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Also, only a fucking libertarian dingbat could look at the potential of the digital world, especially the ability of digital items to be flawlessly and endlessly copied for next to no cost in energy, and instead come up with something that can only exist in a limited number and which costs stupendous amounts of energy to produce and move around.

The world's biggest corporations, which epitomise what libertarians call "crony capitalism" (actually just "capitalism"), are proving to be no slouches when it comes to the absurd monetisation of digital items that can be easily copied for fractions of a penny. These rent-seeking corporations want us peons to pay continuously for subscriptions that they can alter or cancel at will, instead of paying for products which we can own and modify outright. They want us paying stupid amounts of money for virtual goods, a situation which currently exists in the so-called "Triple-AAA" video games industry through "live services", loot boxes and micro-transactions. Thankfully the attempt to weave NFTs into video games has proven to be a step too far for most gamers, but this hasn't dissuaded the likes of Mark Zuckerberg and their attempts to expand such omni-monetisation to all aspects of virtual life via his bland Metaverse dystopia. Which also plans to incorporate crypto/NFT bullshit.

These libertarian scudballs aren't raging against the machine of crony capitalism; they're just mad that they're not the ones benefiting from it.
The genius of bitcoin lies within it's giant excel spreadsheet. Or blockchain as nerds like to call it. Because it logs every transaction made. You can follow the money up. See how oligarchs are made. It allows anyone paying attention to see, ah right. That's how wealth gets distributed. ie. It doesnt. It all get hoarded by a few big dogs.

Not a great way to buy drugs then!
Not a great way to buy drugs then!

"The permanence and immutability of the bockchain means all it takes is a single arrest to create a spiderweb connecting suppliers with dealers and dealers with users. And while it’s not foolproof for law enforcement, digital footprints are easy to cross-reference with pricing information on archived versions of long-dead online drug marketplaces, wallet addresses shared on the clear web, and the users buying and selling illegal items."

He's removed it now, but I was going to use the bitcoin wallet of the reclaim party as as an example. When he was making a load of noise in the media about his party for oppressed white men, Lawrence Fox claimed to have been getting alot of donations via bitcoin. Which was funny cos there was a big load of nothing going to the address he had listed. Yet the media were repeating his nonsense about all these donations he was getting.
It's easily given away by the fact that the process of generating new bitcoins is literally called "mining", and they are explicitly designed to be limited in number. Just like how there is a limited amount of gold accessible in the Earth's crust.
The difference is the bitcoin has a known scarcity (ie 21m) while gold's true scarcity is unknown.
I've never seen any of these libertarian goldbugs even attempt to properly answer the question of why modern economies abandoned currencies based on precious metals. Apparently "because evil" is a good enough explanation for them.
Its fairly obvious why precious metals as coins were abandoned - because of debasement, swap out 1% gold in 100 coins and you got yourself another coin.
In terms of why the gold standard was abandoned in 1972, thats pretty close to the surface of the Bitcoin rabbit hole, take a little look about.

Also, only a fucking libertarian dingbat could look at the potential of the digital world, especially the ability of digital items to be flawlessly and endlessly copied for next to no cost in energy, and instead come up with something that can only exist in a limited number and which costs stupendous amounts of energy to produce and move around.
But look at the implications of that. Deep fakes, fake news, and scams everywhere; filter bubbles and reality tunnels. People no longer know what is true any more.

This is directly because of how minimal the energy used to create it is. People used to know that (say) the New York Times headline was genuine because to create a realistic forgery took a great deal of effort, now I reckon I could fool a good quarter of twitter with a plausible yet completely untrue headline.

