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Carlson visits Julian Assange

It also contains video footage of people being murdered. I don't know if that is acceptable under forum rules.
It's a clip from the gun cameras from the leaked video concerned which has I'm fairly sure been posted before (probably when it came out, for instance).

If that's an issue a spoiler tag might be the best thing.
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So Carlson interviews Assange's wife on the prison bus as they go to visit him in Belmarsh. They go inside to see him, but no cameras allowed. Then they come back and talk about him. Obviously just a teaser, a rip-off really, better than nothing I suppose.

You love him, be honest
Assange knew that Hillary was planning to go to war with Russia, so he tipped the scales in Trump's favor. This is true. He thought it might be a bad idea for the USA to fight a war of choice against a nuclear power.
Proper fucking working class politics. Who could argue with supporting Trump when you put it like that? The fascinating thing about Dwyer is I can remember when Richard Spencer was arguing the same lines, but even by April 2017, the likes of Spencer and Coulter had realised that Trump wasn't actually implementing the isolationist agenda they'd hoped for. I'd never actually asked myself "what would it be like if we had a thicker, less honest version of Richard Spencer posting here?", but I suppose it's interesting to see all the same.
Proper fucking working class politics. Who could argue with supporting Trump when you put it like that? The fascinating thing about Dwyer is I can remember when Richard Spencer was arguing the same lines, but even by April 2017, the likes of Spencer and Coulter had realised that Trump wasn't actually implementing the isolationist agenda they'd hoped for. I'd never actually asked myself "what would it be like if we had a thicker, less honest version of Richard Spencer posting here?", but I suppose it's interesting to see all the same.

The good thing about Trump is what he isn't.

He isn't a neo-con nutter who is mad keen to fight Russia to the death. He isn't an Israel-firster. He isn't out of PNAC. He doesn't want to destroy Syria and Iran.

I wouldn't call him an "isolationist" but he's far less of an interventionist that (ahem) "Biden.," or the Deep State behind "Biden." One thing Brits may not know is that Trump's order to withdraw troops from Syria was point-blank refused by Mark Milley. Only someone as autistic as Trump could hope to stand up to these people.
Assange knew that Hillary was planning to go to war with Russia, so he tipped the scales in Trump's favor. This is true. He thought it might be a bad idea for the USA to fight a war of choice against a nuclear power.
Did you see that in a video. or rather the title of a video that you didn't bother to watch before shitting it all over the internet before realising it was a completely different video? The veritable apotheosis of stupidity imho.
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The good thing about Trump is what he isn't.

He isn't a neo-con nutter who is mad keen to fight Russia to the death. He isn't an Israel-firster. He isn't out of PNAC. He doesn't want to destroy Syria and Iran.

I wouldn't call him an "isolationist" but he's far less of an interventionist that (ahem) "Biden.," or the Deep State behind "Biden." One thing Brits may not know is that Trump's order to withdraw troops from Syria was point-blank refused by Mark Milley. Only someone as autistic as Trump could hope to stand up to these people.

On the first day of Christmas phildwyer gave to me.
A fuck witted conspiracy
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The good thing about Trump is what he isn't.

He isn't a neo-con nutter who is mad keen to fight Russia to the death. He isn't an Israel-firster. He isn't out of PNAC. He doesn't want to destroy Syria and Iran.

I wouldn't call him an "isolationist" but he's far less of an interventionist that (ahem) "Biden.," or the Deep State behind "Biden." One thing Brits may not know is that Trump's order to withdraw troops from Syria was point-blank refused by Mark Milley. Only someone as autistic as Trump could hope to stand up to these people.
I've never met someone who was stuck in a timewarp from before April 2017 before. If I tell you who won the 2017 grand national, can we split the winnings?
I've never met someone who was stuck in a timewarp from before April 2017 before. If I tell you who won the 2017 grand national, can we split the winnings?

Not sure what you're getting at with all these dates here, your last post mentioned January 2020. ?Que pasa?
Not sure what you're getting at with all these dates here, your last post mentioned January 2020. ?Que pasa?
That's because, seemingly unlike you, I have access to some basic facts about what happened during the Trump presidency. If the US deep state wanted Trump to enter a war with Russia, I think they would've been able to persuade the president who authorised a drone strike against a senior Iranian general to start a war with Russia.
I don't think he knows what he means tbf.
Aye, sure you're right. We have always been at peace with Eurasia, and if Trump ever carried out any drone strikes against any senior Eurasian generals, that just proves how peaceful his policy towards them was.
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