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Beating the Fascists: The authorised history of Anti-Fascist Action

While we're on this sharing tip here's a short (15 mins) about Magdeberg in eastern Germany, where fascists were marching each year and militant anti fascists fighting to stop them. Its called No Pasaran (unimaginative title maybe, but who cares!)
Just a wee bump for this post from page 32 of this thread... I have decided to do something along these lines. Anyone who would like to contribute please email me... [email protected]

Write yer own...

Beaten to it!

BTF took years to write and a long time to publish. This was necessary because of the scope and size of the project and was, IMO, well worth it.

Rather than a website/talking shop I would favour a straight forward...

"I am/we are compiling a book of anecdotal recollections of the anti-fascist struggle in the 80's & 90's. It will be readily available (and probably free of charge) as an e-book within 3 months. It will be an organic document in that it will grow with time, so people can add to it as it goes on.

If you would like to contribute... do feel free to do so. If you would prefer a protracted, circular debate about who has the right to publish what, on behalf of whom... do feel free to g'way and fuck yourself"

There is a time for 'democracy' and inclusive discussion... and a time for just getting on and doing a thing.
I only posted this to show that RA and AFA weren't as violent to the fascists as were the Jewish guys in Group 43, for understandable reasons - but not denigrating RA and AFA in any way.
AFA employed the tactics appropriate to the situation. That included the proportionate level of violence to get the job done. Weaponswere used as required. Spanners, hammers, coshes were used routinely and in cold-blooded way as BTF makes clear. Indeed so chastened were the fascists, that they abandoned the policy of street confrontation politically - which was not the case with ANL MARK 1 or indeed the 43 Group for that matter, which caused tactical withdrawls simply in order to regroup. And come again.
Mr Birchall is quoted in a recent article by Brian Whelan for Vice

Sean Birchall wrote the book Beating the Fascists, detailing how the BNP were physically beaten off the streets in the early 90s. But he says the political vacuum that allows the far right to thrive will continue to throw up racist movements. “The underlying conditions that facilitated the BNP’s rise are still there," he explained, "disillusionment with the neo-liberal centre and a Labour party that has long turned its back on the working class.”

“Ukip are now partially filling that vacuum in working class political representation... the neo-liberal right and the nationalist right over recent decades have dramatically out-thought the left in terms of political strategy. They have identified tactics, narratives and constituencies, while the left has succeeded in alienating its core constituency of the working class.

“The EDL was always in any case more symptom, not cause," he continued. "Rather than generating hostility it merely reflects antagonism. There is a counter-strategy however: for those radically opposed to fascism and neo-liberalism to get on the landings and take on the fascists there, by engaging with and responding to working class concerns.”
Front National win by-election in south-east France after the Socialist Party step aside to allow the UMP a free run at stopping them, ahead of local and European elections next year. FN led an opinion poll last week on voting intentions for the European elections, apparently the first time they have ever topped a nationwide poll: www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe/24514843 and www.ft.com/cms/s/0/19ba7958-3437-11e3-8f1d-00144feab7de.html?siteedition=uk#axzz2hgW0ivbe.[/quote

freedom party topping the poll in Holland too. Before we get too smug about how harmless UKIP really is here is a little taster from the DT message board;
20 minutes ago• 4 0
So European Government Rat Bastards give away the earnings from your hard work to filthy, uneducated, parasite, looter immigrants in order to buy their (illegal) votes, just like our Government Rat Bastards do, here in the USA, huh?
Keep up the pressure on these fools. Do whatever is necessary to remove them from office, and the gene pool too.
Send the feral 3rd world leeches back to the hell-holes they made for themselves and let them fix their own creations rather than move into your greener pastures and ravage them until they look like the crap-holes they left.
Do it before you lose both your history and future.
Before the animals burn the museums for firewood to cook your pets (or children) with.
Before they rape your daughters into birthing another generation (but blessed with 50% European intelligence) of feral youth.
Before your sons can't provide for their families because your leaders fear the hordes more, and give them the resources in trade for their allegiance in oppressing the actual Europeans.
Round up your government oppressors and render them incapable of doing this to you. Send them back to Africa (and the rest of the sources of immigrant criminals) with those they admire so much they are willing to steal from you under color of law to benefit.
.. etc
freedom party topping the poll in Holland too. Before we get too smug about how harmless UKIP really is here is a little taster from the DT message board;
20 minutes ago• 4 0
So European Government Rat Bastards give away the earnings from your hard work to filthy, uneducated, parasite, looter immigrants in order to buy their (illegal) votes, just like our Government Rat Bastards do, here in the USA, huh?
Keep up the pressure on these fools. Do whatever is necessary to remove them from office, and the gene pool too.
Send the feral 3rd world leeches back to the hell-holes they made for themselves and let them fix their own creations rather than move into your greener pastures and ravage them until they look like the crap-holes they left.
Do it before you lose both your history and future.
Before the animals burn the museums for firewood to cook your pets (or children) with.
Before they rape your daughters into birthing another generation (but blessed with 50% European intelligence) of feral youth.
Before your sons can't provide for their families because your leaders fear the hordes more, and give them the resources in trade for their allegiance in oppressing the actual Europeans.
Round up your government oppressors and render them incapable of doing this to you. Send them back to Africa (and the rest of the sources of immigrant criminals) with those they admire so much they are willing to steal from you under color of law to benefit.
.. etc

Burning the museums for firewood!!?? Somebody forgot to take their meds I reckon.
Burning the museums for firewood!!?? Somebody forgot to take their meds I reckon.

Maybe so. Maybe so. Though it would be a mistake, I would argue, to underestimate the nihilistic hatred that is the driver for, what many increasingly seem to find comfort in describing as the 'right-wing populist' parties.
Maybe so. Maybe so. Though it would be a mistake, I would argue, to underestimate the nihilistic hatred that is the driver for, what many increasingly seem to find comfort in describing as the 'right-wing populist' parties.
Is this something that can be realistically dealt with or opposed by organising W/C people? It seems to me that many with this perception are reasonably well off and won't be receptive?
this picture of an old US paper came up on tumblr so thought people might find it interesting. I don't know anything else about it but maybe people here do.

"As his name suggests, he had an unlikely background for a British nationalist and Aryan warrior. He was of Italian heritage through his mother Dorothy, whose maiden name was D'Ambrosio."

No fascists in Italy?

Gary Bushell is such a lying cunt.
"It was a monumentally, cataclysmically stupid decision," he says. The title of the compilation was Strength Thru Oi! - which Bushell says was intended as a pun on Strength Through Joy.'

so it was a mistake to have him on the cover AND a mistake to use the title?
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