The world's biggest corporations, which epitomise what libertarians call "crony capitalism" (actually just "capitalism"), are proving to be no slouches when it comes to the absurd monetisation of digital items that can be easily copied for fractions of a penny. These rent-seeking corporations want us peons to pay continuously for subscriptions that they can alter or cancel at will, instead of paying for products which we can own and modify outright. They want us paying stupid amounts of money for virtual goods, a situation which currently exists in the so-called "Triple-AAA" video games industry through "live services", loot boxes and micro-transactions.
So, what you are saying is that this is happening with fiat?
Subscriptions, patreons, onlyfans etc
Thankfully the attempt to weave NFTs into video games has proven to be a step too far for most gamers, but this hasn't dissuaded the likes of Mark Zuckerberg and their attempts to expand such omni-monetisation to all aspects of virtual life via his bland Metaverse dystopia. Which also plans to incorporate crypto/NFT bullshit.

These libertarian scudballs aren't raging against the machine of crony capitalism; they're just mad that they're not the ones benefiting from it.
You are framing this as a libertarian crypto vs government backed fiat conflict.This is fundamentally wrong.

More and more and more is coming out about FTX, SBF and government and quasi-government backed links, there are also links there to Facebook's now abandoned Libre crypto-currency project and indeed Meta.

Its incredibly difficult to communicate to people who arent familiar with crypto, but the mainstream narrative around what has gone on here is fundamentally shocking. So long as they can pin this on being a crypto problem that is solved by regulations (that the
main scammer wrote), the more ordinary people see it in this binary light of Bitcoin bad cos shady characters, CDBCs good cos the government says so.
The difference is the bitcoin has a known scarcity (ie 21m) while gold's true scarcity is unknown.

So fucking what? It's still the idea of either an idiot or a conman to introduce artificial scarcity into the digital world.

Its fairly obvious why precious metals as coins were abandoned - because of debasement, swap out 1% gold in 100 coins and you got yourself another coin.

The use of precious metals in coinage is not the same thing as using them as a currency standard.

But look at the implications of that. Deep fakes, fake news, and scams everywhere; filter bubbles and reality tunnels. People no longer know what is true any more.

This is directly because of how minimal the energy used to create it is. People used to know that (say) the New York Times headline was genuine because to create a realistic forgery took a great deal of effort, now I reckon I could fool a good quarter of twitter with a plausible yet completely untrue headline.

That's not caused by digital abundance. That's caused by malicious actors who seek to use technology in order to deceive or propagandise. Fake news and propaganda existed long, long before Twitter (at least as far back as the printing press), and introducing digital scarcity tokens does fuck-all to address any of the problems you've just mentioned.

So, what you are saying is that this is happening with fiat?
Subscriptions, patreons, onlyfans etc

The crypto bullshit is more of the same, because the problem has fuck-all to do with fiat currency. That's why Zuckerberg wants to incorporate it into his Metaverse. The problem is capitalism. Crypto cultists don't want to abolish it. They want to become part of it.

You are framing this as a libertarian crypto vs government backed fiat conflict.This is fundamentally wrong.

This proves you don't actually read what I write, because I am not framing it as a conflict. Both the small-time crypto cultists and the mega corporations are fighting on the same side, for team Capitalism.
This proves you don't actually read what I write, because I am not framing it as a conflict. Both the small-time crypto cultists and the mega corporations are fighting on the same side, for team Capitalism.

You are half-right. There are strong links between a number of crypto exchanges and government, esp US, agencies. and so too do many many establishment finance figures. We know the CIA have tentacles in crypto, and there is at least one mixing service that is widely belived to be a honeypot.

But if you look beyond that, there is soooo much more. The conflict is happening within crypto to maintain decentralisation in the face of manevolent actors who are seeking control.
Very soon, you are going to have to make a choice between Bitcoin and CDBCs. Choose wisely.
Fake news and propaganda existed long, long before Twitter (at least as far back as the printing press),

Blood libel goes back at least a few hundred years before the printing press, and I'm sure there have been plenty of other lies told about groups of people that take hold in various cultures across time which we've never heard of because they've not stuck around or had such vicious consequences as blood libel has.
This proves you don't actually read what I write, because I am not framing it as a conflict. Both the small-time crypto cultists and the mega corporations are fighting on the same side, for team Capitalism.

