OK. You provide no location. You are unable to pin down the dates. And are not sure exactly of who was marching. Hardly compelling.
More importantly what you also appear entirely unaware of is that the Griffin/Lecomber/Butler leadership fought an intense and bitter internal battle (covered extensively in BTF incidentally, which you obviously haven't read either) against the old guard Tyndall/Edmonds prior to assuming leadership and imposing the new strategy.
After a long patient 7 to 8 year wait, it was only in 2001-2002 that the investment looked like paying off.
The idea that Griffin/Lecomber would pick this precise time revisit the old strategy, which they themselves had done so much to discredit, is risible.
PS: "I'm not claiming they were huge marches" - here unwittingly you give the game away anyway. For if the BNP did decide to organise a march, then the turn out would likely be ten or twenty times bigger than the 30 odd the NF could hope to muster, so there never could be any confusion between the two.