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Would you still support your favourite artist if they went full anti-vaxx/Covid denial loon?

To be fair, I do think requiring Covid passports for nightclubs etc are discriminatory, as some people can't have it for medical reasons. But you're right that it's a bit hypocritical for a racist to complain about that.
That is easily solved though by issuing those people with a pass. If they have difficult medical conditions, their doctor will know that.

Idiotic anti-vax deniers can stay at home.
So many artists, writers, comedians etc have been revealed to be complete arseholes it almost seems like profound selfishness goes with being creative - or at least with somehow achieving public recognition as a 'creative'.
To be fair, I do think requiring Covid passports for nightclubs etc are discriminatory, as some people can't have it for medical reasons. But you're right that it's a bit hypocritical for a racist to complain about that.
I think the approach that the Beautiful Days festival have is spot on: to get in you either have proof of vaccination/immunity or you take a free test at the door. No one is being forced to be vaccinated and everyone who is not a risk to others can get in.
I think the approach that the Beautiful Days festival have is spot on: to get in you either have proof of vaccination/immunity or you take a free test at the door. No one is being forced to be vaccinated and everyone who is not a risk to others can get in.
Yeah, I think that's a fair solution. I just don't trust the government to not fuck it up.
It's hard to say. I think the closest I've deny come to that decision was when Dave Grohl denied AIDS. He's a fucking idiot for that, but it hasn't stopped me enjoying Foo Fighters. None of the artists I listen to have expressed any antivax views yet, as far as I'm aware, so I'd have to cross that bridge when I come to it. I don't think it would stop me enjoying their music as I believe in separating the art from the artist, unless they've done something unspeakably evil (like that bloke out the Lostprophets for example, not that I was ever a fan of theirs personally).

Going to their gigs might be a different matter if it means there's more likely to be anti-vaxxers who could spread the virus, but a) just because that's what the artist believes doesn't necessarily mean the fans agree and b) I don't know that the bands have any control over who can and can't come in, as it's all bouncers these days anyway!
I have never heard that about Grohl denying AIDS. Foo Fighters are shite and I wouldn't watch them anyway.
So far, I've generally found that when artist whose music I liked have turns out to be a bit of a wrong'un, I've just gone off the music.

Not completely consistent on this to the nth degree, tho; apparently Jello is a royal PITA on a personal level and what he did over the Levi's ad wasn't fair on his ex band mates, but it's not been severe enough to make me dislike the music I've already got - and it's not going to make any difference to his pocket if I carry on listening to records I bought in the mid 90's.

OTOH really went off Marilyn Manson as a teenager when I found out the singer was a POS. Wouldn't have bought another record by them or a gig ticket and threw away what I'd bought because the association made me a bit sickened.

Fast forward to 2020, a couple of bands I'm not a fan of exactly but would come across them sorta organically and have enjoyed watching them in the past - Mobius Loop, & My Bad Sister - they've gone all covid denying anti lockdown anti mask.. I'm just fucking embarrassed by them, to have ever been part of a crowd who applauded them, and would never have anything to do with them again. It's not a huge deal or a loss to them or me, I was never a fan, but I can't imagine enjoying anything they do now.

AFAIK none of the musical artists I like who have a bigger platform have had anything much to say about covid. L7 cancelled their tour and put some promo photos up of themselves wearing masks in early 2020, I was relieved and happy to see that!
I haven't heard anything about Covid from the few artists I legitimately care about. Fear Factory did make one song which was somewhat tinfoily, asserting that 9/11 was an inside job. So it would be disappointing but not entirely unexpected to find out that the band that properly got me into metal has slipped into full-blown conspiranoid mode.
I used to be well into Burzum, but I've gone right off him now I know he's anti-vax (this is a joke btw, I have never actually listened to Burzum and have no idea what the daft prick thinks on this particular subject.)

Have been thinking about this a bit after learning about a big controversial outdoor show that happened in New York in April, see:

Of the bands who played, the only one I actually listen to is Madball (and sometimes the Cro-Mags, who didn't play but whose sometime singer made some stupid comments). I don't think I've stopped liking their music since learning about it, but then again NYHC is one of those forms of music where you sort of have to deal with the fact that it's made by idiots as part of the cost of admission anyway - after all, Madball are sort of a sister band to Agnostic Front, who wrote what must be one of the very few pro-benefit-cuts songs in rock music history, so it's not like a scene I really look to for moral guidance anyway?
Fast forward to 2020, a couple of bands I'm not a fan of exactly but would come across them sorta organically and have enjoyed watching them in the past - Mobius Loop, & My Bad Sister - they've gone all covid denying anti lockdown anti mask.. I'm just fucking embarrassed by them, to have ever been part of a crowd who applauded them, and would never have anything to do with them again. It's not a huge deal or a loss to them or me, I was never a fan, but I can't imagine enjoying anything they do now.
Mobius Loop are local to me - while I hadn't heard anything about their position on masks & lockdowns, I also knew already what it was.
Winston Aubrey Aladar deBalkan Marshall
Has parted company with Mumford and sons for his anti-anti fascist support and anti mask shizzle

As you can tell from his namewithout an income from music he will be on the bones of his arse

also a fan of Jordan Peterson

poor lad

Like most here I think, if someone had produced truly great works, loonspuddery probably wouldn't put me off the work itself. My classic pre-COVID example is probably Rosemary's Baby - an absolute masterpiece of film, directed by an absolute ringpiece of filth©™®.

For new and emerging art, it'd almost certainly diminish my interest - and certainly if someone was shouting anti-vaccine crap as their idea of a meal ticket they could fuck right off - but I don't know if it'd stop me from liking something they do that might be great... yet.

Ian Brown has a lot to answer for. I saw a kid, probably 4 or 5, in a Stone Roses t shirt yesterday. A while back I would have that was cool. Now, I just wondered if his parents were wankers

90s fashions seem to be making a big comeback; them despicable young 'uns milling around Soho and Fitzrovia are, more frequently than not these days, increasingly decked out in baggy jeans and Nirvana t-shirts. In a way I'm glad to see the back of skinny trousers but I can't shake the feeling that I'm back in school yet somehow now three times the age of everyone else in class :/
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I'm not a massive fan, but I'd always fancied seeing Van Morrison but since he's jumped the shark into unbridled conspiracy lunacy, I've lost all interest in paying to see him play anywhere, ever. And I think I'd react the same if any of the bands/DJs/artists I like started spouting similar bollocks publicly.

How about you?
Hasn't he always been an outright twunt? and no
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