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BBC presenter Huw Edwards suspended over paying for sexual pics.

Putting legalities aside for a moment, I’m continually surprised that there’s a question over this being a safeguarding issue or whether calls the older person’s morality and character into question.
This presenter doesn’t have to have broken the law for the BBC to decide he doesn’t have a place in their shows.

I supported a child of the same age through an issue with an older male behaving in a sexually inappropriate way and grooming them. A law might not have been broken (I feel it was) but it was still absolutely wrong for this much older man to behave the way they had been towards someone who was vulnerable.

On a professional level, I see the damage that is done to young people that might not be clear immediately.
16/17/18 year olds (and older) are in a really vulnerable place because the laws do not safeguard them in the same ways and it’s hard to ‘take action’ but they’re not mature. They’re still naive as hell, lack judgment and easily influenced by older, more powerful people.

Personally, I did shitloads of stuff and put myself in lots of risky situations thinking I was an adult and could handle it and even liked it. I wish someone had been looking out for me.
Yeah, for whatever reason I've managed to avoid this sort of thing in similar situations in the past but have caught some of the scattergun, and in many cases simply vindictive speculation on this one, and it really is scary. Both in terms of the randomised impact it can have, but also just the kind of thinking and attitude so many people are happy to throw out there.
A few libel cases might concentrate peoples' minds.
I read in this thread the young person is male.

It only says thet are a young person on the BBC website and no mention of any gender?
Yeah, for whatever reason I've managed to avoid this sort of thing in similar situations in the past but have caught some of the scattergun, and in many cases simply vindictive speculation on this one, and it really is scary. Both in terms of the randomised impact it can have, but also just the kind of thinking and attitude so many people are happy to throw out there.
Before social media was a thing, I vaguely suspected that a lot of people were thick and spiteful.

Now there is absolutely no doubt.
But is that really feasible against just rando Twitter/Reddit accounts?
Probably not but for someone with money to splash you'd think it would be easy enough to get court orders for Twitter to demand the release any names they have with a good chance of recouping legal costs from at least enough of them.
But is that really feasible against just rando Twitter/Reddit accounts?
Not really. You’d have to show that you’d suffered loss because of that rando, and a big part of that would be the credibility that others place on the statements. The fact that @massivedong50 reckons some celeb has a paedo’s face is not really of material damage, no matter how theoretically libellous it is as a statement
We know almost nothing so it’s fairly certain there’s more to it.

I read earlier, can’t remember where, that the presenter contacted the family asking them not to pursue this. Maybe that’s the new information the BBC mentioned.
One of the stories on the BBC website says that the presenter contacted the young person; not seen any mention of him contacting the family.
Not really. You’d have to show that you’d suffered loss because of that rando, and a big part of that would be the credibility that others place on the statements. The fact that @massivedong50 reckons some celeb has a paedo’s face is not really of material damage, no matter how theoretically libellous it is as a statement
Aye, and feels like that's part of the problem.

@massivedong50 spouting off? Not really a problem. A few hundred @massivedong50s, to the point where your name is trending, and then people who aren't going to put in the time/effort to checking the real story but simply see your name being bandied about with such accusations... Then it can be a real problem. You'll have suffered loss, but there's not a single source of that loss to pinpoint and take action against.

The stupidity of the crowd.

I'm pretty sure it's also fairly well-established that, even if accusations are proven false, very often the stain will still linger in peoples' minds.

I absolutely fall into this trap too, of course. I'd like to think, though, I try to be a bit better at looking into things (though not always), or at the very least don't amplify this specifically damaging kind of accusation without a more reliable source than @massivedong50.
I was trying to figure out if she was a returner or not. Probably incorrectly. I’m not interested in your mind reading tbh.
Well if you've incorrectly accused Tanya1982 of being cheeseypuff then you have two apologies to make. One was for something quite out of order and a very low blow but the later of your crimes is frankly quite hurtful.
Well if you've incorrectly accused Tanya1982 of being cheeseypuff then you have two apologies to make. One was for something quite out of order and a very low blow but the later of your crimes is frankly quite hurtful.
People accuse new posters of being returners all the time and I’ve never seen you pipe up about it. Hurtful lol.
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