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Could you go out with someone if they went the full anti-vaxx/Covid denial biscuit?

What if they're from Manchester and were led astray as a child..?
That would explain how they became what they are but it wouldnt change the fact that they thought screaming allegience to a bunch of overpaid knobheads chasing a bag of wind around a field was actually ok...No I couldnt
That would explain how they became what they are but it wouldnt change the fact that they thought screaming allegience to a bunch of overpaid knobheads chasing a bag of wind around a field was actually ok...No I couldnt
Is that not just modern professional football though..?
No definitely not. I have a colleague who I thought was quite likeable, knowledgeable and funny, until a month ago he suddenly came out as a covid denying anti-vaxxer, and now I can barely bring myself to talk to him in meetings. I find it really impossible to even begin to understand, just WHYYYYYYYY? So actually going out with someone like that? Brrrrrr.
No way. Definitely avoid anti-vaxxers, full-on Daily Mail types and religious fundies alike. You may think you can take it, but do you need it?
another vote for no.

likewise tories (had a date with someone once and fairly early on in the conversation he said something about trade unions being completely unnecessary - i was a trade union rep at the time...)

religion - meh. if they are happy to accept it's not my thing then just possibly.
thinking about it nope

little sister is married to a trump supporter who is a catholic from north ireland

don't need to encourage the fucker
Another one for dealbreaker here. I'm not looking for a relationship where the complications are already visible before we even get started, and dating an antivaxxer would definitely raise a red flag or two.

TBH, I'd have pretty serious reservations about dating someone who supported the Tories, too, just because there's only so many times you can bite your own tongue before it starts to really hurt.
No way. I'd be far too wound up all the time at their idiocy. I can deal with a partner being unsure about the vaccine and being concerned about it but flat out anti vaxxer who thinks covid was invented by Bill Gates in his moon lab? Nope.
Worse than Tory voters
I met this woman at work through a meeting I used to chair and we used to chat a bit. Anyway, we both attended, via work, a community fun day and afterwards I said I was going for a pint and she said I'll come with you. So after half an hour of chit chat, we moved onto to a few more drinks, got on dead well and I'm sort of weighing her up and thinking she's dead interesting. Then her wine kicked in and she asked me what team I supported. When I replied Chelsea she launched into how her dad hated Chelsea and that she and her father were Man Utd and had season tickets and shed been to this this and that etc and John Terry's penalty kick, how we stole players that they should of signed etc . And I'm thinking I'll get another round in and when I return to change the subject so back to the bar and sit down but no , shes on the phone to her Dad , would I speak to her Dad as he's never spoken to a Chelsea supporter. Needless to say, you can only put up with how great Man Utd are for ten minutes max on a phone so I told her we'd been cut off. I made my excuses and left. On the Monday she emailed me to ask if I wanted to go to her parent's house for dinner but I told my secretary to tell her I was busy. The next meeting I chaired she rang in sick. and I thought it best we had a new chair, nothing like new blood to move the project along.
I couldn´t. But what´s worse for me is I can´t "dump" my sister, who (mainly influenced by her daughter) has gone full anti-vax loon. She says the MSM is "all lies" but posts stuff from the Reform Party on her Fb timeline to justify her "position." She also sent me, my mum and my brother a clip from some Aussie who claimed to be an "expert" on science, which stated that it´s impossible to catch a virus. My mum has tried to talk to her, but she´s as deeply entrenched as a brexit enthusiast who claims brexit is going well.

Eta: at least she´s "only" anti-vax, though. Haven´t heard any Qanon loonspuddery from her.
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I couldn´t. But, what´s worse for me, is I can´t "dump" my sister, who (mainly influenced by her daughter) has gone full anti-vax loon. She says the MSM is "all lies" but posts stuff from the Reform Party on her Fb timeline to justify her "position." She also sent me, my mum and my brother a clip from some Aussie who claimed to be an "expert" on science, which stated that it´s impossible to catch a virus. My mum has tried to talk to her, but she´s as deeply entrenched as a brexit enthusiast who claims brexit is going well.
How would she respond, do you think, if you simply and politely asked her to stop sending you that stuff?
I think there is a fair chance the 50something couple over the road will end up getting divorced - she has gone total angry covid denier, big homemade signs up in their front window, NO VAX PASSPORT sign in the back window of their car etc. He just wants to enjoy the football and the queen's jubilee.
I started going on online dates this spring and one date revealed himself to be a full on Anti-vaxxer/Covid-denier on the second date. I should have known, on his profile he wrote he was a naturopath, but he looked and seemed nice enough (like a very tall Stanley Tucci) and I thought I'd keep an open mind. Unfortunately here in Germany, woo like Homeopathy and faith-based healing is very mainstream and so popular that health insurance pays for it. It's a breeding ground for all sorts of pseudoscience nonsense which plays into the hands of science deniers/anti-vaxxers.

On the second date we've met at a bar/restaurant with a beer garden and after 1.5 years into the pandemic, he still seemed flummoxed that he had to wear a mask when going inside to order. The conversation turned to vaccinations and when I told him that I'm fully vaccinated he seemed incredulous that I would let myself "poison" like that. Then came all the cliches of the denier playbook. He argued that he has never been "afraid" of Covid but he is afraid of the vaccine because it was carelessly rushed out and it changes our genes. I argued that was an emotional rather than a fact based response. He also made noises like "keeping an open mind" and "looking at evidence on all the sides" when called out on ignoring the facts and didn't seem to have a grasp on the basics of science, which is shocking for a man in his late 50s.

I kept the conversation friendly as I don't believe you change people's minds by hectoring them, but I let him know I think its irresponsible to not get vaccinated. He didn't get laid and there wasn't a 3rd date. Thankfully I've met someone more sensible (and vaccinated) since then.
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I have an acquaintance up north who - disgracefully - tried really hard to persuade his close female friend not to have the vaccine, and now every time she has any kind of illness, he blames her, saying it's the vaccines that caused whatever the latest, totally untreated, ailment is.
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