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Carlson visits Julian Assange

I've no idea, but this is starting to sound an awful lot like classical guilt by association. "Carlson is bad because a Nazi said he was good." I hope your point is more sophisticated than that?
Still waiting to hear about those liberals! As above, Anglin is the odd one out on that list, everyone else I mentioned has actually been published by the Daily Caller.
As above, Anglin is the odd one out on that list, everyone else I mentioned has actually been published by the Daily Caller.

So what? What does that have to do with Carlson? If we're going to discuss Carlson, let's look at what he says himself, rather than what others say about him. For instance, this is why I think he's good. It also explains why he attracts so much flak from the MSM:

Still waiting to hear about those liberals!.

OK, you want liberals explicitly calling for a coup against Trump before the 2020 election, as opposed to just strongly implying it. I believe I can supply your want, give me a few hours though.
Just ignore him, he'll soon get bored, and fuck off again.

No, he won't. Like bullies, trolls don't just "go away" if they don't get a response to their liking, they simply escalate their behaviour until they do. Telling people to "ignore the troll" never fucking works. Trolling requires an administrative response in order to be effectively dealt with. Telling people to ignore trolls is as effective as using a toffee spear to stop a runaway train.
Why are posters engaging with this failing troll?

Just ignore him, he'll soon get bored, and fuck off again.

Last time you contributed on this subject, it was to inform us that Carlson works for Fox News, and then freak out with fury when your error was pointed out. I think you're still bitter.
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No, he won't. Like bullies, trolls don't just "go away" if they don't get a response to their liking, they simply escalate their behaviour until they do. Telling people to "ignore the troll" never fucking works. Trolling requires an administrative response in order to be effectively dealt with. Telling people to ignore trolls is as effective as using a toffee spear to stop a runaway train.

Good, let him escalate his behaviour, he's already had a final warning from the editor, fuck knows why it hasn't been carried out, lets give him enough rope to hang himself,
Good, let him escalate his behaviour, he's already had a final warning from the editor, fuck knows why it hasn't been carried out, leave him to hang himself,

So if the trash is going to take itself out, playing hall monitor is pointless isn't it? In the meantime, I don't think it's necessarily a good thing for bad ideas to remain unchallenged.
No, I'm saying you can't tar Carlson with the same brush as contributors to the DC. That's guilt by association.
OK. I am saying that the decisions the editors of a publication make reflect on their beliefs and values. It's certainly considerably stronger evidence than any of this liberal coup stuff you've produced so far.
No, I'm saying you can't tar Carlson with the same brush as contributors to the DC. That's guilt by association.

You mean like all these nameless liberals who are calling for a coup against Trump? You know guilt by associating with a professor who speculate it could be a thing? Is that guilt by association?

You’re not very good at this, even by your own rules.
Last time you contributed on this subject, it was to inform us that Carlson works for Fox News, and then freak out with fury when your error was pointed out. I think you're still bitter.

This is a classic example of his pathetic and dishonest trolling, because this is actually what I posted, page 1, post #7 -

Carlson isn't 'from MSM' anymore, even Fox News decided he was too much of a cunt to have on-air.

- completely the opposite of what he claimed, designed to make me respond at the time, after advising others to ignore him. And, no, I am not actually responding to him even now he's banned, this post is for the benefit of everyone else to see what a pathetic creature he is, only here to troll.

Well, looks like it paid off this time round.

What paid off, was me ignoring that post, and reporting it instead.
This is a classic example of his pathetic and dishonest trolling, because this is actually what I posted, page 1, post #7 -

- completely the opposite of what he claimed, designed to make me respond at the time, after advising others to ignore him. And, no, I am not actually responding to him even now he's banned, this post is for the benefit of everyone else to see what a pathetic creature he is, only here to troll.

I’ll put you down as ‘undecided’ then…
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