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Tucker Carlson and Assange

True. The reason is that everyone in the USA knows that the CIA operates domestically with impunity. It's not a point worth disputing. Surely you don't imagine that the CIA feels bound by the constitution? Or indeed by anything at all? They're a law unto themselves.
They kno2 that coz of fiction films and people such as Carlson passing off gossip
as Journalism. She said was evidence of it...you've just asserted it happens...It is outside their remit and unlawful... What's your evidence? ...I'm not even a journo but I know you got some... that's news
I already done admitted that he seems like a bit of a weirdy imvho. And that's about as much evidence as there is against him. Not that I'm ever wrong about such matters, but there is after all no law against seeming like a bit of a weirdy to me. There bloody well ought to be though, half the posters here would be banged up right away.

Anyway, you know what they say: Never eat at a place called "Mom's," play poker with a man named "Doc," or argue politics with a chap called "Zapp."

And, there you have it, all the evidence anyone needs to show dwyer is only here to troll.
They kno2 that coz of fiction films and people such as Carlson passing off gossip
as Journalism. She said was evidence of it...you've just asserted it happens...It is outside their remit and unlawful... What's your evidence? ...I'm not even a journo but I know you got some... that's news

All you have to do is read any book about the CIA. I'm currently on "The Brothers" by Stephen Kinzer. The brothers in question being the Dulles, and a bigger pair of bastards you will never hope to meet. Or just pick any book on the subject, I'll be happy to recommend more if you like.

It really is common knowledge that the CIA does whatever it likes, all over the world, very much including within the USA. Last guy who tried to stop them was Jimmy Carter, he fired thousands of the buggers, but GW Bush just made them into his private army, which made matters a million times worse. If you can find me a historian who disputes any of this, I'll be seriously impressed.
I already done admitted that he seems like a bit of a weirdy imvho. And that's about as much evidence as there is against him. Not that I'm ever wrong about such matters, but there is after all no law against seeming like a bit of a weirdy to me. There bloody well ought to be though, half the posters here would be banged up right away.

Anyway, you know what they say: Never eat at a place called "Mom's," play poker with a man named "Doc," or argue politics with a chap called "Zapp."
I wasn't arguing politics with you. I was pointing out that you're a massive hypocrite who parrots right wing talking points without the slightest independent critical thought of your own.

Have a lovely remainder of your day.
It's not the CIA's job to be up to its elbows in domestic affairs it's not even their job to snoop domestically...If their legitimate operations call for field work in the US personal from other relevant Bureaus provide oversi[ght]..everything else is unlawful and actionable...Not denying has happened but its you (Dwyer) the and likes of Tucker normalising it in the name of tin foil hats

[Edited to correct autocorrect]
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Oh right, I forgot that you're an illiterate alcoholic moron. Mistook you for a serious conversationalist for a minute there. Sorry, won't make that mistake again.
Go easy on them big Phil, we can't all have the advanced literacy skills needed to watch a youtube video. Or indeed to not watch a youtube video and just start a thread about it anyway.

Ah, was going to question dwyer about his very important contributions to anti-repression work but I see he's threadbanned, will have to wait for another time.
Finally the voice of reason. Yes alright, I admit that he does look like a bit of a weirdo to me. But not half as weird as Pompeo, who really did plot to kill him, and who most certainly would not have done so in defense of the honor of Ingrid:

pretty sure tucker said it's OK to do away with your enemies/opponents though
Yeah, that is another matter I was intending to question Phil on, it is of course the case that the US carries out political assassinations, but I'm not aware of his mate Carlson ever speaking up in defence of Michael Reinoehl.
Etc etc.
Of course I've considered it. I gave it all due consideration as I was cleaning my teeth this morning. Just the upper left molar though, which takes approx. 1.5 seconds on a good day.

No, of course I haven't considered it ffs. It's completely freaking obvious that y'all take your political cues from some demonic stew of Channel Four News, the Grauniad and whatshername the barlady down the Albert. You'd hate your own grannies if Polly Toynbee told you to.
Like a post from about 2004
People can make their own minds up about Assange and they can hate him or not. It doesn't really matter. Personally I don't want Assange extradited on these charges for reasons that have nothing to do with my personal feelings towards the man but more inline with what amnesty say here.
My thoughts are that whatever he may have done he has served his time.
That wasn't me, that was Mel Gibson. We're often mistaken for each other. You probably think I'm joking: I only wish I were.
I understand Mel is thinking of legally changing his name to Phil Dwyer in order to make his daily life simpler.
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Like a post from about 2004

Exactly. As already said it is quite possible a massage is a rapey weirdo and has embarrassed the US enough they’d like to chuck him in a dark hole. Most people can appreciate these concepts. And not have to defer to scum like Tucker Carlson for, well anything. This is not important to Phil, the sport is poking the supposed Urban consensus. I mean if there was a serious point, Tucker Carlson is not who you would go to illustrate it.
can you imagine believe the most watch news station in the united states ie fox news well it claims to be a news channel

and falling for their line of shite that they are not the main stream media :hmm:
Phil’s story;

