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BBC presenter Huw Edwards suspended over paying for sexual pics.

I don't always agree with Tanya on everything, but that's a really shitty thing to say.

Low blow to try to win a debate.
The weirdest thing is, I didn’t really think we were having a debate. I thought it was just two insomniac parents swapping ideas and insights. What a fucking fool I was.

I’m just trying to imagine this exchange in a pub. With a person in the pub, drink in hand, suddenly saying to the person they’ve been speaking to ‘shouldn’t you be at home, and btw, how do you pay your bills or does someone else do that for you?’ - but it’s hard to imagine anyone being that nasty, that leftfield, that inappropriate, hypocritical or irrelevant face to face. Which I think sort of underlines what I was saying about communication via the internet - for whatever reason, some people approach it differently, and some of them might really wish you harm. Which is more shocking the more unprepared you are.
That sounds really fucking judgmental TBH. Lots of men who are parents post late at night here but you don't say the same to them.
Doesn’t it! I picked up on that, but I wondered if I was being overly sensitive in the face of such astonishing personal hostility.

I wonder what I was meant to say? Husband tucked up in bed? No, divorced. Massive settlement in the bank? No, not a penny. Some other man on the hook to pay for a tart and her brat? No. Trust fund floating about whatever markets are open? Sadly not. Benefits? Not entitled to them - I do actually work, although I’m very lucky to have somehow got myself into a position that I can afford to be too much of a mess to do so some of the time.
WTF is going on with this family and the 20 year old? All the news is going on about is the family being unhappy, family been talked to etc etc. He's now 20, why the fuck are the family so central yet the adult man at the centre of it is so quiet?
Exactly, it’s very fucked up. If they did not ask their mum to intervene it’s unforgivable imo. ‘I used to have a crack problem but now I’m fine thanks to my mum telling the sun about my teenage sordid sex scandal’ said nobody ever.
Exactly, it’s very fucked up. If they did not ask their mum to intervene it’s unforgivable imo.

Yeah as smokedout mentioned I do wonder if there's something going on between the family and the man, maybe they disapprove of what happened and his lifestyle and/or choices etc. or there's some other reason apart from just age that he was/is vulnerable. Something doesn't quite add up as it is tbh.
WTF is going on with this family and the 20 year old? All the news is going on about is the family being unhappy, family been talked to etc etc. He's now 20, why the fuck are the family so central yet the adult man at the centre of it is so quiet?
You can't think of a single reason why a young person at the centre of a media frenzy might not want to identify themselves to the whole world?
The family are managing to be mentioned without being identified (and as soon as they are he will be anyway, so no difference really) and yes of course, but my point wasn't he wasn't being identified, but that all the reports are about the family being unhappy, the family reporting it, etc. He's a 20 year old adult man, it's very odd to me that he seems to not be the person making the complaint etc.

If my family had gone to the press when I was 20 about something that happened when I was 17 I'd be pretty fucking angry with them, unless there are circumstances we don't know about, which is what I was speculating on.
The family are managing to be mentioned without being identified (and as soon as they are he will be anyway, so no difference really) and yes of course, but my point wasn't he wasn't being identified, but that all the reports are about the family being unhappy, the family reporting it, etc. He's a 20 year old adult man, it's very odd to me that he seems to not be the person making the complaint etc.

If my family had gone to the press when I was 20 about something that happened when I was 17 I'd be pretty fucking angry with them, unless there are circumstances we don't know about, which is what I was speculating on.
I don't think we know enough facts about what's going on to safely infer whether any particular aspect of it is odd or not.
I just had a look to see what was being said on this outside urban social media. There are at least two names being rampantly speculated about on Twitter, which is at least an improvement from the half dozen that were being speculated about yesterday. 99% of the accusations seem to be based on nothing more substantive than “I never liked his face”. Half of those throwing around accusations don’t even realise that the young person at the centre of it is male. What a toxic sewer. At least all-but-one of these celebrities has every reason to be mightily pissed off.
I just had a look to see what was being said on this outside urban social media. There are at least two names being rampantly speculated about on Twitter, which is at least an improvement from the half dozen that were being speculated about yesterday. 99% of the accusations seem to be based on nothing more substantive than “I never liked his face”. Half of those throwing around accusations don’t even realise that the young person at the centre of it is male. What a toxic sewer. At least all-but-one of these celebrities has every reason to be mightily pissed off.

Nicky Campbell's doing his show right on BBC news. He's having to talk to the police and defamation lawyers later as he's had threats. I mean. WTF is wrong with people.

This won't stop until put the name out there.
The family are managing to be mentioned without being identified (and as soon as they are he will be anyway, so no difference really) and yes of course, but my point wasn't he wasn't being identified, but that all the reports are about the family being unhappy, the family reporting it, etc. He's a 20 year old adult man, it's very odd to me that he seems to not be the person making the complaint etc.

If my family had gone to the press when I was 20 about something that happened when I was 17 I'd be pretty fucking angry with them, unless there are circumstances we don't know about, which is what I was speculating on.
We know almost nothing so it’s fairly certain there’s more to it.

I read earlier, can’t remember where, that the presenter contacted the family asking them not to pursue this. Maybe that’s the new information the BBC mentioned.
I just had a look to see what was being said on this outside urban social media. There are at least two names being rampantly speculated about on Twitter, which is at least an improvement from the half dozen that were being speculated about yesterday. 99% of the accusations seem to be based on nothing more substantive than “I never liked his face”. Half of those throwing around accusations don’t even realise that the young person at the centre of it is male. What a toxic sewer. At least all-but-one of these celebrities has every reason to be mightily pissed off.
Yeah, for whatever reason I've managed to avoid this sort of thing in similar situations in the past but have caught some of the scattergun, and in many cases simply vindictive speculation on this one, and it really is scary. Both in terms of the randomised impact it can have, but also just the kind of thinking and attitude so many people are happy to throw out there.
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