I agree with this but beyond that I think to a large degree the problem is just people isn't it. If given the opportunity, some people will use those opportunities maliciously, I don't think that's news to anyone. And crypto as it currently is could hardly be better designed to create those sorts of opportunities could it.

Given that I can sort of understand the desire of the true believers to strip all of that out, to get back to some sort of pure state where it's being used for what they think it should be. Except if it was in that state what you'd have is a tiny network of nerds swapping their nerd tokens around in exchange for doing a little bit of programming or something. The idea that you can have that and also have a state where humanity en masse somehow adopts Bitcoin is absurd - you might as well hope for a situation where the Loch Ness Monster forms a benevolent dictatorship and institutes an economy based entirely on trading Pogs, it's as likely to happen.
You are half-right. There are strong links between a number of crypto exchanges and government, esp US, agencies. and so too do many many establishment finance figures. We know the CIA have tentacles in crypto, and there is at least one mixing service that is widely belived to be a honeypot.

But if you look beyond that, there is soooo much more. The conflict is happening within crypto to maintain decentralisation in the face of manevolent actors who are seeking control.
Very soon, you are going to have to make a choice between Bitcoin and CDBCs. Choose wisely.
Some on the crypto that is ISO9000 without being CDBC is your middle path
From the “no longer sure if satire or not” files…

True zealots are impossible to satirise. Centralised corporate social media has exposed large sections of the public to their kind of thinking, which is why it's now impossible to tell the difference between some amateur satirist on Twitter and a genuinely bonkers person.
It's been claimed by the cultists on this very thread that Bitcoin is a "store of energy".

Oh yeah, all that theoretical 'you could potentially make some energy from information under certain head-twisting quantum physics conditions' stuff? Which naturally translates as being able to get loads of energy from Bitcoins.
Oh yeah, all that theoretical 'you could potentially make some energy from information under certain head-twisting quantum physics conditions' stuff? Which naturally translates as being able to get loads of energy from Bitcoins.

Yep. Misunderstanding quantum mechanics is a staple of cranks in many fields.
It's been claimed by the cultists on this very thread that Bitcoin is a "store of energy".
What is money if it is not a store of energy.
Lets keep it super simple.

I grow a carrot,
I can eat that carrot giving me x joules of energy.or I can sell that carrot for £1 and someone else gets the x joules of energy.
Next year I take that £1 and buy a carrot to eat, giving me x joules of energy.

Money is essentially how we represent abstracted stored energy.
Oh yeah, all that theoretical 'you could potentially make some energy from information under certain head-twisting quantum physics conditions' stuff? Which naturally translates as being able to get loads of energy from Bitcoins.
Matter, energy and information are all essentially the same thing, in that one can be transformed into each of the other two.
finally we understand why it's so expensive
Exactly. The fiat price of a bitcoin is related to the total amount of energy that has been absorbed by the bitcoin network divided by 21 million.
The ups and downs of the exchange rate are just stochastic noise.
This is complete nonsense. A carrot is a store of energy. A banknote isn’t and nor us a Bitcoin. Not in any meaningful sense. There is no way of extracting meaningful work (in the physics sense) from a Bitcoin.
What is money if it is not a store of energy.
Lets keep it super simple.

I grow a carrot,
I can eat that carrot giving me x joules of energy.or I can sell that carrot for £1 and someone else gets the x joules of energy.
Next year I take that £1 and buy a carrot to eat, giving me x joules of energy.

Money is essentially how we represent abstracted stored energy.
To quote Wolfgang Pauli 'That's not even wrong.'
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The ideal form of currency is, by this measure, the black hole. If you throw a carrot in it there's 100% efficient storage of mass, energy and information, it's highly secure and in theory, retrievable on long enough time scales (or if you discover how to manipulate quantum gravity). Invest in black hole futures today!
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