Sick Boy : It's certainly a phenomenon in all walks of life.
Mark "Rent-boy" Renton : What do you mean?
Sick Boy : Well, at one time, you've got it, and then you lose it, and it's gone forever. All walks of life: George Best, for example. Had it, lost it. Or David Bowie, or Lou Reed...
Mark "Rent-boy" Renton : Some of his solo stuff's not bad.
Sick Boy : No, it's not bad, but it's not great either. And in your heart you kind of know that although it sounds all right, it's actually just shite.
Mark "Rent-boy" Renton : So who else?
Sick Boy : Charlie Nicholas, David Niven, Malcolm McLaren, Elvis Presley...
Mark "Rent-boy" Renton : OK, OK, so what's the point you're trying to make?
Sick Boy : All I'm trying to do is help you understand that The Name of The Rose is merely a blip on an otherwise uninterrupted downward trajectory.
Mark "Rent-boy" Renton : What about The Untouchables?
Sick Boy : I don't rate that at all.
Mark "Rent-boy" Renton : Despite the Academy Award?
Sick Boy : That means fuck all. Its a sympathy vote.
Mark "Rent-boy" Renton : Right. So we all get old and then we can't hack it anymore. Is that it?
Sick Boy : Yeah.
Mark "Rent-boy" Renton : That's your theory?
Sick Boy : Yeah. Beautifully fucking illustrated.
Of course I've considered it. I gave it all due consideration as I was cleaning my teeth this morning. Just the upper left molar though, which takes approx. 1.5 seconds on a good day.

No, of course I haven't considered it ffs. It's completely freaking obvious that y'all take your political cues from some demonic stew of Channel Four News, the Grauniad and whatshername the barlady down the Albert. You'd hate your own grannies if Polly Toynbee told you to.

You forgot Vice magazine.
Was just thinking, it is incredible that Russia has become the darling of the American right.

Highest divorce rate in Europe. Higher homicide rate than the US and highest in Europe by a significant margin. Highest rates of drug related deaths in Europe and high alcoholism. Highest rate of HIV in Europe. Rate of abortion is slightly lower than the US but only slightly. Church attendance higher than some of western Europe but relatively low and much lower than the US.

It falls short on pretty much everything you'd expect them to care about. So is it just the authoritarian leadership they are attracted? And the fact they don't like gays?

What it seems like is a tendency to project US domestic politics onto the world and so Putin is "anti-woke" and on their side. It is incredibly reductive.

Carlson's appearance in Spain at right wing rallies against the Socialist Workers Party forming a coalition with a Catalan Independence Party was an interesting example of this too. He believed he was in a fight against "socialist tyranny." But the Socialist Workers Party are moderates who have governed Spain most of its history as a democracy and the protests were primarily against Catalan nationalism, of which Carlson knows or cares nothing.

The phenomenon reminds me of a American right winger I once met in Belfast who was working for the DUP in some capacity - presumably seeing them as pro-life culture war allies - who went on a long and animated rant to me about how disappointed he was that were more interested in getting one up on the Irish, of which he himself had no interest in.
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Was just thinking, it is incredible that Russia has become the darling of the American right.

Highest divorce rate in Europe. Higher homicide rate than the US and highest in Europe by a significant margin. Highest rates of drug related deaths in Europe and high alcoholism. Highest rate of HIV in Europe. Rate of abortion is slightly lower than the US but only slightly. Church attendance higher than western Europe but nothing special by Eastern European standards and significantly lower than the US.

It falls short on pretty much everything you'd expect them to care about. So is it just the authoritarian leadership they are attracted? And the fact they don't like gays?

What it seems like is a tendency to project US domestic politics onto the world and so Putin is "anti-woke" and on their side. It is incredibly reductive.

Carlson's appearance in Spain at right wing rallies against the Socialist Workers Party forming a coalition with a Catalan Independence Party was an interesting example of this too. He believed he was in a fight against "socialist tyranny." But the Socialist Workers Party are moderates who have governed Spain most of its history as a democracy and the protests were primarily against Catalan nationalism, of which Carlson knows or cares nothing.

The phenomenon reminds me of a American right winger I once met in Belfast who was working for the DUP in some capacity - presumably seeing them as pro-life culture war allies - who went on a long and animated rant to me about how disappointed he was that were more interested in getting one up on the Irish, of which he himself had no interest in.
Listened to a couple of alt right types....limited ethnic diversity seems to hold appeal
Was just thinking, it is incredible that Russia has become the darling of the American right.

Highest divorce rate in Europe. Higher homicide rate than the US and highest in Europe by a significant margin. Highest rates of drug related deaths in Europe and high alcoholism. Highest rate of HIV in Europe. Rate of abortion is slightly lower than the US but only slightly. Church attendance higher than some of western Europe but relatively low and much lower than the US.

It falls short on pretty much everything you'd expect them to care about. So is it just the authoritarian leadership they are attracted? And the fact they don't like gays?

What it seems like is a tendency to project US domestic politics onto the world and so Putin is "anti-woke" and on their side. It is incredibly reductive.

Carlson's appearance in Spain at right wing rallies against the Socialist Workers Party forming a coalition with a Catalan Independence Party was an interesting example of this too. He believed he was in a fight against "socialist tyranny." But the Socialist Workers Party are moderates who have governed Spain most of its history as a democracy and the protests were primarily against Catalan nationalism, of which Carlson knows or cares nothing.

The phenomenon reminds me of a American right winger I once met in Belfast who was working for the DUP in some capacity - presumably seeing them as pro-life culture war allies - who went on a long and animated rant to me about how disappointed he was that were more interested in getting one up on the Irish, of which he himself had no interest in.
Thinking about the money involved helps to make things clearer.
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