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Boris Johnson tests positive for Covid-19

The boxing cosplay here is in reference to taking it on the chin and beating the virus, I guess? God damn.

Tom Bower wrote a hatchet job book on Corbyn - didnt read it obviously, but obviously champion bubbling cunt
Someone should dob him to the Daily Snitch. How do we know he's not infectious either ? Have a wild dream he goes rogue and is full-on Marxist and has to be assassinated by "deep state forces" by a re-occurrence of the c-virus that finally finishes him off. Prince Charles is somehow involved in the plot as well. Needs some work.

All that and no mention of 5g towers:hmm:
I note that Boris is recovering at his second residence (if not third), Chequers. I had to check, but it's at least 40 miles from London and over an hour's drive away.

No doubt some staff will have also had to travel to Chequers as I don't see Boris being able to make his own toast...
I've been thinking this at various points as various politicians and royals have self isolated. Wiping their arses somehow ends up as work of national importance. Ditto the oligarchs and the rest of them, I doubt their staff have had much choice about coming into work.
'Boris recovers and at holiday home' doesn't have the same narrative as 'Brave Boris battles virus', which is what the whole nation is being subjected to at present.

It's just yet another case of him thinking the rules don't apply to him.
Under his immigration policy we will still be bringing trained nurses from places like Portugal and New Zealand afaik.

I think he's tightened it up on Antipodeans too? It's a points based thing but your occupation alone doesn't fly I don't think, whereas previously it was an automatic 2 years regardless of your circumstances. Probably wrong though! An aussie friend told me but she's usually wrong about most things.
Dear Fucking God..

He ignored Illness so much he handling of the situation will lead to over 10000 deaths and his cavalier approach to the virus lead to him catching it spreading to other member of his own government and pregnant fiance

but he should be applauded for it

We have years of this balllocks now

I think it's called a Cult of Personality
I don't entirely understand how a problem which required a "power flush" could lead to both no hot water AND heating. Normally a power flush would be used to clear a build up of stuff in the pipework which might stop the heating side of things working. If this has also led to muck building up in the heat exchanger in the boiler that might not work efficiently but it would have to have been building up over a very long period to block it completely. Long enough that it should have been picked up when the boiler was checked during the annual gas safety inspection. I would be wondering if there are other issues with the boiler, which might mean that just a power flush wouldn't fix things. (Thus implying further delay identifying and dealing with them). Has someone already looked at the boiler ? Have they turned the boiler off ? Sorry, just questions, but what I would be asking.

ETA: for someone in your Neighbour's state of health the Council should be able to supply some means of temporary space and water heating until the repairs are carried out.

And to add to my blathering above I would be concerned that a heat exchanger sufficiently clogged to need a power flush might start leaking afterwards. I have experienced leaks which had been blocked by scale being opened up by the cleaning process.

The boiler in question is about 30 yrs old, and like you, I couldn't work out why sediment/scale build up would affect the hot water. Personally, I suspect the boiler is on its last knockings, and the council want to spin out replacing it for as long as possible, in order to "encourage" the family to move (they're trying to clear this particular walk on the estate, so they can "develop" it).
His speech was pure politics. Getting in there before journalists find out he was cared for by immigrants. Plus by naming these people he probably hopes too they wont sell their stories.

I hope they didnt lube the catheter tube that went up his nob.

You ever had a cathater up ya cock? It's the days after that aren't very nice? He'll be crying his heart now he's back on the booze again and pissing every 10 minutes.
The boiler in question is about 30 yrs old, and like you, I couldn't work out why sediment/scale build up would affect the hot water. Personally, I suspect the boiler is on its last knockings, and the council want to spin out replacing it for as long as possible, in order to "encourage" the family to move (they're trying to clear this particular walk on the estate, so they can "develop" it).
Ah - that possibility has a horrible familiar ring to it. This hasn't much to do with Boris so I'll spoiler it.

I'm not a boiler engineer. I used to manage plumbing and heating repairs on a small estate but I had no training in it and that was some years ago. After having rambled away in in my previous post I applied a hard enough slap to my forehead to dislodge some of the scale build up and one possibility occurred to me.

If the heat exchanger was sufficiently clogged with scale and/or accumulated debris from elsewhere in the heating system, it might cause the boiler to overheat. Even a thirty year old boiler would have safety devices that switched it off in those circumstances. However once it had cooled down it could be relit. If that cycle occurred a few times those periods of overheating might damage other elements of the boiler. (If the safety devices themselves were not working properly that risk would be magnified). Eventually it might either decline to be relit or just turn itself off again soon after.

I assume the boiler must have been looked at for a "power flush" to be arranged. If overheating is the issue that inspection should hopefully have eliminated other possible causes of it (from memory there are several) before opting for a "power flush". From what you say about the background the word "hopefully" takes on extra force. (Obviously I have no idea how good your Council's contractors are, nor how motivated the officers managing repairs are to act in a timely manner or to authorise spending money, nor how effective the chain of communications between them and the contractors is, nor to what extent the Council has in practice delegated responsibility for communicating and liaising with tenants to the Contractor. I do have a bottomless well of scepticism about such matters).

If my uninformed speculation about overheating has any basis my concerns about the possible failure of "power flushing" to extend the life of the heat exchanger would be increased, But I would also be concerned about some process of trying out different different things, one after another, in a situation where overheating may have affected more than one element of an elderly boiler. (Very unhappy memories of such a situation during Christmas week come back to me).

From what you say this household will have been without hot water and heating for well over two weeks by the time that "power flush" takes place. I would be unimpressed if the advice to boil kettles had come from the contractor. If it came from a Council officer it would be disgraceful IMO. Clearly Council repair systems will be affected by the pandemic, and it cannot be assumed that either Officers or call centre staff will have vulnerable tenants flagged up on their systems. But IMO the timescale so far would be unacceptable in the case of a household that wasn't vulnerable.

If it was me in addition to pursuing the issue of the repairs themselves I would be pursuing with housing management the separate matter of supplying temporary water heating facilities as a matter of urgency while those repairs are undertaken. If they don't have procedures for that they ought to, and particularly now in the circumstances created by the pandemic and the consequent need to be able to wash hands and surfaces..

Apologies for banging on again. Hope this gets resolved faster than seems to be the intent so far.
Boris publicly thanking the NHS for saving him, but at the back of his mind is he calculating how much he can flog it for. Just to help balance the coronavirus crisis books.

Let's try to look at the bright side here. This whole thing may have brought it home to him that immigrants are actually quite useful. The NHS would probably completely collapse without them. It's possible he's never actually been inside an NHS hospital other than for publicity stunts. Think positive.
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