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Any other idiots (like me) still smoking? This virus means time to stop & wld love mutual support.

I'm still craving it
The problem is when I'm stressed it's the first thing I feel like doing. Only having left the house in the last week to go for walks helps with that :(

“Our cross-sectional study strongly suggests that those who smoke every day are much less likely to develop a symptomatic or severe infection with Sars-CoV-2 compared with the general population,” the Pitié-Salpêtrière report authors wrote.

“The effect is significant. It divides the risk by five for ambulatory patients and by four for those admitted to hospital. We rarely see this in medicine,” it added.
Does 'dividing the risk by five' mean 'reducing by 80%'? It's an odd way to put it.

And it still makes you smell like shit, unable to breathe properly and gives you a 50% chance of dying of a smoking related illness.

“Our cross-sectional study strongly suggests that those who smoke every day are much less likely to develop a symptomatic or severe infection with Sars-CoV-2 compared with the general population,” the Pitié-Salpêtrière report authors wrote.

“The effect is significant. It divides the risk by five for ambulatory patients and by four for those admitted to hospital. We rarely see this in medicine,” it added.

Thanks for finding that one. Maybe my dilemma, which probably sounded ridiculous to people earlier in this thread, now makes a little more sense. I remain very happy that I gave up smoking 5 years ago, and pretty content with my decision to keep vaping during this pandemic.

My dilemma involved conflicting scientific papers about smokers, former smokers & ACE2 receptors. I didnt and still dont have any special insight into the true reality, but on the balance of probabilities with what info was available at the time, I decided it was more sensible to stick with my nicotine vape than give up. My dilemma would have been different again if I still smoked at the time, but its hard for me to guess what my stance would have been because my actual stance on smoking years ago caused me to give up back then, and thats not a decision I am ever likely to regret.

“Our cross-sectional study strongly suggests that those who smoke every day are much less likely to develop a symptomatic or severe infection with Sars-CoV-2 compared with the general population,” the Pitié-Salpêtrière report authors wrote.

“The effect is significant. It divides the risk by five for ambulatory patients and by four for those admitted to hospital. We rarely see this in medicine,” it added.

Oh for fucks sake
You have got to be joking. Pass me the fucking rislas, I'm back in the game. I've gone through this crisis without spliff and have put myself at risk?
You went through this what without a when?!?!

Get thee the fuck on it. For the nation! And I have a spliff in my mouth typing this, the fucking hero that I am.
I tried to puff me way thru it, but found skunk just made me convinced I was sick as fuck already an about to pop me clogs, plus it was costing me £20 every 3 days plus a tenner for the fags, so I did the massive queue for Boots, properly spaced streching all the way down Rye Lane to near ti corner of Peckham High Road or Street - can never remember which it is, even without a draw.... Got loads of Nico Gums - they had some speciel offer on, and a discount on Vit D. What, Boots made a good call? The world really has changed. Now my only noticable prob is the jaw ache, mashing up the gums like a madman - good idea to get some Nytol or Boots Sleepease, first few days are a bugger kipping, getting a little better .....slowly...very slowly
OK so I had a single spliff last night and it tasted foul and really knocked me out, today I am reluctantly accepting that actually maybe the cancer and COPD and even tendency to paranoia are more to worry about than the Covid and I will carry on with this joyless (but considerably saner) existence. Although part of my brain is pleading with me to allow a single spliff on days I go to Tesco as a way of clearing out any contamination.
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