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Would you still support your favourite artist if they went full anti-vaxx/Covid denial loon?

When the Covid denying anti vaxxers in the music industry were all horrible old men (Van Morrison, Clapton), has been indie rockers (Brown, Gallagher) or idiot pop stars (Jim Corr, Right Said Fred) it was easy to say 'fuck 'em' as I didn't really care about them anyway.

The one that gave me pause was Mad Professor releasing Covid Illusion, an instrumental dub, but that title gives a clue where he's at. I've loved his music for decades. I've got more of his albums than any other dub producer. Am I going to stop listening to his music because he might be one of them? No, it seems I haven't. Will the memories of the times I've seen him be sullied? Apparently not. Would I go and see him again? I don't get out much these days anyway, so it's kind of a moot point.

Will I never listen to a Guy Called Gerald tune again? I suspect I will.

It's cuntery and it's disappointing, but it's not up there with Derrick May level nastiness, whose records I do find myself passing over these days.
It’s tough isn’t it.

I take the view that I like the artists creative output not their views on x, y or z. If it wasn’t for social media we wouldn’t even know their views. Sometimes it’s better to be in ignorance I think.
It’s tough isn’t it.

I take the view that I like the artists creative output not their views on x, y or z. If it wasn’t for social media we wouldn’t even know their views. Sometimes it’s better to be in ignorance I think.
Erm it isn't social media that's at fault here, it's the pricks using it. So fucking important we all need to know what they think. A Guy Called Fucking Gerald, one good tune. Ian Brown, I wanna be adored and that prick Dick Ashcroft has always been a grade one wanker.
Erm it isn't social media that's at fault here, it's the pricks using it. So fucking important we all need to know what they think. A Guy Called Fucking Gerald, one good tune. Ian Brown, I wanna be adored and that prick Dick Ashcroft has always been a grade one wanker.
Yes, and if it wasn't for social media they'd spout their crap in the papers instead.
Haven't read the thread, but the distinction I'd draw is:
  • somebody in a band I was about to see made it clear (when asked) in an interview that they hadn't been vaxxed, didn't trust 'big pharma' or somesuch - probably still go and see them.
  • somebody in a band was actively promoting anti-vaxx views - fuck that, they are actively risking people's lives.
Shuffle function picked Never Get Out Of These Blues Alive by John Lee Hooker for me last night. When Van Morrison piped up on it, first thing I thought was 'Not that wanker' and hit skip.

It's really disappointing. My Dad has a Van The Man quote as his epitaph. He'd be proper fucked off with him, I know.
Never been a fan but A Guy Called Gerald is a screaming covid denier and pretty insensitive one at that.
on his facebook page...

Bit before my time but I think I saw him at a festival once. 80's acid house stuff?

I reckon it would more weird if an 80's acid casualty had balanced and well thought through views on anything let alone vaccines.
I aint gonna start editing out my record collection but will not be purchasing any more products from weirdo anti vaxers. They may not get played again though.
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