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Could you go out with someone if they went the full anti-vaxx/Covid denial biscuit?

The fundamental problem for me is that I have to respect the person I'm with. And I can't respect anyone who swallows the whole QAnon/anti-vaxx thing.
Yes deffo. don't mind disagreements you can always work round those if you respect the other person.
Some good advice here if you have to deal with someone way deep into delusional mindset (towards the end):

Don't be confrontational, listen to them - listening might lead them to ask themselves questions. I think that dismissing people because they are questioning things and have done "research" and ended up reaching the wrong conclusion is very destructive and divisive. It's easy to do when it's someone you don't really know or care about, but if it's someone that matters to you it's a different matter - you want to help them, it's a really painful, difficult situation a lot of families/couples are going through right now.

I remember when the MMR thing came out, my son was at vaccination age and I was really concerned. At first I was reluctant to give him all three vaccines at once. It wasn't an area I knew much about, it was the first time I had to think about vaccination in any kind of depth. It took me a couple of months or so of reading, researching, getting conflicting information before I made up my mind and decided he should have the full MMR in one go, instead of separately. And this was before YouTube, social media and mass misinformation. It's easy to go down the wrong path and become mistrustful of government/big pharma. I mean, does anyone here fully trust either? It's a really fine line...
You think dumping your partner might be a tough one (it isn't)?

How about your mum? Or even calling for new laws to be made to stop her?


Shemirani’s son Sebastian has called for his mother to be prosecuted in order to put a stop to her campaign and thereby decrease the immediate risk he believes she poses to doctors and nurses.

“If there aren’t existing laws in place that say that what she’s doing is illegal, then we should be having a national conversation about what laws we should be bringing in the drafting of legislation for that. Because it’s only a matter of time before … somebody acts on the bad advice that she’s giving the country,” he told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme on Monday.
100% no.

Not only for the crazy opinion but for the sake of my own health.
Being immunosuppressed means I'm ultra careful around other people.
Mid pandemic and even vaccinated and I'm even more careful...as in..."meet no-one".
Dedinitely would not want to be within an asses roar of an anti vaxx nutter.
I mean, the wishy-washy, contradictory, hates to give definite answers to things part of me wants to point out that humans are strange and unpredictable beasties, and people can often be brilliant in many ways while being terrible in others, so who knows? Also I suppose it's worth pointing out that there's at least a few of us on the boards who manage to negotiate living with people who are anti-vax, which is arguably more intimate than just dating someone in some ways? Having said that, first appearances count for a lot, and if I met someone who fit that description I'd probably write them off as a twat, so it's very unlikely. But, as someone who hates to give a straight answer to a straight question, I suppose that maybe if I was trapped with a QAnoner in a lift for 24 hours, or we were both stranded in the wilderness together for a week or something, maybe we'd learn to look past our surface differences and discover all the wonderful things we had in common, or at least develop Stockholm syndrome together, so I'm going to say "maybe but only under very specific, fairly unlikely circumstances."
Generally have more choice over who you'd go out with than who you'd share a house with tho.
Setting aside the whole not dating anyone because I've been married for 34 years thing, I think the answer for me would be I doubt it. If I were free and single and looking for lurve, I have a feeling that reading a profile where someone had put 'I am opposed to the vaccination' I would swipe left (feel free to correct me if that is not the response) not so much as I am opposed to their stance on vaccination but because I would take that as an indication that they weren't totally right in the head and other loony behaviour was likely to manifest itself at some point.
As for going on a date with someone and finding out they were an anti-vaxxer on it, I probably wouldn't run screaming and would be polite but I doubt I would be that interested in seeing her again.
It's no so much the anti-vaxxer per se I'm dead set against but the belief that if someone is that weird what else is weird about them?
maybe. If they had other redeeming quailities. I seem to recall a thread on here - 'could you be friends with a Tory' and a surprisingly large number of people claimed they could...and even chastised those who said no ('don't be such a child' etc.). I certainly know a few people of that persuasion (anti vax...not Tories).
I absolutely couldn't go out with a BTL slumlord tho.

Anti vax is just an idiotic position but I reckon I could convince someone of the error of their ways. Tories though (shudder) now that is a step too far.

My daughter dumped a perfectly lovely fella...for being a bad dancer.
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I suppose for me it would depend on how 'militant' and unyielding they were in their views (and actions). If they were totally entrenched and not willing to discuss or entertain any other opinion other than their own, then no, I probably wouldn't go out with them. Because that would suggest their character has an underlying disrespect and arrogance towards others which I would find totally off-putting.
I suppose it becomes more problematic if the person is a family member or a long standing friend of several years. We've all seen, for instance, how the Brexit issue has caused much division between family and friends. I've witnessed it myself with a friend of mine and his brother. Sad to see, but there it is.
maybe. If they had other redeeming quailities. I seem to recall a thread on here - 'could you be friends with a Tory' and a surprisingly large number of people claimed they could...and even chastised those who said no ('don't be such a child' etc.). I certainly know a few people of that persuasion (anti vax...not Tories).
I absolutely couldn't go out with a BTL slumlord tho.

Anti vax is just an idiotic position but I reckon I could convince someone of the error of their ways. Tories though (shudder) now that is a step too far.

My daughter dumped a perfectly lovely fella...for being a bad dancer.
My Eldest briefly dated a guy whose ambition was to run as a Tory candidate for Parliament
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Even if they're not militant it's like a cult and they always talk about it and I'd have to say please stop.

I have a mate who's been conspiracy theorist for ooo a good 30 years or more and gives talks and things. He's a nice bloke and he knows not to bring it up with me. I listen politely and nod at points but I change the subject. Have said before his wife is a star and she just rolls her eyes when he starts but I don't think I could do that for more than a week even if I was completely in love with someone.
To start a new relationship? No way. It'd be boring and I'd have zero respect for them.

If it were a long term relationship, unless there were other serious issues I'd probably try to salvage it, either by hoping they'll change their mind or possibly even finding some sort of compromise. It would definitely damage the relationship though. And the thing is they'd be feeling the exact same way about me.
No, it would be a deal breaker.

Fortunately, Antelope and I are on exactly the same page over just about everything Covid-related. Both double-vaxxed and exercise a similar level of caution.

It gives us a lot more time to argue over which cat litter to use and the correct way to load the dishwasher, etc.
Ah, yeah good point! I bet even now on some forum there's people discussing whether they could ever go out with a MSM watching mask wearing covid believing vaccinated sheep.

The prevailing answer is probably "No, if they believe in vaccines then they might have a lot of other problematic attitudes and probably don't even accept that the Twin Towers were brought down by Jewish space lasers."
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