-drenched pandemic. But in Britain’s news media, the prime minister’s condition seemed to crowd out concern for others, and the exaltations of Mr. Johnson dampened scrutiny of his government’s failures. High among these was the government’s inability to source enough essential protective equipment for National Health Service staff, in part because it missed three opportunities to take part in a European Union bulk-buying scheme.

The government had made bold promises to test 100,000 people a day for the coronavirus by the end of the month, but was struggling to hit a tenth of that and was not ramping up testing for front-line health staff or care workers, much less other essential workers. And a month after pleading with British manufacturers to plug a vast gap in the supply of ventilators used to treat severe coronavirus cases, there had been little headway.

In the days after Mr. Johnson’s hospitalization, right-wing commentators wrote fawningly of his noble, selfless attributes, claiming him truly loved by the people. Then there was the social media campaign: #clapforBoris was boosted by journalists and politicians on Twitter. But it felt off-key. It was an imitation of the national claps of appreciation for the N.H.S., a now weekly ritual in which people across the country step out of their self-isolated homes and cheer on the people saving lives and caring for the sick. But while Britons would readily applaud the health service, a national treasure even in normal times, doing so for a leader was out of character. A Sun front page pronounced, “He stayed at work for you … now pray at home for him.” — a play on the slogan used by health workers around the world treating coronavirus patients around the clock: “We stayed at work for you, you stay at home for us.”

But Mr. Johnson had set a terrible example at work, breezily claiming he’d shaken hands with Covid-19 patients, crowding into Parliament and undermining health messages with his joshing delivery. Meanwhile, dozens of doctors and nurses were dying of the virus, among them several of the thousands who had answered the government call to come out of retirement to work in the N.H.S. during the pandemic. Reports emerged of staff members “bullied and shamed” into treating Covid-19 patients without the equipment needed to protect themselves, which the World Health Organization had warned in early February would be needed in vast supply.

When he left the hospital, Mr. Johnson praised the N.H.S. for saving his life, naming two nurses in particular — both migrant workers. It jarred against his party’s recent pledge to increase the annual surcharge non-E.U. migrant workers pay to use the N.H.S. and extend it to E.U. arrivals after Brexit. Announcing the change last November, Matt Hancock, the health secretary, had tweeted, “It’s the National Health Service not the International Health Service.” The Conservatives had chronically underfunded the N.H.S. and made the migrants who work for it — and were now dying for it — feel like an unwelcome burden. But now, the party was loudly embracing the institution.

The past week has seen claims that Mr. Johnson’s illness spawned national cohesion after the messy divisions of the Brexit years. The Economist noted that the illness of a man who once divided the nation has united it. But amid unity in wishing him well, there is despair at a death toll now surpassing 12,000. And even that is an underestimate since it does not include deaths in the community or in care homes. The elderly, a group the government had promised to shield, have been exposed to risk and left painfully anxious about their situation — some 4,000 may be dead.
There are now fears that Britain may have Europe’s worst death toll from the coronavirus, despite having had longer to prepare after watching the tragedies unfold in Italy and Spain. Experts cite an earlier lockdown, better planning, and strategies around community testing and contact tracing as some of the vital measures needed to manage the crisis. Some of these can — and should — still be put in place.

But rather than focus laserlike on these urgent matters, Mr. Johnson’s spinners and supporters in the press filled airtime by casting his health as a metaphor for the country’s well-being, his recovery as national resilience writ large. His leadership left Britain vulnerable and shamefully ill prepared, yet his popularity is rising. Thanks to cheering chunks of the national media, any blame will likely bounce off the prime minister as his terrifying brush with the virus is crafted into his comic hero superpower.

Rachel Shabi (@rachshabi) is a journalist and author.

If you use Epic Privacy Browser - it nukes all the tracking cookies and you can read NYT all for free.

Complete version here.

This is incredible really. Clearly lays out the catalogue of disastrous choices that led us to this point, going back years but also brick by brick these crucial weeks of fucking up at every opportunity. Putting that final paragraph in there from 'a downing street spokesman' just nails the coffin neatly.
BorisResign is trending on my twitter this morning as a result of that article doing the rounds. Not that that means anything in the real world obvs.
This is incredible really. Clearly lays out the catalogue of disastrous choices that led us to this point, going back years but also brick by brick these crucial weeks of fucking up at every opportunity. Putting that final paragraph in there from 'a downing street spokesman' just nails the coffin neatly.
BorisResign is trending on my twitter this morning as a result of that article doing the rounds. Not that that means anything in the real world obvs.

It’s the best analysis so far of the government’s response, planning and strategy to tackle the pandemic.

As such the article is absolutely damming. No doubt this piece has been assembled with insider commentary and as such we should ask why now? The answer is clearly that the government want to take the hit now before lockdown is eased and whilst people are understandably focussed on other issues - like their health and keeping a roof over their heads.

Let’s hope the media keep pursuing this because a) what is emerging is a story of criminal negligence and manslaughter. Avoidable deaths, a failure to command the economy to support the NHS and Social Care system, a failure to contact trace or secure borders and an abject and arrogant failure to even pay attention. But also b) the Labour Party are, supporting, the government and merely asking questions about the strategy for post lockdown.
I'm really cynical about our shit media of late, but I think it's a limited vision producing a limited commentary - although still more than expected - that sets up Johnson in particular, who is out of action to an unknown extent anyway, as the fall guy. That very much shouldn't be allowed to happen.
I'm really cynical about our shit media of late, but I think it's a limited vision producing a limited commentary - although still more than expected - that sets up Johnson in particular, who is out of action to an unknown extent anyway, as the fall guy. That very much shouldn't be allowed to happen.
so your complaint isn't about the facts but about pointing out the nefandous Johnson's shortcomings while he's recuperating

An astonishing position to take
I'm really cynical about our shit media of late, but I think it's a limited vision producing a limited commentary - although still more than expected - that sets up Johnson in particular, who is out of action to an unknown extent anyway, as the fall guy. That very much shouldn't be allowed to happen.

You wouldn’t rule out the Tories knifing him if they make the judgement that this would let the government off the hook. It looks to me, at this stage, that Hancock is also being lined up for a hit.

The Sunday Tomes report lays bare the failure across government, the impact of austerity, the obsessive focus on Brexit, the inability of anyone to think of any solution that didn’t involve a market led solution, sending PPE to China depleting whatever reserves we had, a failure to contact British suppliers until April.

They’ve killed people as a result
Even if one day in 2025 or whatever the inevitable enquiry concludes that this government was, i don't know, criminally negligent/ incompetent, what could possibly realistically happen as a result?
That article confirms what Tory and non Tory voters always knew about Boris Johnson.
That he is a lazy self serving cunt.
Trouble is the majority of voters love a lazy self serving cunt especially when they are racists too.
Tory voters made the beds and the many of us have to lie on them in new warehouse hospitals.
That article confirms what Tory and non Tory voters always knew about Boris Johnson.
That he is a lazy self serving cunt.
Trouble is the majority of voters love a lazy self serving cunt especially when they are racists too.
Tory voters made the beds and the many of us have to lie on them in new warehouse hospitals.
So iyo the 42% of voters who turned out and voted tory is a majority. That's the support of fewer than 7 out of 10 of the electorate as a whole
The experience of Virgilio Castro - survivor of the Grenfell Tower fire and victim of the Corona virus - is damning testimony to what happens when the needs of the 'economy' are placed before the needs of the people on who that system depends. People need affordable, safe and appropriate homes to make their lives in, people need timely, resourced and effective health and social care to carry on their lives. If our current economic arrangements can't deliver these things, then those arrangements need changing.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
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