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BBC presenter Huw Edwards suspended over paying for sexual pics.

It's also a rather odd choice of news outlet to go to. The Sun. As the family claim they're not being paid for the story. Surely the only reason you'd go to those fuckers instead of a reputable paper is cash.
the SUN paid and put Samantha fox topless on page 3 at 16.
so they claiming anysort of outrage is bollocks
Sam Fox was 37 by the time the law was changed to raise child porn from 16 to 18. More outrageous is them running the guess who articles of the other potential bbc employees when they, having broken the story , are fully aware of who is in the frame. That'd not public intrest that's how much misery can we cause
Some people do actually read that shit-rag, so if you're one of them, why not?
Might also explain why the earlier complaints got nowhere, if they weren't couched in the right way to hit the BBC complaints buttons immediately.

I don’t know anything about the case or about the BBC’s complaints dept but if it’s like another outfit I was familiar with years ago, they probably have a lot of people working there, some of them possibly junior/inexperienced.

In a well run system there wouldn’t be room for the Oh he’s [Household Name] so it can’t possibly be true reaction. You’d think not, anyway, especially after Savile. On the contrary, you’d expect it to be passed to a senior manager for urgent action.

They probably have a system of initial classification. This one, coming from the parent of an adult, could be regarded as a third party complaint and shelved, in the absence of any complaint from the injured party him/herself.

And if the mother had written several letters, in a well run system she wouldn’t get the Oh it’s her again, persistent complainant, just file it reaction. But then again, this may explain why it didn't reach Tim Davie's ears until it was plastered all over The Scum.
Sam Fox was 37 by the time the law was changed to raise child porn from 16 to 18. More outrageous is them running the guess who articles of the other potential bbc employees when they, having broken the story , are fully aware of who is in the frame. That'd not public intrest that's how much misery can we cause

The Sun's a despicable shitty rag, who knew?
Yep, that added 'guess the gay' frisson. 🤢

I use twitter simply to follow stuff I am interested in (environment stuff, river stuff, archaeology stuff) and I daren't click on anything else at the moment because it's just a vile parade of name every gay presenter we can think of :(
Lots of possible reasons, from the victims apparent drug use through to not actually being aware any criminal offence had been committed. It seems perfectly reasonable for them to have contacted the BBC, especially if all they wanted, at least initially, was for the behaviour to stop.

But this kid was 20 when they did that, and drug use aside was not breaking any laws. Now it may be a last ditch desperate effort by loving parents to save a child with a chaotic and chronic drug problem - in which case they must have been getting a lot of money from other sources as well. Or it may just be parents disapproving that their kid works on onlyfans and does a couple of grams at the weekend and decided to meddle in their life which they have no right to do. It at the very least implies that their child did not support their actions at the time.

This is all pretty low level stuff, a few nudes and some online interaction and I very much doubt the kid told the celeb they were spending all the money they sent on crack. I think it would be dubious if parents meddled this way if a 20 year old was having a full blown relationship with someone much older unless there were obvious signs of abuse. And I say that as a parent of an almost 20 year old myself who would be horrified if they got together with someone 20 or 30 years older. But a 20 year old is an adult with the right to make decisions including bad ones and part of being a good parent is accepting that and not meddling in their lives when they do something you don't like. Talk, raise concerns by all means, but don't try sabotage their life (by running off first to the BBC and then to The Sun) just because you don't approve of how they are living.

We can't possibly know what was actually going on until we hear the voice of the young person themselves who as an adult has the right to tell their own story, or choose not to, and they are the only one worth listening to in this scenario imo.
Ed: nope

Kelvin MacKenzie dropping a name by “accident” at 4mins.
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Saying it’s a young male gives the opportunity for a nudge, nudge, wink, wink as to whom it might be. Which is why gabisays it.

have seen a few things saying the young person is female.

not sure either has any basis for saying this other than 50% chance of being right...
It's out there on the web, but no, im not gonna post the name here.

The BBC are damned if they do and damned if they dont here by not naming/naming him. But their initial handling of it. Unbelievable. It's been almost 2 months since the complaint was made. I'm still unsure as to why the parents didn't contact the police first though, rather than his employer.

TBF they could well have and been told it is not a matter for the police; certainly on what has been reported so far it doesn't sound like there is anything the BBC person has done that would qualify as such.
Just had a quick twotter peek.
And the name that's being bandied about is quite a surprise
....would have thought they were more into queen lizzy lookalikes.

Won't mention any names etc...
The story has vanished off the BBC news front page now, presumably that means something legal has happened that they can't report on.

Never mind, it's still there. Swear that story was something different five minutes ago.
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For a bulletin board who members often go out of their way to decry celebrity culture, it's amusing that threads like this rocket to multiple pages in a couple of days (see also Schofield etc), whilst others on the war in Ukraine and other politics remain relatively quite.

The transformation from U75 to Mumsnet, continues apace!
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