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Assange is Missing?

No...I'm pointing out that a poster linked to a Murray post on his blog that questions assange's guilt and now you have two people here accusing him (Murray) of sex crimes....step back and look at it. Although that opens me up to the same allegations...doesn't it? :) That's the way things work here. I'm saddened it doesn't sicken you.

Have you read Murray's blog that was linked to?
who'd accused Murray of sex crimes?
It's quite difficult to make head or tail of what you are trying to say btw. Type better please.
Some quotes, thanks.
Can't be bothered pulling quotes out but, throughout he argues Ardin must have consented because she didn't warn Willen, still appeared with Assange etc. Do you think those things mean she can't have been raped?

Also, twice, he plays the anti-feminist card, suggesting Assange fell foul of some kind of second wave feminist definition of rape.
Some quotes, thanks.
It's easy enough for people to read the whole article you linked to. It's not very long. The 'ideas' about sexual consent referred to run from start to finish throughout the whole thing. There's no point just picking out a single sentence here or there.
Would you have been happy to read a piece written like that about the victim of an alleged rape in any other case?
Would you be happy to provide some proof for your accusation that Murray has said sexually inappropriate things? I can see right through you. :)
When I joined urban...like many others...it was around the time of 9/11 and the subsequent war.

Most people agreed on things then. But that's long gone...and what goes for discussion here now on many subjects is bullying filth. Absolute filth.
Would you be happy to provide some proof for your accusation that Murray has said sexually inappropriate things? I can see right through you. :)
You can see through me... you can clearly see through Ardin as well that can't you - you seem to think she must have consented because of her subsequent behaviour. You agree that she's a liar don't you, you agree with Murray that:

I have no difficulty in saying that I firmly believe Ardin to be a liar. For her story to be true involves acceptance of behaviour which is, in the literal sense, incredible.
You think she must have consented? Yes? Yes, Dexter?
When I joined urban...like many others...it was around the time of 9/11 and the subsequent war.

Most people agreed on things then. But that's long gone...and what goes for discussion here now on many subjects is bullying filth. Absolute filth.
To avoid this being 'absolute filth', why don't you come out with what you believe. You are doing much more than saying it would be unsafe to extradite - you are agreeing with Murray calling her a liar. Is that the case?
Wilf would you care to post some things that Murray has said to support your allegations of appalling ideas on sexual consent...or will you stop pissing about and accept that you lied because you knew that no-one on 'your side' would question you on it?
Wilf would you care to post some things that Murray has said to support your allegations of appalling ideas on sexual consent...or will you stop pissing about and accept that you lied because you knew that no-one on 'your side' would question you on it?
see post 125
Wilf would you care to post some things that Murray has said to support your allegations of appalling ideas on sexual consent...or will you stop pissing about and accept that you lied because you knew that no-one on 'your side' would question you on it?
What's the point? People can just go and read his article you linked to. The whole thing is about how she must have consented based on her other behaviour - eg the delay between the alleged crime and her reporting it and so on and so forth.

He seems to be saying it is impossible for something to happen and then a few days to elapse before someone finally reports it - that any delay is proof that the person is lying - amongst other 'theories' he throws in there.

As I said, its far better that people go and read it for themselves than to cherry pick a couple of sentences to quote here.
Fact is...in threads like these...once the mob decides 'SEX'...no-one gets to argue.
see post 125
btw post 125 says I linked to something...which I did not do...although you knew that, you lied about it and liked the post and pointed to it, knowing it was not true.

We're done here, I think.
Not only is Assange missing but Timothy Leary is dead (although I'm reliably informed he's on the outside looking in).
Fact is...in threads like these...once the mob decides 'SEX'...no-one gets to argue.

btw post 125 says I linked to something...which I did not do...although you knew that, you lied about it and liked the post and pointed to it, knowing it was not true.

We're done here, I think.
Yes, classicdish might have been technically wrong saying you 'linked' to it, but really, really? Why don't we just get to in simple language, talk straightforwardly: Murray says Ardin can't have been raped because of her subsequent behaviour - and that she must be a liar. You asked me to give detail of how Murray had got it wrong with regard to consent, strongly suggesting you agree with him. Do you?
Wilf we've been at the most simple language for most of the thread, sadly.

All you're doing is waiting for others to join you in agreement, implication and insult. That won't happen this time on a Saturday night. They'll be along soon enough, I'm sure.

I asked you to back something up in regards to your judgement on his 'appalling ideas on sexual consent'

You flounder like a caught fish.

You have absolutely no intention of debating it.

You're not talking to me, you're not listening to me.

Just...fuck off, cheers. I'm going to let you go now. (That's the phrase, isn't it?)
Wilf we've been at the most simple language for most of the thread, sadly.

