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Carlson visits Julian Assange

Aye, sure you're right. We have always been at peace with Eurasia, and if Trump ever carried out any drone strikes against any senior Eurasian generals, that just proves how peaceful his policy towards them was.

The hit on Sulemani was Trump's sop to the neo-cons, an attempt to console them for his refusal to fight Putin or Assad.

I've already told you that Trump attempted to withdraw US troops from Syria, and was flat-out disobeyed by the army brass. Look, here are the neo-cons moaning about it back in 2019:

Like I said, when whatever version of reality you're in catches up with April 2017, your mind is gonna be blown.

Again with the dates. This is the third one you've mentioned now, no-one knows what they mean, and frankly I'm starting think you're just picking them at random.

Anyway, here's Carlson explaining why Trump didn't pardon Assange:

And here he is explaining why the DOJ is pursuing the case so ferociously:

Again with the dates. This is the third one you've mentioned now, no-one knows what they mean, and frankly I'm starting think you're just picking them at random.

Anyway, here's Carlson explaining why Trump didn't pardon Assange:

I've mentioned this one twice, and to anyone who's paid attention to Trump's foreign policy it should be pretty fucking obvious what they mean. I appreciate that if you've blocked all memories of anything that happened in Trump's presidency it might be a bit more mysterious what they mean though.
The good thing about Trump is what he isn't.

He isn't a neo-con nutter who is mad keen to fight Russia to the death. He isn't an Israel-firster. He isn't out of PNAC. He doesn't want to destroy Syria and Iran.

I wouldn't call him an "isolationist" but he's far less of an interventionist that (ahem) "Biden.," or the Deep State behind "Biden." One thing Brits may not know is that Trump's order to withdraw troops from Syria was point-blank refused by Mark Milley. Only someone as autistic as Trump could hope to stand up to these people.
"Deep state." You fucking gullible conspiracy clown.
"Deep state." You fucking gullible conspiracy clown.

I know a lot of people get triggered by the phrase "deep state," but there's really no need.

It just means the security state--the "alphabet boys" as we call them. The CIA, FBI, NSA, DEA etc. I suppose you believe that they exist?
I know a lot of people get triggered by the phrase "deep state," but there's really no need.

It just means the security state--the "alphabet boys" as we call them. The CIA, FBI, NSA, DEA etc. I suppose you believe that they exist?
I'm not 'triggered' by it. I'm just laughing at you for being so gullible as to to buy into all this ridiculous, right wing conspiracy bullshit. It's gone past embarrassing now. Whatever happened to you?
I know a lot of people get triggered by the phrase "deep state," but there's really no need.

It just means the security state--the "alphabet boys" as we call them. The CIA, FBI, NSA, DEA etc. I suppose you believe that they exist?
There's a rumour going around that you are an MFI mole. Do you have anything to say in response?
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