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Atos Medicals - Questions, Answers and Support

What I didn't get about ATOS was -
"Medical professional" V My GP. My neurologist. My physio. My outreach nurse. My counsellor (not now). My occupational therapist. General opinion.
Nuts, almost a quaint old lady making life or death decisions.
Not even sure they call them medical professionals - healthcare practitioner is the most used catch-all title I've seen. And you're right, they don't know better than the team that sees you on a regular basis.


Yeah, thanks a lot for that. Fortunately for me, I don't take tantrums seriously, or let them upset me, or I might take your wishing me dead personally.

Everyone I know who's been through the wringer of ESA and/or DLA and has a so-called "invisible illness" has been through similar shit. It's fucking horrible, it's fucking exhausting and arguably it makes ill people more ill, but what other choice is there? Going on the game isn't an option for most of us, so we have to put up with the heap of shit that the state piles on us.
I shall continue to support tribal_princess here.
This MS thing totally does you in.
I have found that many many people don't understand it.
Here or irl.

Unsurprising, given that the medical profession has only taken it seriously for a maximum of about 50 years. My great aunt was told for more than 20 years that her health issues were strictly psychiatric/psychological. It was only with the advent of MRI scanners that it was discovered that her nervous system was riddled with demyelination, and that she wasn't unable to walk half the time because of "hysteria", but because half the messages from her brain were either not reaching the other parts of her, or were garbled.
That's more than 20 years of being sporadically-detained in old-fashioned "mental hospitals" (remember them?), just because shrinks wouldn't admit to a possible physiological neural cause for a vast array of symptoms. Much easier to say that someone was depressed or neurotic or even "adopting the sick role", rather than actually bother to investigate and treat a patient.
What I didn't get about ATOS was -
"Medical professional" V My GP. My neurologist. My physio. My outreach nurse. My counsellor (not now). My occupational therapist. General opinion.
Nuts, almost a quaint old lady making life or death decisions.

You're still seeing it the way too many trusting people do - that overall the DWP and ATOS are doing a poor job administering everything, but that their intent is to provide a service for us.
Their "medical professionals" are merely there to provide a rubber-stamped opinion for refusing us help, or minimising the degree of help - in short, their purpose is to limit claims and save money, whatever the social and human costs.
Too many people still haven't taken that fairly simple fact on board, and it's understandable. No-one wants to think that their government, their state, gives so little of a fuck about them that it's willing to treat them like shit on the sole of a shoe, especially when they've contributed to that state.

Also, I wouldn't say "quaint old lady", I'd say "murderously-psychopathic old biddy". Why? Because a psychopath has no empathy for victims, just as the state doesn't, and ATOS doesn't.
My problems with ATOS are now on the back burner now that I'm an OAP.
My last assessment I demanded a home visit with a recording device.
I said that I needed support because of my memory and understanding.
I said that my support/helper would be my SIL a retired GP and we would be bringing a stenographer who is in a legal position to sign off her record.
Suddenly the visit became unnecessary and no re-assessment would be required.
Wonder why?
8115 I don't think you can say that because someone can do the appeal they can probably work. If they could work they wouldn't need to appeal. Also, doing the appeal, even collecting the information for the form, has to be done over several days if not weeks because even that can be draining and wipe someone out for days. Working is therefore out of the question.
and if you can do the appeal you can probably work but maybe think about it.


i hope you didn't mean it like that, but...

that almost corresponds with the "if you're not well enough to attend the so-called medical, we'll cut your benefits for not attending, and if you're well enough to attend that proves you're well enough to work so we'll cut your benefits" line of thought which ATOS seem to have...

and then there's the 'logic' of the DWP saying "if you're anything less than 100% disabled / sick you can't have benefits" against most employers taking the "if you're anything less than 100% well we don't want to give you a job / keep employing you" line.

to be honest, if you're going to go for an appeal, assistance of some sort (well informed friends / family / urbanites or some sort of health support group / welfare rights group) is a pretty good idea.
tribal_princess are you in WRAG group? Have you thought about appealing? I know it's a lot of effort, and if you can do the appeal you can probably work but maybe think about it.

You're a bit clueless, mate. Most people only tend to get through appeals with a fuckload of help and support from others. being able to get through an appeal certainly doesn't indicate that you can "probably work". Most people I know who go to appeal also find that their symptoms are exacerbated in the aftermath of an appeal, purely due to the physical and psychological stress it puts you under. Imagine "brown envelope syndrome", but a hundred times worse, and stretched out over months.
I was joking.
If you were joking it certainly didn't come through in your post. You may have intended it as a flippant comment but given how fed up of the process tp is at the moment, do you really think joking was a good idea? Insensitive and thoughtless at best, and indicative of how invisible disabilities are viewed by many in the general populus at worst.

This thread is really for supporting those going through the process. If you don't have any useful support to offer those in need of it, please don't post.
No it isn't. And what exactly was your helpful suggestion? That tp can work? She's already said she would if she could, and she's made it clear she is unable to.
No, that she could think about appealing. I'm not at all about telling people they can or can't work, that's not my business and it's not my view either.
Quite honestly just saying someone 'could' work if X a Y is meaningless. In fact it's downright provocative. It takes no account of the labour market, the altitudes of employers, conditions in society and government, never mind personal difficulties.
Is this a work programme provider trying to get you to do a course? If it is not a mandatory course, you cannot be mandated to attend under threat of sanction. The WP may try to manipulate you in to believing it is mandatory when it is not, so you need to find out the specifics and tell them to fuck off if it is officially 'voluntary'.

CDL had similar shit pulled on her recently by a WP implying that a course was mandatory when it wasn't.
I've had the same shit. Infact it's still ongoing. :mad:
Still being called by A4E for mandatory appointments even though I'm in the support group and having told them last time that further such requests would result in legal action for harassment.:mad: :rolleyes:
Still being called by A4E for mandatory appointments even though I'm in the support group and having told them last time that further such requests would result in legal action for harassment.:mad: :rolleyes:
Time for a solicitor's letter I think, spelling out the legal meaning of harassment and why they should fuck off.

The parasites.
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