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Carlson visits Julian Assange

Quite brilliant though Dwyre trying to windup urban with a video he's not seen, then has to sign up to Tucker's channel to watch some nothingy shite to attempt backing it up. :D

The unsubscribe link is usually at the bottom of the emails Phil. HTH.
I feel a bit sorry for Dwyre. But I think he would be best advised to call it a day on this forum. It is a difficult crowd for pro Trump opinions. All the best phildwyer
I'm not 'triggered' by it. I'm just laughing at you for being so gullible as to to buy into all this ridiculous, right wing conspiracy bullshit. It's gone past embarrassing now. Whatever happened to you?

Why are you skeptical that the security forces and the armed services are currently dictating American foreign policy? Seems pretty obvious to me.

More to the point, why do you think it is in any way a conservative or "right-wing" claim to make? It's the sort of claim that's traditionally made by the "left," no?
I feel a bit sorry for Dwyre. But I think he would be best advised to call it a day on this forum. It is a difficult crowd for pro Trump opinions. All the best phildwyer

Cheers matey, but I'm not pro-Trump. I'm anti-Trump. Can't stand the man, would never vote for him. I just think he's better than "Biden." "Biden" means endless war.
I know a lot of people get triggered by the phrase "deep state," but there's really no need.

It just means the security state--the "alphabet boys" as we call them. The CIA, FBI, NSA, DEA etc. I suppose you believe that they exist?
No, it doesn't mean that. It's a deliberately nebulous term for "enemies within" popularised by the modern US right (and used, in different language, by rubbish imitators like the Tories, who imply any conflict between them and the civil service is "deep state" stuff). It absolutely does not mean the alphabet agencies because of course they want to keep them around, and also there's been decades of propaganda about how those agencies are actually great, particularly appreciated by voters of an authoritarian mindset who are a big Trump bloc.

Of course it has reference to the alphabet agencies for the benefit of the conspiracy side, but those guys are minor.
I know a lot of people get triggered by the phrase "deep state," but there's really no need.

It just means the security state--the "alphabet boys" as we call them. The CIA, FBI, NSA, DEA etc. I suppose you believe that they exist?

Who is ‘we’ in this context?

Now that the thread title has been exposed as inaccurate, shouldn't it be changed to something that reflects reality a little better?

Anyone got any suggestions?
No, it doesn't mean that. It's a deliberately nebulous term for "enemies within" popularised by the modern US right (and used, in different language, by rubbish imitators like the Tories, who imply any conflict between them and the civil service is "deep state" stuff). It absolutely does not mean the alphabet agencies because of course they want to keep them around, and also there's been decades of propaganda about how those agencies are actually great, particularly appreciated by voters of an authoritarian mindset who are a big Trump bloc.

Of course it has reference to the alphabet agencies for the benefit of the conspiracy side, but those guys are minor.

It's become a bit of a floating signifier I suppose.

I first encountered the term in Turkey, which I believe is where it originates. Over there it does mean the security services and the armed forces. The Turkish Deep State is a constant threat to the democratically-elected governments, and the same situation appears to be developing in the USA. Towards the end of Trump's term quite a few liberals were openly calling for a military coup, once they saw that nothing else would work, and they're obviously cooking up some quasi-legal excuse to get him off the ballot this time too.

As you say, Trump voters used to be great supporters of the Deep State, when it was on their side. That has changed over the last 6 years, and now the Trumpies loathe and fear the FBI. They regard them as a new Stasi. It's been very interesting to watch.

Perhaps because of the term's current popularity in the West, the Turks now talk about the "parallel state" instead.
MSM rarely talks about Tucker. Instead we can see his shit on Twitter.

He's a millionaire's son, who has found a career as a contrarian and white nationalist. Not unlike Musk.