All you're doing is waiting for others to join you in agreement, implication and insult. That won't happen this time on a Saturday night. They'll be along soon enough, I'm sure.

I asked you to back something up in regards to your judgement on his 'appalling ideas on sexual consent'

You flounder like a caught fish.

You have absolutely no intention of debating it.

You're not talking to me, you're not listening to me.

Just...fuck off, cheers. I'm going to let you go now. (That's the phrase, isn't it?)
If you would like me to cut and paste the article into a post I can, but as has been pointed out to you, it's not very long. I really doubt we are at the point where you are going to deny you've read it are we? You've read it. I've tried to ask you some direct questions as to whether you agree with it, whether you think Murray is right to say Ardin must be a liar, all that. You choose to bluster, deflect, play the victim. Oh well.
Yes, classicdish might have been technically wrong saying you 'linked' to it, but really, really?
Yes, it was a genuine mistake, not an intentional lie. I have now checked and it was squirrelp who linked to the Murray blog under discussion, but this doesn't really impact on anything we have been discussing. You wanted quotes from the article and my point was that people can just read it for themselves. Who posted the original link is irrelevant to this point.
In Sweden, for a variety of historical (or was is hysterical? :D ) reasons, the outsiders (esp. southerners) are astounded by the fact that some babies are born there at all... :p I mean, just how on Earth do they meet and then drop their guard and then even go out on a limb and trust one another... Brrrr... what an unsavoury thought... :D

Until, that is, one learns (from Swedish midwives, of course :D ) of "breaking point" in Swedish hospital maternity wards every March.... nine months after the biggest pagan event of the year... with lots of drinking going on by default... :D

Jokes aside, this is a really snide attempt, geared towards everybody else, to keep them schtum, obviously...
Some people would say, why don't you end it and simply walk out the door, and allow yourself to be extradited to Sweden?

The UN has looked into this whole situation, they spent eighteen months in formal adversarial litigation, me, and the UN, versus the Sweden and the UK, who's right? The UN made a conclusion, I am being arbitrarily detained, illegally deprived of my freedom, that what has occurred has not occurred within the laws that the United Kingdom and Sweden must obey. It is an illegal abuse. The United Nations formally asking, "what's going on here? What's your explanation for this, he says that you should formally recognise his asylum." Sweden formally writing back to the United Nations says, "no, we're not going to". So, leaving open their ability to extradite.

I just find it absolutely amazing, the narrative about this situation is not put out publicly in the press, because it doesn't suit the Western establishment narrative, that yes, the West has 'political prisoners'. It's a reality, it's not just me, there's a bunch of other people as well. The West has 'political prisoners'... no state excepts to call the people it is imprisoning or detaining for political reasons 'political prisoners'. They don't call them 'political prisoners' in China, they don't call them 'political prisoners' in Azerbaijan, and they don't call them 'political prisoners' in the United States, UK or Sweden.

Julian Assange, interview with John Pilger, Nov 2016

quote from around 21:30
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The sooner he gets out of prison the better. Free Assange.
Julian Assange, interview with John Pilger, Nov 2016...

Assange is not in prison, he's not a political prisoner, he's not any sort of prisoner. He has chosen to hole up in the Ecuadorian embassy.

He's an arrogant self-serving cunt who is claiming he shouldn't be held accountable for his actions or answer accusations made against him in the same way any "ordinary" person would, because he is special and above all of that.

What's most disappointing is that he seems to be supported in this by a bunch of drooling fan bois who take his claims at face value, instead of dismissing them as the nonsense they are.

And Pilger is a cunt as well, quite frankly...
Don't you have a kind of feeling in your gut that says, 'hang on, maybe I'm not on the right path', when you find yourself saying something like that?

Thank you for your concern, but I'm happy to report my gut feels totally comfortable and healthy this morning.

Maybe that's because I'm not in the habit of uncritically swallowing shit like you and Assange's other acolytes :thumbs:
Maybe that's because I'm not in the habit of uncritically swallowing shit like you and Assange's other acolytes :thumbs:
Well, you just carry on believing in fairytale stories like rape victims continuing to hang out with their abuser whilst hanging on to a split condom that never had the guy's DNA on it... because YOU couldn't possibly be lied to and fall for it.
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Presumably they could. Assange isn't currently in the UK, he's in Ecuador.
Embassies and consulates aren't actually foreign territory. There is simply mutual non-enforcement of domestic law subject to the diplomatic staff behaving themselves. If something completely unacceptable and illegal was happening inside an embassy, the UK would be within its rights to revoke the post's diplomatic status and raid it.

Assange is in the UK and the US could make a request to the UK today for his extradition.

Even if this happens, he's facing 9-12 months imprisonment in this country for failing to surrender after being granted bail.
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