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Pope Francis on Iraq visit

yes thats how ive thought of it all these years as you say

quick look on wiki:

Among those cardinals who rallied behind Wojtyła were supporters of Giuseppe Siri, Stefan Wyszyński, most of the American cardinals (led by John Krol), and other moderate cardinals

americans!!!! the smoking gun ;)
You've got it all wrong. The cardinals all hotbox it up until god gives them the nod and the smoke pops out the top of the room. You don't need americans when Yahwehs batting for you
Pope Francis denounces extremism on historic visit to Iraq - BBC News

Pope Francis has condemned extremism in the name of religion on a historic visit to Iraq where he discussed the plight of the Christian minority.
Hostility, extremism and violence are "betrayals of religion" he told an inter-faith prayer service.

On Sunday, the pontiff will visit Mosul, where he will say prayers in Church Square for the victims of the war with IS, which left tens of thousands of civilians dead.
Later, he is scheduled to lead Mass at a football stadium in Irbil in the north, which up to 10,000 people are expected to attend.
The Pope will also visit nearby Qaraqosh, where Christians have returned since the defeat of IS in 2017.
ive got an orthodox catholic in my family and he really doesnt like him, and gives the impression thats a common view amongst the headbangers, so Jorge is clearly doing something right.
Imagine being a Christian zealot and your cult leader displeases you for basically being too Christianly

Christianity seems to be one long tale of 'You're doing it wrong I'm gonna start up my own offshoot'!

Anglicans, methodists, baptists, orthodox etc etc

God must be like 'Jeez' (😏)
.... in the middle of a global pandemic. Bringing 10,000 people together for mass. :rolleyes: Maybe when he dies they'll make him the patron saint of plagues.
You make a good point. He, Popey, has had two vaccine jabs and apparently his entourage are all inoculated so they can't claim they don't know about Covid-19.
ive got an orthodox catholic in my family and he really doesnt like him, and gives the impression thats a common view amongst the headbangers, so Jorge is clearly doing something right.
Imagine being a Christian zealot and your cult leader displeases you for basically being too Christianly

Wasn't he supposed to be arrested on the 4th, according to the Qanon cult?

The Pope, that is. Not your family member.
.... in the middle of a global pandemic. Bringing 10,000 people together for mass.

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