Neither Carlson nor Musk are "white nationalists," the charge is absurd. It's a reflection of the desperation felt by their political opponents.
Neither Carlson nor Musk are "white nationalists," the charge is absurd. It's a reflection of the desperation felt by their political opponents.
Desperate denials issued by one of their strongest supporters on urban

I remember both the NY Times and the WaPo running editorials hinting that a coup would be preferable to a second Trump term around 2019. Here's a decent account: Remember the Failed Coup Attempt against Trump | National Review
Could you point out the part of that article where they quote the liberals who were openly calling for a coup attempt against Trump? There is a bit where they quote some professor as referring to it as a "possibility" and "a plausible scenario", which I don't think is quite the same as endorsing something, is that what you were thinking of?
Neither Carlson nor Musk are "white nationalists," the charge is absurd. It's a reflection of the desperation felt by their political opponents.
How would you characterise Blake Neff, Andrew Anglin, Peter Brimelow, Jason Kessler, Scott Greer, Ilana Mercer, and Moses Apostaticus/David Hilton?
Could you point out the part of that article where they quote the liberals who were openly calling for a coup attempt against Trump? There is a bit where they quote some professor as referring to it as a "possibility" and "a plausible scenario", which I don't think is quite the same as endorsing something, is that what you were thinking of?

How would you characterise Blake Neff, Andrew Anglin, Peter Brimelow, Jason Kessler, Scott Greer, Ilana Mercer, and Moses Apostaticus/David Hilton?

Yes, that is what I meant. They stopped short of saying the word "coup" but it was clear what they meant. It still is. They're still quite willing to use illegal and (I assume if necessary) violent means to keep Trump out of power.

I've never heard of any of the people you mention here, who are they?
Yes, that is what I meant. They stopped short of saying the word "coup" but it was clear what they meant. It still is. They're still quite willing to use illegal and (I assume if necessary) violent means to keep Trump out of power.
They = some law school professor?
I've never heard of any of the people you mention here, who are they?
There's at least a few names on there that you really should. Here's a clue: they've all written for the Daily Caller, except for one of them, who's a vocal admirer of Carlson but has never actually been published by him. Have you heard of the Daily Caller or do you need me to hold your hand through that one as well.
They = some law school professor?

There's at least a few names on there that you really should. Here's a clue: they've all written for the Daily Caller, except for one of them, who's a vocal admirer of Carlson but has never actually been published by him. Have you heard of the Daily Caller or do you need me to hold your hand through that one as well.

They = the neo-cons. Do you need me to name them for you?

I know what the Daily Caller is, and I'll check out the people you mention. What am I looking for?

ETA: Oh hang on, I do know Anglin, he's a Nazi. Is that your point?
They = the neo-cons. Do you need me to name them for you?
I'm confused, before you said:
Towards the end of Trump's term quite a few liberals were openly calling for a military coup, once they saw that nothing else would work, and they're obviously cooking up some quasi-legal excuse to get him off the ballot this time too.
Which is the claim krtek challenged you on. But then it became:
Yes, that is what I meant. They stopped short of saying the word "coup" but it was clear what they meant. It still is. They're still quite willing to use illegal and (I assume if necessary) violent means to keep Trump out of power.
So was there anyone "openly calling for a military coup" or not? And if there was, who was saying it and where?
I know what the Daily Caller is, and I'll check out the people you mention. What am I looking for?
You're looking for their opinions, and then how you would characterise an outlet that publishes these people, and what relevance that has to the claim that Carlson could be considered a white nationalist, as above.
ETA: Oh hang on, I do know Anglin, he's a Nazi. Is that your point?
Right. OK, in that case, since you have heard of Anglin, who is admittedly the odd one out of that list, why do you think he's so keen on Carlson?
Right. OK, in that case, since you have heard of Anglin, who is admittedly the odd one out of that list, why do you think he's so keen on Carlson?

I've no idea, but this is starting to sound an awful lot like classical guilt by association. "Carlson is bad because a Nazi said he was good." I hope your point is more sophisticated than that?
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