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How does one get hold of small amounts of btc now? Bittylicious wants to change a minimum of £100 worth. I can't see me needing that much in the foreseeable future.
Localbitcoins have been recommended to me in the past. Never used them, though.

You could always buy another coin and trade if it's impossible, though you'll pay double fees I think...
the first reply is more informative. It's one of the fun features of this topic that the doers know more than the two bob writers, or message board posters even.
How does one get hold of small amounts of btc now? Bittylicious wants to change a minimum of £100 worth. I can't see me needing that much in the foreseeable future.

then it's not fit for purpose - which was for buying illegal stuff anonymously any more. Time to pull the plug.
the first reply is more informative. It's one of the fun features of this topic that the doers know more than the two bob writers, or message board posters even.

The cryptocurrency cultists are either in denial, or are simply ignoring the negative externalities of their hobby horse. Or when they do bother, they witter on about Christmas lights or whatever the fuck, as if that was even remotely comparable.
As previously mentioned, I withdrew that before Christmas, plus a little extra while leaving a decent sum in the game. Cheap, pointless comment really. The U75 gang will love you though and I suspect that's what half the posts in this thread are about.

Those of you concerned with bubbles, beginning this year, at the end of each month I'll withdraw a fixed percentage of any gains accruing from the past month.

Having spent months now learning with penny amounts, I've also now trading currencies in the hope of gaining more BTC. What could possibly go wrong ..
The fact that bitcoin is a sausage-fest may also be a worry, according to one analyst.

Stewart said he "cannot think of any security, currency or asset class in history that shows that extreme a gender divide and has been sustainable.


Women's reluctance to join bitcoin boom might be a sign it's a bubble waiting to burst
At least some of that ^ is to do with the world its come out of being a very 'techbro' reddit one, with some pretty grim overlaps with online MRA culture. I did ask my evangelist friend how many of the people who got into this at the early stages were women and he said zero that he knew of.
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At least some of that ^ is to do with the world its come out of being a very 'techbro' reddit one, with some pretty grim overlaps with online MRA culture. I did ask my evangelist friend how many of the people who got into this at the early stages were women and he said zero that he knew of.

and these fuckers are constructing the digital world in which we now live and have to exist - so Zuckerberg could have a date from his nerdy prison wayback. We're fucked...
People are now selling unused and verified Crypto accounts on EBay because it takes so long to get verified. New level of madness.

Binance Account Crypto Currency Exchange | eBay

synthetic cdo's - they should bundle them up , sell ETF's on the underlying non-asset , get Fitch to AAA them and do an IPO and we are out of the stocks. No more BOOM and Bust .....I've got an idea about a Bitcoin lavatory but I suspect it's a shit idea.
Man who helped create Dogecoin (the parody cryptocurrency that started a few years ago as a joke) says he is dismayed to see that its now worth a billion dollars.
"I think it says a lot about the state of the cryptocurrency space in general that a currency with a dog on it which hasn't released a software update in over 2 years has a $1B+ market cap."

Note: Its now at 2 billion , a couple of days later.
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